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Zaharia, alături de Hagai și Maleahi – toți trei profeți post-exilici –, încheie filonul revelației profetice vechi-testamentare. În comentariul său pe Zaharia, Leupold (Exposition of Zecharia, p. 3) afirmă că finalul vorbirii profetice nu pare a fi un râu care seacă sub arșița soarelui, ci mai degrabă o glorioasă și bogată revărsare a revelației divine. Bentley ne spune că, în Noul Testament, „din Zaharia sunt citate treizeci și trei de porțiuni de text în cincizeci de locuri diferite. Multe dintre acestea au legătură directă cu Domnul Isus Hristos” (Michael Bentley, Building for the Glory of God, p. 92), iar Baldwin afirmă că „natura aproape enigmatică a unor texte din Zaharia invită la meditație. Mai ales pasajele care tratează tema păstorului, care au influențat gândirea lui Isus mai mult decât orice alt pasaj din Vechiul Testament” (Baldwin, Zecharia, p. 198). Prin aceste profeții mesianice, Duhul lui Dumnezeu pregătea inima poporului Său să traverseze pustiul perioadei Inter-testamentare și să păstreze vie așteptarea mesianică. Zaharia alunecă însă mai departe în istorie, spre vremurile în care cei din Iuda și locuitorii Ierusalimului Îl vor plânge pe Cel pe care L-au străpuns și vor pregăti astfel A Doua Venire a lui Hristos, când va domni din Ierusalim peste întreg pământul.
The present work contains a number of prosopographic and statistical studies regarding the elite of the Romanian national movement in Transylvania between 1861 and 1918, chronologically ordered in the form of chapters and accompanied by a high number of tables and graphs. The interested reader should find the entire composition of the Romanian national movement’s leadership, minimal biographical data about the members of the elite (year of birth, denomination, place of residence, profession and so on), as well as the analysis of some statistical indicators meant to illustrate its evolution. This book was not intended to be a history of the Romanian political elite in Transylvania and Hungary, nor a substitute for the lack of such a history. Its content is rather technical, being conceived firstly for historians, mainly for those outside Romania, whose access to the multitude of local biographical sources is limited. It can be viewed as a commented catalogue of part of the elite.
From the critically acclaimed author of "A French Country Murder" comes this electrifying sequel featuring former CIA operative Louis Morgon and his partner-in-crime-solving Jean Renard.
The War on Terror has serious consequences, even for Louis Morgon, even in his small, not quite forgotten French village. When he learns that a misguided CIA campaign has led to the arrest and extreme rendition of Zaharia, who has been like a son to him, Louis is determined to find a real terrorist to exchange for the boy. His body may be failing, but his mind is still nimble. It better be. He has to play a double game navigating the dangerous no-man's land between the CIA and Al Qaeda, turning up old scorpions who, like Louis, would rather be left alone. His quest takes him to Algiers, Cairo, the slums of Paris and finally New Jersey. He makes some sinister enemies. But he also assembles an unlikely collection of friends and allies, including a bona fide al Qaeda terrorist, some gang-bangers in Newark, and a dog named Buster. And he even finds love along the way.
This edited volume examines manele (sing. manea), an urban Romanian song-dance ethnopop genre that combines local traditional and popular music with Balkan and Middle Eastern elements. The genre is performed primarily by male Romani musicians at weddings and clubs and appeals especially to Romanian and Romani youth. It became immensely popular after the collapse of communism, representing for many the newly liberated social conditions of the post-1989 world. But manele have also engendered much controversy among the educated and professional elite, who view the genre as vulgar and even “alien” to the Romanian national character. The essays collected here examine the “manea phenomenon” as a vibrant form of cultural expression that engages in several levels of social meaning, all informed by historical conditions, politics, aesthetics, tradition, ethnicity, gender, class, and geography.
Straddling North Africa and Western Asia, the Middle East has been a cradle of civilisation and entrepreneurship — well before the arrival of Islam. In this region, gender roles were traditionally specified by culture, with women often expected to stay within the family environment, while men would trade in society at large. This book contributes to the literature on a highly neglected field of study: women entrepreneurs in the Middle East. Recognising that entrepreneurship does not take place in a vacuum, it focuses on contexts, and the ecosystems of this region with largely patriarchal societies, that are influenced by culture, religion, and colonial experience.This book provides readers with a topical analysis of women entrepreneurs in the Middle East on the context, ecosystems, and future perspectives for the region. Authors have presented the reality of 11 countries from the region based on women entrepreneurs' historical backgrounds, challenges, and achievements, as well as the contribution towards economic development in their local/immediate communities and the Middle East at large. Following the country analysis by the authors of each chapter, the editors provide a general assessment of the future of women entrepreneurs in the region by focusing on the current entrepreneurship policy and strategies of various countries in the region. This volume will be an essential reading for anyone researching or working on projects related to women's entrepreneurship and small businesses in the Middle East.