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Between 2016 and 2018, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Southern Plains Climate Hub led a project to assess the impacts of the recent historic 2016 and 2018 wildfires on the Southern Plains. Titled the 2016-2018 Southern Plains Wildfire Assessment, this project was coordinated with multiple agencies and organizations across the region including the Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program (SCIPP) a NOAA Regional Integrated Science and Assessment (RISA) team,University of Oklahoma's Center for Spatial Analysis, and the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Grazinglands Research Laboratory, among others. Elements of this project included three local stakeholder events across the affected region as well as are search component investigating characteristics of vegetation recovery within these areas. The findings of both are coupled in this assessment report to encourage the risk reduction measures of future wildfire recovery and preparedness efforts across the Southern Plains.
Agriculture, fire suppression, and urbanization have drastically altered natural forest processes and conditions since humankind settled in the Southeastern United States. Today, many of South Carolina's forests are dense and overstocked, with high fuel loads. These conditions increase the susceptibility of forests to southern pine beetle attack and wildfire. These threats are further complicated by rapid urbanization and forest fragmentation, processes that are increasing South Carolina's wildland-urban interface at a rapid rate. Prescribed fire is an effective, economical, and widely used tool for reducing fuel loads and encouraging desired vegetative communities in forest landscapes. However, research into the effects of prescribed fire often generates more questions than answers. This paper considers fire effects on soil erosion, nutrients, and vegetation from a historical perspective. We examined historical fire regimes, land use changes, and fire research. The majority of literature indicates that soil erosion does not occur unless a severe climatic event follows prescribed fire. There is also evidence of a fertilization effect in the soil following prescribed fire, although this is typically of short duration and accompanied by some nutrient loss in the forest floor. Effects of prescribed fire on the productivity, composition, and regeneration of vegetation are more complex and ambiguous. Effects are primarily determined by antecedent local conditions and fire severity and intensity. Knowledge of past land use and fire's biological and historical roles in land use change can support effective decision making. This knowledge will provide guidance for sustainable management of forest resources and reduction of hazardous forest fuel conditions.
"Frightening...Firestorm comes alive when Struzik discusses the work of offbeat scientists." —New York Times Book Review "Comprehensive and compelling." —Booklist "A powerful message." —Kirkus "Should be required reading." —Library Journal For two months in the spring of 2016, the world watched as wildfire ravaged the Canadian town of Fort McMurray. Firefighters named the fire “the Beast.” It acted like a mythical animal, alive with destructive energy, and they hoped never to see anything like it again. Yet it’s not a stretch to imagine we will all soon live in a world in which fires like the Beast are commonplace. A glance at international headlines shows a remarkable increase in higher temperatures, stronger winds, and drier lands– a trifecta for igniting wildfires like we’ve rarely seen before. This change is particularly noticeable in the northern forests of the United States and Canada. These forests require fire to maintain healthy ecosystems, but as the human population grows, and as changes in climate, animal and insect species, and disease cause further destabilization, wildfires have turned into a potentially uncontrollable threat to human lives and livelihoods. Our understanding of the role fire plays in healthy forests has come a long way in the past century. Despite this, we are not prepared to deal with an escalation of fire during periods of intense drought and shorter winters, earlier springs, potentially more lightning strikes and hotter summers. There is too much fuel on the ground, too many people and assets to protect, and no plan in place to deal with these challenges. In Firestorm, journalist Edward Struzik visits scorched earth from Alaska to Maine, and introduces the scientists, firefighters, and resource managers making the case for a radically different approach to managing wildfire in the 21st century. Wildfires can no longer be treated as avoidable events because the risk and dangers are becoming too great and costly. Struzik weaves a heart-pumping narrative of science, economics, politics, and human determination and points to the ways that we, and the wilder inhabitants of the forests around our cities and towns, might yet flourish in an age of growing megafires.
