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Lectures delivered at the Sanskrit College, Calcutta, 1972.
Originally published in 1971. The essays in this volume cover some of the most important aspects of Buddhism and include discussion of such themes as the nature of Buddhism, Buddhist ethics and philosophical concepts, Buddhism and science, the Power of Mindfulness, Anatta and Nibbana.
This book comprises Francis Story’s contributions to the two serial publications The Wheel and Bodhi Leaves, which belong to his best and most mature writing. With its rich and variegated contents, this book may well serve as an introduction to the Buddha's teachings. The Buddha once said that his Teaching has only one taste, that of liberation. Yet, being a Teaching of Actuality, Buddhism has also dimensions extending to wide fields of human life and thought. Some of them are mirrored in the essays of this volume. These wide-ranging and penetrative writings offer, therefore, many stimulating approaches to Buddhist thought and its application to problems of our time. Contents 1 Hymn for Vaishakha 2 The Buddha—a Unique Teacher 3 The Supreme Conqueror 4 The Appeal of Buddhism 5 The Uniqueness of Buddhism 6 The Four Noble Truths 7 Dialogues on the Dhamma 8 The Scientific Approach to Buddhism 9 The Buddhist World View in the Age of Science 10 A Larger Rationalism 11 Of Gods and Men 12 Prayer and Worship 13 Gods and their Place in Buddhism 14 Cosmological Thought in Buddhism and Modern Science 15 Expanding Universe and Steady-States Universe 16 The Magic Mountain 17 Is there a Beginning? 18 Buddhism and the Origin of Life 19 Divine Creation or Lawful Genesis? 20 Buddhist Meditation 21 Buddhist Mental Therapy 22 Buddhist Lay Ethics 23 The Place of Animals in Buddhism 24 Action 25 Kamma and Causality 26 Kamma and Freedom 27 Collective Karma 28 Beauty and the Buddhist 29 Omniscience and the Buddha 31 Samsara 32 The Way of Dispassion 33 Nibbana
In Emptiness, the fifth volume in The Foundation of Buddhist Thought series, Geshe Tashi Tsering provides readers with an incredibly welcoming presentation of the central philosophical teaching of Mahayana Buddhism. Emptiness does not imply a nihilistic worldview, but rather the idea that a permanent entity does not exist in any single phenomenon or being. Everything exists interdependently within an immeasurable quantity of causes and conditions. An understanding of emptiness allows us to see the world as a realm of infinite possibility, instead of a static system. Just like a table consists of wooden parts, and the wood is from a tree, and the tree depends on air, water, and soil, so is the world filled with a wondrous interdependence that extends to our own mind and awareness. In lucid, accessible language, Geshe Tashi Tsering guides the reader to a genuine understanding of this infinite possibility.
The riddles that world-causation pose to the human mind lie at the bottom of all cosmological systems of thought. In their origins, all philosophical attitudes are conditioned by partiality and "perspectivism. " The philosopher's attempted flight towards the seemingly remote kingdom of truth is often aborted by the binding twines of perspectival language. Thus his insights lose themselves in conflicting, contradictory manifestos. Greek cosmology, as it is formally set forth by the pre-Socratics, is a clear example of this weary pilgrimage of mind's embodied vision from angle to angle, from perspective to perspective. Not less is to be expected from the systems of Hinduism and, mutatis mutandis, also of Buddhist thought. More confined from the very outset to the study of reality as a study of human existence, of its awareness of embodiment, of its spatio-temporal bondage, and of its ultimate ontological status, Buddhism gave rise to truly astounding theories of "life-world" causation. The process of Buddhist thought, as it refers to the nature of the human experience as "in-the-world" existence, covers a vast range of doctrines, from original theories of pluralism and phenomenalism with sectional, multifarious and relativistic notions of causality, through the unitary conceptions of monistic idealism, up to the top of universal integrationism and dialectical totalism.