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VeriSM TM - Foundation - Português (Brasil)
pacote do Courseware consiste em duas publicações, VeriSMTM - Foundation Courseware e VeriSM TM - Foundation Study Guide. Este material de treinamento abrange o plano de estudos para a qualificação da Fundação VeriSM TM. O treinamento pode ser entregue em dois dias. Este material didático é credenciado para preparar o aluno para a certificação da VeriSM TM Foundation. O VeriSM TM Foundation consiste em duas partes: VeriSM TM Essentials e VeriSM TM Plus, cada uma cobrindo um dia de treinamento. Os alunos que já possuem um certificado de Gerenciamento de Serviços (TI) podem se beneficiar do conhecimento que já possuem. Eles são o público-alvo de apenas um treinamento do VeriSM TM Plus. Ao serem aprovados no exame VeriSM TM Plus, recebem o certificado VeriSM TM Foundation. Provedores de treinamento que desejam oferecer um treinamento de um dia sobre princípios de gerenciamento de serviços podem decidir oferecer apenas o treinamento VeriSM TM Essentials. Os alunos que forem aprovados no exame VeriSM TM Essentials receberão o certificado VeriSM TM Essentials. Se eles passarem no exame VeriSM TM Plus mais tarde, receberão automaticamente o certificado VeriSM TM Foundation. O "courseware" abrange os seguintes tópicos: A organização do serviço (Essentials) Cultura de serviço (Essentials) Pessoas e estrutura organizacional (Essentials) O modelo VeriSM TM (ambos) Práticas Progressivas (Plus) Tecnologias Inovadoras (Plus) O VeriSM TM é uma abordagem holística e orientada aos negócios para o Gerenciamento de Serviços, que ajuda a entender o panorama crescente das melhores práticas e como integrá-las para oferecer valor ao consumidor. É uma evolução no pensamento em Gerenciamento de Serviços e oferece uma abordagem atualizada, incluindo as mais recentes práticas e desenvolvimentos tecnológicos, para ajudar as organizações a transformar seus negócios para a nova realidade da era digital. O VeriSM TM é um gerenciamento orientado a valor, evolutivo, responsivo e integrado. VeriSM TM é uma marca registrada e propriedade da IFDC, a Fundação Internacional de Competências Digitais.
In a comprehensive critical survey of Brazilian film production since the mid-1990s Lucia Nagib explores what has become known as the 'renaissance of Brazilian cinema'. Besides explaining the recent boom, this book explores the aesthetic tendencies of recent productions and their relationships to earlier works.
From the documentary to the cinema novo and cannibalism, from Nelson Pereira dos Santos's Vidas Secas to music in the films of Glauber Rocha, this third, revised edition is a century-spanning introduction to the story of a medium that flourished in one of the most developed of 'underdeveloped' nations.
The National Gallery of Art collection of Italian fifteenth-century paintings, the finest in any American museum, has not been published in its entirety since the 1979 Catalogue of Italian Paintings by Fern Rusk Shapley. Among the altarpieces, devotional works, portraits, and allegorical scenes are many world-famous masterpieces. In addition to Leonardo's Ginevra de' Benci and the Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico and Fra Filippo Lippi, paintings by Domenico Veneziano, Castagno, Sassetta, Mantegna, Giovanni Bellini, Perugino, Botticelli, and Ghirlandaio make this a book of major masters of the Renaissance.
What does it mean to cultivate demand for the arts? Why is it important and necessary to do so? What can state arts agencies and other arts and education policymakers do to make it happen? The authors set out a framework for thinking about supply and demand in the arts and identify the roles that different factors, particularly arts learning, play in increasing demand for the arts.
This second edition of Beyond Talent provides user-friendly real-life advice, examples, and perspectives on how to further a career in music. Understanding the unique talents and training of musicians, veteran music career counselor Angela Myles Beeching presents a wealth of creative solutions for career advancement in the highly competitive music industry. Step-by-step instructions detail how to design promotional materials, book performances, network and access resources and assistance, jump start a stalled career, and expand your employment opportunities while remaining true to your music. Beeching untangles artist management and the recording industry, explains how to find and create performance opportunities, and provides guidance on grant writing and fundraising, day jobs, freelancing, and how to manage money, time, and stress. The companion website puts numerous up-to-date and useful internet resources at your fingertips. This essential handbook goes beyond the usual "how-to," helping musicians tackle the core questions about career goals, and create a meaningful life as a professional musician. Beyond Talent is the ideal companion for students and professionals, emerging musicians and mid-career artists.