Prescribed burning is an important tool throughout Southern forests, grasslands, and croplands. The need to control fire became evident to allow forests to regenerate. This manual is intended to help resource managers to plan and execute prescribed burns in Southern forests and grasslands. A new appreciation and interest has developed in recent years for using prescribed fire in grasslands, especially hardwood forests, and on steep mountain slopes. Proper planning and execution of prescribed fires are necessary to reduce detrimental effects, such as the impacts on air and downstream water quality. Check out these related products: Trees at Work: Economic Accounting for Forest Ecosystem Services in the U.S. South can be found here: Soil Survey Manual 2017 is available here: Quantifying the Role of the National Forest System Lands in Providing Surface Drinking Water Supply for the Southern United States is available here: Fire Management Today print subscription is available here: Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: Fire and Nonnative Invasive Plants can be found here:
Grasslands can support high levels of biodiversity and provide numerous ecosystem services, but they have been widely degraded, often via loss of natural disturbance regimes. North American grasslands were once created and maintained by fire. In some cases, fire has been more important than climate in determining the distribution and extent of grasslands. Conservation of the biodiversity harbored by grasslands relies, in part, on ecological restoration of these habitats and the fire regimes that historically maintained them. In this dissertation, I examined the effects of prescribed fire on grassland plant species and plant communities of the southern Great Plains in the short-term (up to two years after fire) and longer-term (twelve years after fire). Cool-season prescribed burns (those conducted in January – March) were not sufficient to shift overall plant community composition (e.g., increase richness of native plant species or reduce cover of the invasive grass Bothriochloa ischaemum) in 10 sites distributed from central Texas to southern Oklahoma (Chapter 2). However, these fires did have measurable effects on eight individual forb species in the same sites (Chapter 3). In general, the eight forb species studied individually responded to the winter fire individualistically, but all three annual species increased their floral displays (flowers/m2) in the burned plots in the short term. Forb species that increased their floral display in burned areas did so via increased plant biomass (grams of dry aboveground biomass) or plant density (plants/m2). We found little evidence that these forb species shifted their resource allocation towards reproduction. In a separate study (Chapter 4), a prescribed fire conducted in July was sufficient to shift plant community composition in the short term, mostly by reducing the cover of the invasive grass B. ischaemum and increasing native species richness; the latter effect was likely the result of reducing B. ischaemum. In the same study, only the increases in native grass cover and richness were still detectable twelve years after the fire. Perhaps due to two additional cool-season fires across the entire site, B. ischaemum cover remained low twelve years after the fire in burned plots but unexpectedly had also decreased in unburned plots. The results from all three chapters supported our expectation that summer fires would be more effective than cool-season fires in changing the plant community composition, including controlling the invasive grass B. ischaemum. Interestingly, forb species were highly individualistic, from differences in their abundances among sites in the multi-site study (Chapter 3) to differences in their responses to fire (Chapter 4). These findings support conducting prescribed fires in summer months to control invasive grasses and to increase native plant species richness, and consequently conserve the biodiversity supported by grasslands in this region
Early descriptions of the Great Plains often focus on a vast, grassy expanse that was either burnt or burning. The scene continued to burn until the land was plowed under or grazed away and broken by innumerable roads and towns. Yet, where the original landscape has persisted, so has fire, and where people have sought to restore something of that original setting, they have had to reinstate fire. This has required the persistence or creation of a fire culture, which in turn inspired schools of science and art that make the Great Plains today a regional hearth for American fire. Volume 5 of To the Last Smoke introduces a region that once lay at the geographic heart of American fire, and today promises to reclaim something of that heritage. After all these years, the Great Plains continue to bear witness to how fires can shape contemporary life, and vice versa. In this collection of essays, Stephen J. Pyne explores how this once most regularly and widely burned province of North America, composed of various subregions and peoples, has been shaped by the flames contained within it and what fire, both tame and feral, might mean for the future of its landscapes. Included in this volume: How wildland and rural fire have changed from the 19th century to the 21st century How fire is managed in the nation’s historic tallgrass prairies, from Texas to South Dakota, from Illinois to Nebraska How fire connects with other themes of Great Plains life and culture How and why Texas has returned to the national narrative of landscape fire
During 2010, a crew funded by both the I&M and Fire programs worked on a pilot of the collaborative field efforts. In addition to surveying standard Fire Program shrub transects and conducting biomass sampling (USDI National Park Service 2003), the crew fielded by the Southern Plains Fire Group sampled species composition and abundance using methods employed by the Southern Plains Inventory & Monitoring Network. Conditions were such in 2011 that each program had to field a monitoring team, but each team followed the integrated protocol and data was pooled for analysis. A total of 109 permanent transects were monitored across the Southern Plains in 2010, while 96 transects were sampled in 2011. The results presented in this two-year report represent two field seasons with very different growing conditions.