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This book examines various invasive species from around the world and how they were introduced into habitats that were inappropriate.
In this book, readers discover how humans' movements have impacted biomes, introducing invasive species that have brought some native species to the brink of extinction. It offers a look at the science and historical contexts behind invasive species, and shows how plants and animals battle for resources against unwanted competition.
This open access book describes the serious threat of invasive species to native ecosystems. Invasive species have caused and will continue to cause enormous ecological and economic damage with ever increasing world trade. This multi-disciplinary book, written by over 100 national experts, presents the latest research on a wide range of natural science and social science fields that explore the ecology, impacts, and practical tools for management of invasive species. It covers species of all taxonomic groups from insects and pathogens, to plants, vertebrates, and aquatic organisms that impact a diversity of habitats in forests, rangelands and grasslands of the United States. It is well-illustrated, provides summaries of the most important invasive species and issues impacting all regions of the country, and includes a comprehensive primary reference list for each topic. This scientific synthesis provides the cultural, economic, scientific and social context for addressing environmental challenges posed by invasive species and will be a valuable resource for scholars, policy makers, natural resource managers and practitioners.
Invasive alien plants and animals are known for their disruption of ecosystems and threat to biodiversity. This book highlights their major impact on human health. This includes not only direct effects through contact with the species via bites, wounds and disease, but also indirect effects caused by changes induced in ecosystems by invasive species, such as more water hyacinth increasing mosquito levels and thereby the potential for malaria. Covering a wide range of case studies from different taxa (animals and plants), and giving an overview of the diverse impacts of invasive species on health in developed and developing countries, the book is a significant contribution that will help in prioritizing approaches to controlling invasive species and mitigating their health effects. It covers invasive plants, marine species, spiders and other arachnids, ticks and dust mites, insects, mosquitos and other diptera, freshwater species (invertebrates and fishes), amphibians and reptiles, birds and mammals. The broad spectrum of the analyzed case studies will ensure the appeal of the book to a wide public, including researchers of biological invasions, doctors, policy-makers and managers, and students of invasive species in ecology, animal and plant biology and public health medicine.
Applies Red List data to calculate a Red List Index.
Risk assessment, detection, control, legal, instruments, plants, animals.
Jedes Jahr breiten sich invasive gebietsfremde Arten in neue Ökosysteme aus. Die von den Eindringlingen verursachten Auswirkungen können sich in kürzester Zeit bemerkbar machen und verheerend sein. Das Thema der invasiven gebietsfremden Arten ist umfassend, komplex und auf verschiedenen Ebenen von globaler Bedeutung. Verschärft wird es durch die Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft und den zunehmenden Handel, durch den die natürlichen Barrieren für den Transfer von Arten durchbrochen werden. Invasive gebietsfremde Arten bedrohen die weltweite Nahrungsmittelversorgung, die Qualität und Verfügbarkeit von Trinkwasser sowie die Stromproduktion und -versorgung. Zusammen mit den zusätzlichen Risiken durch den globalen Klimawandel ist die weltweite Homogenisierung von Pflanzen, Tieren und Mikroben ein wesentlicher Faktor für den sich verschlechternden Gesundheitszustand der Ökosysteme und die nachlassenden Ökosystemdienstleistungen überall auf der Welt. Um dieser Entwicklung entgegenzuwirken, besteht die dringende Notwendigkeit einer einheitlichen Ausrichtung von Regierungen, Kulturen und Programmen und einer besseren grenzüberschreitenden Koordination. Nur so lassen sich die vielfältigen Bedrohungen durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten für die Umwelt, die Wirtschaft und die Gesundheit von Pflanzen und Tieren sowie insbesondere die menschliche Gesundheit effektiv bekämpfen. Dieses vierbändige Werk ist das erste, das einen umfassenden Satz nützlicher Materialien zu den zentralen Themen bereitstellt, um die gesamte globale Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten sowie die vielfältigen Probleme in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt deutlich zu machen, und es enthält Material, in dem potenziell replizierbare Lösungen zur Überwindung dieser Bedrohungen aufgezeigt werden. Das Werk betont die Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten auch im Sinne eines globalen ?Aufrufs zum Handeln?. Invasive Arten kennen keine Grenzen. Daher hoffen wir, dass wir durch die Zusammenstellung von Material, das unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Standpunkte aus aller Welt berücksichtigt, sowie durch die Vermittlung von Erkenntnissen und Beispielen zu einer Vielzahl damit zusammenhängender Themen das globale Bewusstsein stärken und einheitliche nationale Reaktionen auf die Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten fördern können.
Invasive non-native species are a major threat to global biodiversity. Often introduced accidentally through international travel or trade, they invade and colonize new habitats, often with devastating consequences for the local flora and fauna. Their environmental impacts can range from damage to resource production (e.g. agriculture and forestry) and infrastructure (e.g. buildings, road and water supply), to human health. They consequently can have major economic impacts. It is a priority to prevent their introduction and spread, as well as to control them. Freshwater ecosystems are particularly at risk from invasions and are landscape corridors that facilitate the spread of invasives. This book reviews the current state of knowledge of the most notable global invasive freshwater species or groups, based on their severity of economic impact, geographic distribution outside of their native range, extent of research, and recognition of the ecological severity of the impact of the species by the IUCN. As well as some of the very well-known species, the book also covers some invasives that are emerging as serious threats. Examples covered include a range of aquatic and riparian plants, insects, molluscs, crustacea, fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals, as well as some major pathogens of aquatic organisms. The book also includes overview chapters synthesizing the ecological impact of invasive species in fresh water and summarizing practical implications for the management of rivers and other freshwater habitats.
In an increasingly multicultural society this raises huge questions of ethics and choice.