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The Cranes are among the most ancient and distinctive families of birds on Earth, yet they are among the world's most threatened groups of birds. This Action Plan describes the many different sorts of threats facing cranes, especially as they migrate through different countries, and the many solutions that have been attempted to overcome them. It is intended for all those involved in crane conservation, including conservation biologists; conservation organizations, other non-governmental organizations, inter-national development agencies; political, civic, and business leaders; funding agencies and foundations; educators; and members of the general public.
Habitat loss and degradation are currently the main anthropogenic causes of species extinctions. The root cause is human overpopulation. This unique volume provides, for the very first time, a comprehensive overview of all threatened and recently extinct mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes within the context of their locations and habitats. The approach takes a systematic examination of each biogeographic realm and region of the world, both terrestrial and marine, but with a particular emphasis on geographic features such as mountains, islands, and coral reefs. It reveals patterns useful in biodiversity conservation, helps to put it all into perspective, and ultimately serves as both a baseline from which to compare subsequent developments as well as a standardization of the way threatened species are studied.
Curassaows, Guans, and Chachalacas: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan for Cracids 2000-200
Antelope herds numbering in the tens of thousands formerly occurred across the steppes and semideserts of Eurasia and India, but these have nearly all been reduced to fractions of their earlier size; antelope populations are now fragmented across the region, and during recent decades several species have disappeared altogether. Threats include hunting, loss of habitat, population fragmentation, inadequate protected area coverage, poorly-developed administrative structures, under-resourcing of conservation programmes, and lack of enforcement of existing legislation. Rising human population growth and economic development constantly increases pressure on land and natural resources. There is a consequent need for integrated rural development, and community-based conservation projects, which have the full participation of local people at the planning and execution stages.This publication, Part 4 of the Global Antelope Survey, covers 37 countries in the region, and actions to conserve antelope populations are listed in each country report.
Australia, Papua New Guinea, and eastern Indonesia together share all the monotremes (egg-laying mammals) of the world and all the marsupials (pouched mammals) except those of the Americas. There is an urgent need for concerted action to conserve the marsupials and monotremes of the Australasian region. Australia has the worst extinction rate for the mammals of any continent or country and Papua New Guinea and eastern Indonesia are undergoing rapid development which, if not properly planned and controlled, could threaten the habitat of many marsupials, as well as other species.This Action Plan provides an overall perspective of the problems that confront conservation agencies and NGOs in the region and recommends actions required before the year 2000.
Small Carnivores: Evolution, Ecology, Behaviour, and Conservation This book focuses on the 232 species of the mammalian Order Carnivora with an average body mass 21.5 kg. Small carnivores inhabit virtually all of the Earth's ecosystems, adopting terrestrial, semi-fossorial, (semi-)arboreal or (semi-)aquatic lifestyles. They occupy multiple trophic levels and therefore play important roles in the regulation of ecosystems, such as natural pest control, seed dispersal and nutrient cycling. In areas where humans have extirpated large carnivores, small carnivores may become the dominant predators, which may increase their abundance ("mesopredator release") to the point that they can sometimes destabilize communities, drive local extirpations and reduce overall biodiversity. On the other hand, one third of the world's small carnivores are threatened or near threatened with extinction. This results from regionally burgeoning human populations' industrial and agricultural activities, causing habitat reduction, destruction, fragmentation and pollution. Overexploitation, persecution and the impacts of introduced predators, competitors, and pathogens have also negatively affected many small carnivore species. Although small carnivores have been intensively studied over the past decades, bibliometric studies showed that they have not received the same attention given to large carnivores. Furthermore, there is huge disparity in how research efforts on small carnivores have been distributed, with some species intensively studied and others superficially or not at all. This book aims at filling a gap in the scientific literature by elucidating the important roles of, and documenting the latest knowledge on, the world's small carnivores. p"This is a book that has been needed for decades. It is the first compendium of recent research on a group of mammals which has received almost no attention before the early 1970s. This book covers a wide range of subdisciplines and techniques and should be considered a solid baseline for further research on this little-known group of highly interesting mammals. As our knowledge regarding how ecosystems function increases, then the valuable role of small carnivores and the necessity for their conservation should be regarded as of paramount importance. The topics covered in this book should therefore be of great interest not only to academics and wildlife researchers, but also to the interested layman."