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Aimed at parents of and advocates for special needs children, explains how to develop a relationship with a school, monitor a child's progress, understand relevant legislation, and document correspondence and conversations.
Clear, well organized presentation of IDEA and other pertinent federal laws, together with well organized discussion of relevant cases, help educators understand and apply their knowledge in concrete situations. The emphasis of this practical book is on increasing understanding at a conceptual level rather than rote memorization of detailed provisions of the IDEA and other laws. By understanding the law, educators will be better equipped to work with future amendments of IDEA and with new laws that may be enacted by Congress. They will also have an increased ability to apply statutory provisions to specific situations. Part I - Constitutional Framework: provides important background in understanding the authority that Congress has to enact laws that impact on education in the United States and the authority that the courts have to interpret laws. Includes discussion of the judicial system, the key provisions of the United States Constitution, due process, equal protection, the statutes of certain regulations, and a brief overview and comparison of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Rehabilitation Act (RA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Part II - IDEA: covers background, basic language and coverage, duty to evaluate, FAPE, IEP, placement, related services, inclusions/least restrictive environment, private school, discipline, mediation, due process, and court proceedings. Sample forms are included to supplement discussion with concrete examples to aid understanding. Part III - RA and ADA: covers RA/ADA basics, such as who is an individual with a disability, what entities are covered, enforcement provisions, and application to schools, universities, and employers. Part IV - Other Legal Issues: covers No Child Left Behind, FERPA, tort liability, and high stakes testing issues. At the end of each part there is a very basic question and answer section to assist the student in focusing on major points in each part.
[This text] teaches you how to use the law as your sword and your shield. Learn what the law says about: Child's right to a free, appropriate education (FAPE); Individual education programs, IEP teams, transition and progress; Evaluations, reevaluations, consent and independent educational evaluations; Eligibility and placement decisions; Least restrictive environment, mainstreaming, and inclusion; Research based instruction, discrepancy formulas and response to intervention; Discipline, suspensions, and expulsions; Safeguards, mediation, confidentiality, new procedures and timelines for due process hearings.--Back cover.
Comprehensive, easy to read Q & A book to find anwsers about Individualized Education Programs for children with learning disabilities.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) is confusing to parents, educators, and even to most attorneys. Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004 provides a clear roadmap to the law and how to get better special education services for all children with disabilities. Learn what the law says about Individualized Education Programs (IEPS), IEP teams, transition, progress. Learn about evaluations, reevaluations, parental consent, and independent educational evaluations. You will learn about research-based instruction, early intervening services, discrepancy formulas and response to intervention. This book includes information about assessments, accommodations and alternate assessments. You will find information about procedural safeguards, new procedures and timelines for due process hearings. Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004 is and invaluable resource for parents, advocates, educators, and attorneys. You will refer to this book again and again.
Special Education Law, Fifth Edition provides a comprehensive, and student-friendly overview of the major federal laws—and judicial interpretations of those laws—that apply to the education of children with special needs. Laura Rothstein and Scott F. Johnson thoroughly present the most up-to-date information on special education statutes, regulations, and judicial interpretations, including substantial changes in the interpretation of the legistlation. The text helps students understand what the law requires so that they can develop policies and make decisions that comply with these laws.
The No Child Left Behind Act is confusing to parents, educators, administrators, advocates, and most attorneys. This book provides a clear roadmap to the law and how to get better educational services for all children. Includes CD ROM of resources and references.
2016 was a remarkable year in special education law! Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2016 is designed to make it easier for you to stay up-to-date on new cases and legal developments. You'll learn about emerging issues and trends in special education law, including: *All decisions in IDEA cases by Courts of Appeals in 2016 *Four 2016 Cases of the Year and what made these cases unique *Two new special education decisions from the U.S. Supreme Court that will lead to major changes in how the law is implemented *All guidance letters, memos, and publications published by the U.S. Department of Education in 2016 *Discrimination cases initiated and settled by the Department of Justice *School abuse cases brought by the American Civil Liberties Union *Denied! The inside story about how state employees created a secret cap on the number of children with disabilities who could receive special ed services