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Teaching secondary students in the content areas is hard enough under the best of circumstances. When students are not well prepared academically and also lack academic literacy skills, the challenge can seem overwhelming. Fortunately, the Freemanshelp secondary content-area teachers provide these students with the academic support they very desperately need. -Robert J. Marzano Coauthor of Building Academic Vocabulary Many middle school and high school students are recent immigrants or long-term English language learners who struggle with the academic language needed to read content-area textbooks and write papers for their classes. Likewise, many native speakers of English find content-area classes a challenge. Secondary teachers have little time to teach academic reading and writing skills because they must cover a great deal of content in their social studies, science, math, or language arts classes. Academic Language for English Language Learners and Struggling Readers provides the information busy secondary teachers need to work effectively with English learners and struggling readers. It reports current research to answer key questions: Who are our older English language learners and struggling readers? What is academic language? How can middle and high school teachers help students develop academic language in the different content areas? This comprehensive and readable text by Yvonne and David Freeman (authors of Essential Linguistics) synthesizes recent demographic data on the kinds of English language learners and struggling readers who attend middle and high schools in increasing numbers. They flesh out the statistics with stories of students from different backgrounds. Then the Freemans examine academic language at different levels: the text level, the paragraph level, the sentence level, and the word level. For each, they provide examples of academic language and specific strategies teachers can use as they teach language arts, science, math, and social studies. They also analyze content-area textbooks, pointing out the difficulties they pose for students and suggesting ways to make texts more accessible to ELLs and struggling readers. Providing classroom examples, the Freemans explain how teachers can motivate and engage their students. They describe how teachers can teach language and content simultaneously by developing both language and content objectives. Academic Language for English Language Learnersgives teachers the information and strategies they need to help all their students develop academic language.
In this book, authors mesh two philosophies about language: the whole language approach that is sweeping across reading/learning and current theory of language acquisition pervading the bilingual community. The thrust of most bilingual research is that the learner should learn in his own language using natural approaches and then learn English as a second language. Typically, much of the instruction in languages other than English have used rote methods. This book shows how one would learn using an integrated and literacy-based approach to language acquisition and development.
KAT LOMB (1909-2003) was one of the great polyglots of the 20th century. A translator and one of the first simultaneous interpreters in the world, Lomb worked in 16 languages for state and business concerns in her native Hungary. She achieved further fame by writing books on languages, interpreting, and polyglots. Polyglot: How I Learn Languages, first published in 1970, is a collection of anecdotes and reflections on language learning. Because Dr. Lomb learned her languages as an adult, after getting a PhD in chemistry, the methods she used will be of particular interest to adult learners who want to master a foreign language.
This updated edition second edition, with a timely new afterword by author Ken Goodman unravels a riddle that has long troubled parents, teachers and scholars: learning language sometimes seems ridiculously easy and sometimes impossibly hard. Embraced by teachers worldwide, whole language has sparked renewed interest in well written trade books instead of boring and unnatural textbooks that actually diminish interest in reading. A new generation of authors writing for children and young adults has responded enthusiastically to increasing demand for books that are relevant to our time. This 20th anniversary edition responds to renewed interest in whole language among parents, teachers, and administrators looking for more learner friendly alternatives to the hostile test and text book mandates of the federal No Child Left Behind act. Teachers and parents will find many ideas in this book for helping children make sense of print and build a life-long love of reading.
In this book, aimed at both parents and professionals, the authors discuss the non-evidence-based interventions that proliferate in the fields of children's speech, language, literacy, fluency, voice, communication, attention, cognition, working memory, behaviour and social connectedness. They explore the science - or lack thereof - behind the interventions and suggest evidence-based alternatives that enjoy stronger scientific support. The authors approach their topic with a deep understanding of, and empathy for, the parents and professionals who are doubtful about conventional treatments, disappointed with the practitioners associated with them, and attracted to controversial interventions.
有鑒於過往國內英語文教學的僵化及過於注重支離破碎的語言分析,此書以全語文(Whole Language)的理論為基礎,加上羅傑斯(Carl Rogers)以人為中心的教育理念,以及弗雷勒(Paulo Freire)的解放型教育(Education of Liberation),以期提供成人學習英語文讀寫的另一種嚐試。全語文強調語言的整體性及語言學習的不可分割性。認為語言學習的最佳狀態是聽、說、讀、寫同時並行,且完整的故事內容優於片段的單句練習。此外,全語文強調有意義的學習必須是學習內容與學生的背景、生活、興趣密切相關。同樣地,羅傑斯的人本主義教育觀,認為學習者是一切學習的中心,教學者應尊重學習者,視學習者為獨特的個體並充滿潛在的能力。弗雷勒(Paulo Freire)的解放型教育(Education of Liberation)也認為學習者有潛在的能力,尤其是成人學生。成人學生有豐富的人生經驗及專業背景,這些資源應被尊重。因此,學生可以是老師的老師,老師也可以是學生的學生。弗雷勒(Paulo Freire)主張學習應是一種持續對談的關係,學習者透過與自身、環境、社會的持續對談,思考、批判、並應用所學。基於上述的理論,不難認定英文寫作是學習者內在思想的呈現,而非單單字句組合的練習。寫作者必須對他想呈現的思想內容有興趣或有意見,才有可能竭盡所能搜尋恰當的字眼,以表達他的想法。因此,英文寫作課程是否也能提供這樣的學習彈性和空間,讓學習者選擇自己關注的議題,進行閱讀、討論、寫作分享,並在這過程中提升英文寫作的能力,就成為本書所關注的主要議題。【秀威資訊科技股份有限公司製作】
SLA Research and Materials Development for Language Learning is the only book available to focus on the interaction between second language acquisition theory and materials development for language learning. It consists of contributions written by experts in SLA, experts in materials development, researchers who have expertise in both fields, and introductions and conclusions by the editor. The book is organized into four major sections – position statements; materials driven by SLA theory; evaluations of materials in relation to SLA theory; and proposals for action – that offer a diverse range of perspectives while maintaining a cohesive and comprehensive overview on the subject. This book is ideal for post-graduate courses in applied linguistics and second language acquisition and for researchers interested in the relationship between SLA and materials development.
More than 100 whole language educators, researchers, parents, and students have contributed to this comprehensive source book of innovative approaches to student evaluation.
Bilingualism and Language Pedagogy brings an understanding of language as a social practice and bilingualism as the study of bidirectional transitioning to the examination of bilingual settings in the US, Europe, and the developing countries. Focusing both on bilingual linguistic competence and educational politics and practice, the volume provides valuable practical proposals and models for developing sociocultural and linguistic competencies among bilingual practitioners and students.