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This book demonstrates that the United States, whether we like it or not, is a theolegal nation - a democracy that simultaneously guarantees citizens the right to free expression of belief while preventing the establishment of a state religion.
"Diversity, tolerance, inclusivity, and social justice are the chief values of postmodernity and political correctness. In a culture where these are deemed some of the last remaining virtues and biblical principles are routinely scorned, what should the church's posture be? Should Christians adjust the gospel, remodel our message, and bring our statements of faith more in line with the world's thinking? To ask that question is to answer it. But in case the answer isn't clear, these superbly-written essays spell it out in brilliant detail. I'm grateful for the courage of these men and the clarity of their voices. This is a vitally important volume, sounding all the right notes of passion, warning, instruction, and hope."--Phil Johnson, Executive Director of Grace To You
How ancient thinkers grappled with competing conceptions of divine law In the thousand years before the rise of Islam, two radically diverse conceptions of what it means to say that a law is divine confronted one another with a force that reverberates to the present. What's Divine about Divine Law? untangles the classical and biblical roots of the Western idea of divine law and shows how early adherents to biblical tradition—Hellenistic Jewish writers such as Philo, the community at Qumran, Paul, and the talmudic rabbis—struggled to make sense of this conflicting legacy. Christine Hayes shows that for the ancient Greeks, divine law was divine by virtue of its inherent qualities of intrinsic rationality, truth, universality, and immutability, while for the biblical authors, divine law was divine because it was grounded in revelation with no presumption of rationality, conformity to truth, universality, or immutability. Hayes describes the collision of these opposing conceptions in the Hellenistic period, and details competing attempts to resolve the resulting cognitive dissonance. She shows how Second Temple and Hellenistic Jewish writers, from the author of 1 Enoch to Philo of Alexandria, were engaged in a common project of bridging the gulf between classical and biblical notions of divine law, while Paul, in his letters to the early Christian church, sought to widen it. Hayes then delves into the literature of classical rabbinic Judaism to reveal how the talmudic rabbis took a third and scandalous path, insisting on a construction of divine law intentionally at odds with the Greco-Roman and Pauline conceptions that would come to dominate the Christianized West. A stunning achievement in intellectual history, What's Divine about Divine Law? sheds critical light on an ancient debate that would shape foundational Western thought, and that continues to inform contemporary views about the nature and purpose of law and the nature and authority of Scripture.
Christians often struggle to understand the role of God's law in their lives. They may distort the law, turning it into a checklist to try to earn God's favor, or they may live as though the law doesn't apply to them. In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul explains the purpose of the moral law and how it applies to Christians today. As he walks through each of the Ten Commandments, we see that the law doesn't merely expose our sin; it also reveals the character of a holy and gracious God and shows us how to live lives that are pleasing to Him. The Crucial Questions booklet series by Dr. R.C. Sproul offers succinct answers to important questions often asked by Christians and thoughtful inquirers.
A.E. Dyson defines 'the fifth dimension' as our unending moment of consciousness - related Janus-wise to clock-time (the Second Law of Thermodynamics) and to Eternity. He studies in depth plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides; Christ's two great prayers and his proclamation of 'The Kingdom'; and mystical traditions - with Otto, T.S. Eliot, Vaughan, Blake, Wordsworth among the witnesses. He attacks all dogmatic churches, finding in help for the homeless, help for our planet, help for cultural minorities, the touchstone of religion. The reality of our eternal destiny and our earthly battle with evil is asserted, against the cultural degradation of this century. A challenge to youth especially, in the coming millennium.
Christianity in America will not survive in our age unless it is fully rooted in the Gospel. Convinced that American evangelicals are facing the demise of their entire way of life and faith, the late Robert Webber challenges his readers to rise up and engage both the external and internal challenges confronting the church today.
There is ONLY ONE GOD, a ONE TRUE GOD. And that is the Father of Jesus who is in heaven. Our Father in heaven rules with utmost fairness and justice, full of mercy, and forgiveness. He achieves this kind of ruling through his LAW OF NATURE. Curiously, his Law of Nature works so quietly that people think there is no God at all that is governing their lives. This is because under God’s Law of Nature, people have all the freedom to behave the kind of behavior they want, to lead the kind of life they want, and to make the kind of world they want—EXCEPT FOR ONE: No one can get away from the consequences of their actions. Good deeds shall draw good outcome, bad deeds shall draw bad outcome. “What you sow is what you reap.” Happy reading!