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Hopes Henry will write more often. Captain William Dana cannot buy the two horses, but will take care of them until they are sold. William thinks they will earn one hundred pounds. Asks what would be the best way to travel to camp to join Henry. The first postscript mentions compliments from Mr. Cole, and the second apologizes for using a bad pen.
Reassures his brother of his affection for him. Has received a trunk for Henry from Jonathan Ingersol, and will write him. Informs Knox that he will try to obtain silk stockings for him and that George Washington's coat has been charged to his account by Mr. Austin. Has written to Squire Phillips and given the letter to Gideon Hubbard to deliver. Has not yet written Mr. Garey. Mr. P. Palmer and Reverend Isaac Mansfield paid their accounts. Paid Doctor Dix ten dollars he feels he did not owe him, but did so to protect Henry from slander. If Mr. Harrod calls, shall refer him to Knox's letter. Has heard that two more French ships arrived. Hopes to follow Henry's example and become a good horseman. Wishes to know where the rest of Henry's effects are, information about the store's lease, what he should buy before joining the army, and how he should go about joining. In a postscript mentions he has procured the silk stockings and discusses the sale of various personal items.
Comments on his recent sickness, noting that by riding out often, eating no animal food, & by drinking nothing of a spiritous kind... I have been sensibly losing flesh to a great degree. Complains of the high prices charged for books he is procuring (William was in charge of Henry Knox's bookstore). Has had difficulty procuring saddle cloths for Henry. As in letters from 3 June and 27 May, William awaits approval to join Henry. William has raised enough money to cover his expenses, and hopes to travel to Henry's location in Morristown, New Jersey, with Colonel Crane (possibly John Crane). Writes, Harry I know you think some times that that Brother Bill of yours is a selfish fellow & that he thinks more about his own pleasure & consults his own fancy in preference to your interest, but I solemnly declare if I know any thing of my own Heart that had your interest been wholly mine I should have left this place long e'er... In the margin of page three, informs Henry that his daughter, Lucy, can walk the length of a room.
Expects Henry will disapprove the most recent actions of the unit he is serving in. Says he did not wish to participate himself, but did so when his colonel said that not to would forever sully his name. Is living in the stile of soldiers, lodging on the floor...eating out of Wooden Bowls, Gallanting with the Ladies. His unit is remaining with General Spencer, keeping sentry over his person. Finds sentry duty good for Humour or...variety. Despite these obstacles is still committed to joining the army and has left many recently purchased goods behind. Hopes Lucy and her daughter are doing well since their inoculation and greatly desires to join Henry in New Jersey.
Writes to Henry, his brother. Discusses unfounded accusations that he, William, [stole?] a pair of pistols from Edmund Randolph. Writes, Now to come to the matter which ingrosses all my tho'ts, that of entring the army... Discusses raising funds pertaining to a previous verbal agreement he made with Henry. Refers to business ventures (including investment in a privateer), a recent sale, and the Newbury Privateer. Appears to harbor intentions of joining Henry (then in Morristown, New Jersey).
Mentions his plan to enter the Service once he raises a certain sum, which he is confident he will have soon. He has bought two hundred pounds worth of quills, paper, and similar articles from Newbury, and thinks they will be easy to turn a profit on since they are scarce in Boston. William and Lucy Knox had reopened the bookshop that Henry had operated before the war, and tried to sell these items there. States that he ran into Joshua Wentworth of Portsmouth, who informed him of the arrival of a French vessel carrying a large cargo of arms for the Continental Army. French officers were also on board, and another French ship with more weapons was expected soon. Mentions the capture of British supply ships. Many of these same events are mentioned in GLC02437.00558. Discusses pistols and horses belonging to Henry. Closes by saying that he is confident he can raise the necessary money, and wishes to discuss what to do next.
Relates to Henry what he has heard regarding the Battle of Bound Brook, New Jersey (13 April 1777). Notes that he knows General Washington & yourself was not in the Battle but intended being at bound Brook the next day. Discusses raising a sum of money and business matters, possibly related to his joining the army and to the bookstore he managed in Boston in Henry's absence. Also mentions Henry's share in the Newbury Privateer as demanded by Colonel Jackson (possibly Henry Jackson). Still awaits Henry's reply regarding his intentions to join the army.
Explains that his letters may be short, but he still loves his brother. Feels God has favorably turned the tide of our affair. Knows that war is hard, and has prepared himself for losses either public or personal. Hopes to hear from William more often, though admits the mail is difficult. Thinks that Lucy should sell the horses if she winters in Boston. Dated 1776, but written 1777.
Loves her and thinks of her constantly. Thinks America will soon rise and Britain fall. Sees the recent arrival of arms as a positive sign from above. Feels the war has lost all virtue. If not for her he think he would not have the will to live. Decides to sell his horses to help William Knox raise money. Thinks Colonel Jackson can help with this, feels they are worth one hundred pounds, and hopes to sell them to a jockey named Cook.
Says that since William's happiness is important to him, he will not prevent his brother from joining the army once William has completed certain essential family business. Arranges for William to pick up his baggage from various spots in New England. Asks William to purchase clothing for him, and advises him to learn to ride before joining the army. Believes if we had our army or a large part of it on the Spot we should be able to give Great Britain so deep a wound that the very remembrance of it would make her bleed...more for fifty years hence - every thing however is right & all order'd by Providence for the best.