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“If there were a Guinness Book of World Records entry for ‘amount of times having prayed the sinner’s prayer,’ I’m pretty sure I’d be a top contender,” says pastor and author J. D. Greear. He struggled for many years to gain an assurance of salvation and eventually learned he was not alone. “Lack of assurance” is epidemic among evangelical Christians. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. D. shows that faulty ways of present- ing the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. Our presentations may not be heretical, but they are sometimes misleading. The idea of “asking Jesus into your heart” or “giving your life to Jesus” often gives false assurance to those who are not saved—and keeps those who genuinely are saved from fully embracing that reality. Greear unpacks the doctrine of assurance, showing that salvation is a posture we take to the promise of God in Christ, a posture that begins at a certain point and is maintained for the rest of our lives. He also answers the tough questions about assurance: What exactly is faith? What is repentance? Why are there so many warnings that seem to imply we can lose our salvation? Such issues are handled with respect to the theological rigors they require, but Greear never loses his pastoral sensitivity or a communication technique that makes this message teachable to a wide audience from teens to adults.
The majority Evangelical view is that once someone has accepted Christ as Saviour they are guaranteed salvation. But is it safe to assume that once we are saved, we are saved for always? David Pawson investigates this through biblical evidence, historical figures such as Augustine, Luther and Wesley, and evangelical assumptions about grace and justification, divine sovereignty and human responsibility. He asks whether something more than being born again is required so that our inheritance is not lost. This book helps us decide whether ‘once saved, always saved’ is real assurance or a misleading assumption. The answer will have profound effects on the way we live and disciple others.
Are There Two Wills in God? Divine Election and God's Desire for All to Be Saved In this short, theological essay, John Piper builds a scriptural case that God's unconditional election unto salvation is compatible with God's genuine desire and offer for all to be saved. Helping us to make sense of this seemingly paradoxical relationship, Piper wisely holds both truths in tension as he explores the Bible's teaching on this challenging topic, graciously responds to those who disagree, and motivates us to passionately proclaim the free offer of the gospel to all people.
The title is a common question asked by very zealous Christians (often to surprised people on the street and rarely appreciated). They mean well, but it isn't always the best question to ask without at least an introduction! Most believers don't even know what they mean themselves. The book sets out the entire process, from election in eternity to arriving in Heaven. Christians should check their own beliefs to see if they really are saved... and if they are, how to teach what salvation actually is. There may be surprises along the way even though it is all scriptural!
Today Gospel has been twisted in a broad field. Faith in Jesus Christ must be built up on the full revelation of God. However, most evangelists do not equip well before ministering. They lack the structure of faith of the Scriptures. The consequence is that both shepherds and sheep are not walking on the way of truth. Actually, they are falling away. Because of lacking of the foundation of faith based on the full words of God, it is not surprised that even popular evangelists deny that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. Let’s tremble before the Word of God and seek Him. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Isaiah 66:5 “Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name’s sake, said, Let the LORD be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy and they shall be ashamed.”
My Dearest Catholic, Do you sometimes fear that your eternal soul, which is extremely precious to Jesus, is not truly saved? Do you yearn to know what your heavenly Father has to say about everlasting life? By way of biblical scriptures, Karen Jo Hudson has candidly, and clearly quoted from God's Holy Word, the one and only true path for the salvation of your everlasting soul. In a practical and openhearted manner, she is able to contrast the vast difference between the Catholic doctrine, as it is compared with God's biblical truth, concerning the most important decision that you will ever be required to make. Read on, Dear Reader, and you also can learn the truth. As our Most Beloved Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ said, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32)
Does everything really happen for a reason? You've heard it a thousand times; "Everything happens for a reason." But does it? If so, then WHY do things happen the way they do? Is God really in control? Does prayer change His mind? In this book you will search the scriptures to find answers for some of life's most puzzling questions - especially those pertaining to faith and belief. As we seek to explore the depths of God's grace and love, you will come to see that all things are of God, especially in matters related to your salvation and a life-transforming relationship with Him.
This booklet gives a straightforward explanation of how a person can be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. A useful tool for witnessing to those who wish to know how to get to heaven.
Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, came to Jesus by night and confessed, "Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him." Jesus told Nicodemus, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:2–3) This declaration that Jesus made to Nicodemus holds true to all who seek forgiveness and eternal life. If we want to see Heaven, then we also must be born again. Many fear they cannot be forgiven for one particular sin or a multitude and are afraid they are unable to experience this new birth, which is God's gift of salvation. The purpose of this book is to share God's way of forgiveness. No matter what you've done, no matter what sin or sins you've committed, you can be forgiven. You can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and you can receive His gift of eternal life. God's Word is quite clear. Whosoever desires forgiveness and salvation can be saved, and whosoever means you.