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Do you love God? Do you or have you ever loved a dog? If so, this book will help you to remember the importance of both.
Dog Is God Spelled Backward: 101 Notes to Self leads its readers through a collection of musings on the deep structures, issues, aspirations, and possibilities that give shape and meaning to the universe and to daily life. By making her way along this path of exploration and creating 101 insightful notes, Rita Cragwall tells how one can achieve personal growth by guiding ones life to move in concert with universal laws. This approach empowers bringing ones imagined future to pass. Dog Is God Spelled Backward gathers its notes into six parts: Mirror of Self, Things We Fear, Living Life, The Heroes & Storytellers, Philosophy & Science, and Miscellaneous Ponderings. By reading and absorbing these notes, one can come to perceive the deep truth about reality. As the author notes, The world does revolve around you. It is yours. You always get what you asked for so you always get what you want. Whatever you believe the world is, it is. As within, so without. As above so below. This inspiring guide to personal growth tells how one may use realitys universal laws to change ones life and to bring ones imagined future to pass.
Combining the popularity of animals with the funny and poignant messages conveyed in "Children's Letters to God, " this book is a lavishly illustrated collection of nearly 100 letters from pets to the Almighty.
The Buoy is a psycho-dramatic novel with spiritual overtones written to take the reader out of his day-to-day existence into a dimension that lies between life and death. This is a place of quasi-existence where one is forced to observe, but inhibited from interfering in the affairs of those into whose company he is thrust. There, he must watch helplessly while disastrous events unfold through an encounter with a castaway fisherman's buoy with bizarre properties. This buoy traps a scientist in a strange psycho- physical vortex that sweeps him out to sea. There, the scientist relives the events that brought the buoy to the shores of America in the first place. The drama unfolds over a hundred years and involves two ships, a nineteenth century sailing vessel, and a modern sophisticated diesel-powered vessel engaged in oceanographic research.
It all started with a simple e-mail from John to his coworkers. They were about to start a special project at the major healthcare organization John was working. He and his wife had just adopted Mojo from the Animal Friends pet shelter in Pittsburgh. One of the four principles John tries to follow is that your attitude will determine your altitude. MojoaEUR(tm)s name and his demeanor definitely reminded John of that fact. So he sent an e-mail as Mojo stating that on the first day of the project.Well, Mojo was voted the team mascot! His picture became displayed throughout the department. One of JohnaEUR(tm)s duties was as a subject matter expert. John approached his boss about sending a teaching e-mail to help everyone focus on their jobs each day. He sent an e-mail from the team mascot to help everyone want to read the message. It contained a quote from a famous person throughout history. He then applied the quote to that dayaEUR(tm)s lesson, and The Bark of the Day was born.At the core of The Bark of the Day are the beliefs that John has always tried to follow. These four beliefs are as follows: attitude equals altitude; perception is reality; live life in the spirit of thankfulness; and most importantly, practice forgiveness to yourself and others.When John retired, he stopped writing those e-mails. About three weeks into his retirement, while reading a book by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, he was inspired to write this book. It is his hope that you will find the book entertaining, thought-provoking, and helpful in adopting those principles in your own life.
This book offers a very clever and provocative look at the origins of the English language and how it controls the thoughts of the masses; It takes the reader deep into the mystery surrounding the origins of the English Language, the most ingenious and diabolical mind control tool ever devised by man. The material in this book lays out clearly how language shapes human thoughts (via the media), and how large bodies of human thought energy shapes events. How could anything be more powerful, dictatorial, and persuasive than this? This book has the answers, painstakingly brought forth by its author over many years of hard research.
Published in 1998, the philosophical concern of this book is epistemological in kind. It involves understanding the Socratic elentic method and how its structure introduces an important epistemological problem which is first raised in the "Meno" dialogue as a paradox. This paradox, named the Meno paradox, raises the problem of falsehood. Specifically the impossibility of falsehood. The "Theaetetus" dialogue is then analyzed in terms of how falsehood is there set up as a clearly epistemological problem. The "Sophist" dialogue is in turn discussed as offering a response to the problem of falsehood by revising it as a problem for semantics.
In this intensive study of Hebrew letters and words, Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson uses gematria (interpretive Jewish numerology) to reveal the mysterious correlation between Jewish ethics and practices and the numeric values of Hebrew words which name and describe them. This profound and lucid exploration uncovers the deep spiritual resonance of Jewish thought, and explains a variety of theological issues using the ancient Hebrew language as a key to understanding.
Living in a free built home is good and living in a home that is of your own hands, is even better. It makes sense if you know the detail of a property which own. It makes you proud because you know how you come to have it as your own property. It could also make sense if someone gave you a gift of an item which you had never seen and ask the gift giver how he/she comes to have it in the first place. How it was made and what are the compositions of this material. It is the right thing to know the detail of the gift so that you can be able to make further innovation for its life time. Be vigilance, know your environment, and recognize a friend who pulled you out when your vehicle got mired in a muddy road. And he/she would appreciate you if he/she heard that, you never get stuck in that road again because you had paved, bridged and black topped the road.
A Little Note From Your Two- and Four-Legged Friends This book is written for you. While our names are on the title as authors (Bob, the people buddy, and Cody, the dog buddy), don’t let that fool you. We’re just the translators and messengers who simply have one job to do: Give you the message that your friend, the best friend in all the world you will ever know, wants you to read and let sink into your heart. So smile. The best friend you have ever known will always be the best friend you will ever have. Now. And forever.