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This glossary will be a privileged tool of translators, experts and all those working in the field of social issues. About 15 000 primary entries and a total of 28 500 terms contribute to make this glossary a comprehensive compilation in the field of social security.
Die Arbeit an den drei Banden dieses Worterbuches wurde 1932 in London begonnen und ist in standiger Fortsetzung auf denjetzt vorliegenden Stand gebracht worden. In seinem Aufbau und in der besonderen An ordnung des Stoffes erstrebt das Werk, einem doppelten Zweck zu dienen: Besonders leichtes und schnelles Auffinden eines Stichwortes in moglichst vielen "fertig vorbereite ten" Verbindungen und moglichst wirksamer AusschluJ3 von Obersetzungsfehlern, besonders wenn zwischen mehrfachen Be deutungen desselben Stichwortes gewiihlt werden muJ3. 1m Verfolg dieser Ziele ist das Werk im wahrsten Sinne aus der Praxis entstanden. Dementsprechend ist es auch fUr die Praxis als Nachschlagewerk ffir den Alltagsgebrauch bestimmt. An seiner Schaffung haben Men schen des Berufs- und Geschilfts1ebens mit praktischen Erfahrungen mitgewirkt. Der Entwicklung der drei Sprachen folgend, wurde der Text durch Aufnahme neuer Fachausdriicke und Wendungen bedeutend erweitert und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Hierbei wurden auch die im Bereich der internationalen Organisationen - insbesondere der Europl\ischen Gemeinschaften - entwickelten und ge brauchlichen Ausdriicke und Begriffe miteinbezogen. Zug, Schweiz, Januar 1979
This book explores the conceptual framework of European employment law, focusing on understanding the law's construction of employment relationships. The book draws on extensive comparative research of the legal architecture of employment relations in national legal systems and EU law to analyse the traditional model of the contract of employment and the difficulties of using the traditional model to frame modern working relationships. The authors then present a new model of the foundations of employment relationships, based on the concept of a personal work nexus, and explore the potential of their model to shape the future development of employment law. Throughout the book, the authors analyse the interaction of domestic and EU employment law, and discuss the possibility of future legal harmonisation in the area. They conclude by exploring the potential for a common framework for European employment law, in the context of broader debates surrounding the harmonisation of European private law.
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This is the essential reference companion for all who use French for business communication. Containing over 5000 words, this handy two-way A-Z glossary covers the most commonly used terms in business. It will help you to communicate with confidence in a wide variety of business situations, and is of equal value to the relative beginner or the fluent speaker. Written by an experienced native and non-native speaker team working in business language education, this unique glossary is an indispensable reference guide for all students and professionals studying or working in business where French is used.
Manual of Business French is the most comprehensive, single-volume reference handbook for students and professionals using French. Designed for all users, no matter what level of language skill, this manual comprises five parts: * A 6000-word, two-way Glossary of the most useful business terms * A 100-page Written Communications section giving models of 50 letters, faxes and documents * An 80-page Spoken Situations section covering face-to-face and telephone situations * A short reference Grammar outlining the major grammar features of French * A short Business Facts section covering esential information of the country or countries where French is used Written by an experienced native and non-native speaker team, this unique volume is an essential, one-stop reference for all students and professionals studying or working in business and management where French is used.
The book is written in English and sets out the basics of French employment law. It includes recent reforms brought in by President Macron many of which were published in the Code du travail (French employment law Code) on 3 January 2018. There are comprehensive references throughout to the articles of the French Code du travail
In recent years it has become clear that many businesses, motivated by avoiding the rigidity and the price tag associated with labour law and social security, have succeeded in eroding the protection of labour law by creating numerous categories of workers classified as non-employees. In 1996 the International Labour Organisation (ILO) adopted Recommendation 198, which asks its Members to undertake action to reduce 'disguised' employment relationships, with the goal of ensuring that those actually working in an employment relationship are actually given the corresponding legal status. Though these are - from a legal approach - two conceptually different phenomena, they are closely related from a social policy point of view. In order to make a substantial contribution to the discussion on these developments a group of noted European labour law scholars has undertaken the research assembled in this book, recommending labour law reforms based on a close examination of existing conditions. The eight authors analyse measures and legal instruments offered by the European Union and the ILO to cover persons performing personal work, as well as specific developments in Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Poland, Germany, and the United Kingdom. In each case they describe viable ways in which categories of persons not treated as employees can be brought under the protection of labour law and how the distinction between employees and self-employed can become more clear. In a concluding final Chapter comparative conclusions are drawn on the basis of this study and recommendations are given to the EU, the ILO and the individual Member States. Among the specific issues covered are the following: * redefining the subordination criterion; * the role of the courts; * determination of the contract of employment; * forms of labour involving more than two contracting parties (e.g., employment agency arrangements); * the legal position of temporary workers; * 'employee-like' persons, e.g., home-workers or commercial representatives; * the 'bogus' self-employed; * introduction and effect of legal presumptions in labour law and/or social security; * developing uniform criteria for the employment relationship; * criteria for identifying self-employed but economically-dependent workers; * extension of protection of labour law to persons other than employees or the self-employed; and * social rights applicable to all work contracts irrespective of their formal qualification; * floor of core rights. This study seriously contributes toward overcoming the reluctant and piecemeal measures commonly taken to extend the protection of the employment contract. Although the authors acknowledge the continuing tension between labour law protection and the need for a flexible workforce, they also recognize the positive effects of best practices that lead to more certainty, fewer disputes, and clear (but still flexible if necessary) agreements. The book will be warmly welcomed as a signal contribution to addressing what one labour law scholar has called 'the most important industrial relations issue of our time.'