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From every corner of the world and all walks of life, readers of Conversations with God have written to Neale Donald Walsch about their own experiences of God’s presence in their lives. Their stories of incredible synchronicities, extraordinary coincidental circumstances, and everyday miracles are collected here in this warm inspirational book, previously published in hardcover as Moments of Grace and now available for the first time in a paperback edition. These are stories of everyday folks who have experienced God touching their lives in very real, visible, and direct ways. Walsch weaves these tales seamlessly into the concepts and messages presented in the Conversations with God books. These amazing stories will show you how you, too, can experience miracles in your life and discover that they are all around us.
Borrowed from the pages of real lives, these 50 true stories with original photography will encourage you to recognize sacred interruptions and to grow not in spite of, but because of them.
A. B. Simpson believed that the greatest need of every human heart is to know the resources and sufficiency of God. The scriptural illustrations of God's intervention in multiplied and sometimes miraculous ways are for our encouragement today. God's dealings with Elijah and Elisha reveal that He is the God who removes obstacles and intervenes in emergencies. God's dealings with Paul show that He displays His power in startling and sometimes painful ways. God's dealings with Jacob acknowledge that He patiently works with those who have a bent toward Him no matter what kind of persons they are. God's dealings with Esther unfold the fact that God brings together circumstances and individuals to accomplish His will. God's dealings with Job affirm that although man's resources are inadequate in times of crisis, God provides and restores. God wants to be involved with His people. Has a purpose and plan for each believer--including you!
This book is a promise I made to the Lord. I promised Him if He would get me through the situation I was in; I would use my experience to tell others about His provision. He did His part and now I have no choice but to tell my story. Ever since I was young, the Lord has given me visions. As a matter of fact, as I began writing this book, God took me back ten years and revealed how He's been guiding me through every situation. I don't know what is going to happen next, but there is one thing I know for sure, the same God that has stepped in and protected me for the past ten years is going to get me out of whatever mess I find myself in! No one can stop me from praising and worshiping Him. The more they persecute me the stronger I stand in my faith. Now I can freely and confidently say He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and He is also my God! And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you. (Philippians 1:6 AMP)
In this book, you'll find twenty-four excellent stories that reflect on those moments When God Steps In written by twenty-four up-and-coming Christian writers. These writers came together at Glorieta, New Mexico, during the Glorieta Christian Writer's Conference, and put together the stories for this special book. So grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage, sit down, relax, and enjoy reading these exciting new voices as they tell you about God stepping into their lives. When God Steps In is the result of a four day comprehensive course sponsored by CLASServices Inc., (, Essence Publishing (http: // and staffed by professional writers on faculty at the Glorieta Christian Writer's Conference.
When God Is with Me I know that God is always with me, but there have been many God moments throughout my life where he miraculously intervened. In this book, When God Is with Me, I have written short stories and poems of instances when God revealed his power and grace. God doesnt work the same way in every persons life, but he does love us all the same. It is my desire that by exposing situations and circumstances in my own life, readers will see a glimpse of Gods divine intervention. If you are experiencing loneliness, illness, despair, rejection, or hopelessness, there is hope for you through Jesus Christ. I am a living testimony of Gods grace, as you will read in this book. I pray this book will guide you to open your heart and your life to Jesus and let him bring healing and joy into your circumstances.
In this devotional collection based on "but God" scriptures from the Bible, you will see how God intervened in surprising ways for His people. He protected Sarah in a harem, turned Balaam's curses into blessings, saved David from Saul, and much more, each situation unique. Like Sarah, Balaam, David and Saul, Joseph learned God fulfills His purposes. To the brothers who sold him into slavery, Joseph said, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" (Genesis 50:20 NIV). God is always at work, even when we can't see His hand. These devotionals will deepen your trust in God and help you realize He has a special purpose for your life.
This powerful book on the Patterns of Revival and Awakening will be a staple in your faith library from the first day you begin to read it. The Rev. Owen Murphy Chronicles a Powerful move of Awakening to God that began with five men praying in a barn and expanded to over 20,000 conversions in three months time.The Spirit of Awakening will come on you as you learn about Covenant prayer and you will be able to duplicate this great outpouring in your own home, city, or region, for, truly, God is no respector of persons.