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The Wing Chun - it is a traditional style of the Chinese Kung Fu. The Wing Chun is very popular in the whole world thanks to its high efficiency application techniques. This book is about the form “108”. The form "108" is the most important stage in comprehending of the applying aspects of the Vietnamese Wing Chun (Vinhxuan) style. Contents: Introduction Chapter 1.The theory of Wing Chun Chapter 2. Stances and moving Chapter 3. The Strokes Chapter 4. The Defense Chapter 5. The simplified form «108» - The form with the opponent - The form with the Wooden Dummy Chapter 6.The Long form "108" - The Long form "108"with a partner - Combinations
The Wing Chun - it is a traditional style of the Chinese Kung Fu. The Wing Chun is very popular in the whole world thanks to its high efficiency application techniques. Wing Chun has many styles and schools such as Yip Man school, Pan Nam school, Yuen Kay-San school, Nguen Te Cong school (Vietnamese Wing Chun - Vinhxuan ) and others. Nguen Te Cong (Yuen Chai-Wan) is a founder of Vietnamese Wing Chun school. He and his brother (Yuen Kay-San) learned kung-fu under master Fung Siu-Ching and master Fok Bo-Kuen. In 1936 he moved to Hanoi (Vietnam) and opened martial art school. His Wing Chun style has many different forms: Thudao quyen (siu lim tao), “108” form (partner form and wooden dummy form), Five Animals form. This forms and combat applications are present in this ebook. Contents: Introduction Chapter 1.The theory of Wing Chun Chapter 2. Stances and moving Chapter 3. The Strokes Chapter 4. The Defense Chapter 5. The Throws and Grabs Chapter 6. The methods of attack Chapter 7. The defense and the counterattack Chapter 8. The Thudao qyuen (Siu Lim Tao) Chapter 9. The «108» form - The «108» form with the opponent - The «108» form with the Wooden Dummy Chapter 10. The Five Animals fist - Ngu Hinh qyuen (The joint five animals form) - The martial combinations - The paired form Capter 11. Chi sao (The sticky hands) Appendix 1. The Tiger form (Ho qyuen) Appendix 2. The Leopard form (Bao qyuen) Appendix 3. The Crane form (Hac qyuen) Appendix 4. The Snake form (Sa qyuen) Appendix 5. The Dragon form (Long qyuen)
Wing Chun like other styles of martial arts contains the section of painful techniques. It is called chin-na in Chinese martial arts. Many movements in the form «Siu Leem Tau» and in “Form 108 on the wooden dummy” are masked and hidden techniques of chin-na. This book deciphers the movement of the forms of Wing Chun that are used for escaping from grips. This is the first level of chin-na in Wing-Chun. The purpose of the book is to summarize the principles of escaping from the grips, and not to collect all the techniques. The main thing is not the maximum number of techniques, but an understanding of biomechanics and principles of escaping from grips.
The book is devoted to analysis of using mantis fist and paw in Wing Chun. On the base of analysis of traditional Wing Chun forms «Siu Lim Tao» (little idea) and “Form 108” on the wooden dummy author gives techniques of using blows by mantis fist and blocks by mantis paw in Wing Chun. Book contains wide number of illustrations with detailed description. This material widens Wing Chun technical arsenal and practically deciphers the little used movements from «Siu Lim Tao» form.
The Wing Chun - it is a traditional style of the Chinese Kung Fu. The Wing Chun is very popular in the whole world thanks to its high efficiency application techniques. The important stage in the training the Vietnamese Wing Chun is the mastering of the Five animals technique (Ngu Hinh Quyen). This technical chapter refers only to the Vietnamese line of the Wing Chun and shows the reference to the Shaolin style. The animal techniques are built on the principles of the Wing Chun and are important for the martial empowerment of the style. CONTENTS: Introduction Chapter 1. The theory of Wing Chun Chapter 2. The Five Animals fist Ngu Hinh Quyen (The Joint five animals form) - The Snake movements - The Dragon movements - The Tiger movements - The Leopard movements - The Crane movements Ho quyen (The Tiger form) Bao quyen (The Leopard form) Hac quyen (The Cranr form) Sa quyen (The Snake form) Long quyen (The Dragon form) Chapter 3. The Martial Combinations Chapter 4. The Paired form
This ebook describes in detail the principles, technique and the little-known wooden dummy form practiced Cantonese schools of the Chinese Continental Wing Chun Kung Fu. Many experts believe that this form is the most ancient sequence of movements on the wooden dummy transmitted to the subsequent generations, by the original founder of the Ng Mui style. CONTENTS: Introduction Chapter 1. The construction of the wooden dummy Chapter 2. The Basic technique - Movements - Hardening of the stroke surfaces Chapter 3. Form with the wooden dummy - Part 1 - Part 2 Conclusion
On its way from the East to the West, being transmitted from Eastern masters to Western pupils, Wing Chun system lost many techniques. Knee kicks relate to these “lost” Wing Chun techniques. The initial wave of Wing Chun studies in the West accented attention on main Wing Chun forms that don’t include knee kicks. Although many Wing Chun masters actively used them in their striking arsenal. For today knee kicks are presented most fully in Thai boxing. Generalizing Wing Chun knee kicks, it is necessary to note, that they are comparable with ones in Thai boxing by types and diversity. The book includes the large number of illustrations with detailed explanation of the special features and will be useful for everyone who studies Wing Chun.
Wing Chun Kuen it is a classic style of Chinese wushu that gained a great celebrity throughout the world. Its distinctive features are easiness and economy of movements, softness and compliance and also effectiveness of defenses and power of attacks. The main aim of this direction of Chinese martial arts is a most fast victory in combat with the least expense of forces and energy. The offered book is devoted to the survey of Wing Chun Kuen basic technique and forms practiced Foshanese schools of the Chinese continental Wing Chun Kung Fu. The book contains large number of illustration and will be useful for everybody, who studies the martial arts. Contents: Introduction Chapter 1. Stances and movements Chapter 2. The blows technique - Blows by hand - Elbow strokes - Kicks Chapter 3. Defense technique - Blocking by Hands - Blocking by Legs Chapter 4. Forms - Siu Nim Tao- “Little idea form” - Chum Kiu – “Bridges Building” - Biu Jee – “Striking fingers” Conclusion
The wooden dummy is one of the main training apparatuses and the "Form 108" is the main training method in Wing Chun. The "Form 108" was described in the book in details, there was also considered the peculiarities of execution, the main qualities that must be acquired by the practicing at the regular training.