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In recent years, research on valency has led to important insights into the nature of language. Some of these findings are published in this volume for the first time with up-to-date accounts of language description and new reflections on language, above all for English and German. The volume also presents examples of contrastive analysis, which are of use for all those who deal professionally with these two languages. Furthermore, the articles in the psycholinguistic and computational linguistics section demonstrate the applicability and value of valency theory for these approaches and shed light on a fruitful cooperation between theoretical and descriptive linguistics and applied disciplines. The papers cover the following aspects of valency analysis: (i) theoretical aspects of the valency approach in relation to related theories of complementation (dependency syntax, FrameNet, case roles), (ii) descriptive aspects of valency and complementation, (iii) valency as a concept for the description of cognitive processes in syntactic processing, (iv) contrastive aspects of valency, above all for English and German, and (v) possible computational applications of the valency concept in fields such as automatic syntactic recognition or language processing. The volume combines papers of representatives from different linguistic schools on the topic of complementation. One of the aims is to show how concepts developed for the analysis of one language, in the case of valency often German, can be applied to other languages such as English.
The three concepts of case, valency and transitivity belong to the most discussed topics of modern linguistics. On the one hand, they are crucially connected with morphological aspects of the clause, including case marking, person agreement and voice. On the other hand, they are related to several semantic issues such as the meaning of case, semantico-syntactic verbal classes, and the semantic correlates of transitivity. The volume unifies papers written within different theoretical frameworks and representing variegated approaches (Optimality Theory, Government and Binding, various versions of the Functional approach, Cross-linguistic and Typological analyses), containing both numerous new findings in individual languages and valuable observations and generalizations related to case, valency and transitivity.
In Methods in Latin Computational Linguistics, Barbara McGillivray presents some of the most significant methodological foundations of the emerging field of Latin Computational Linguistics. The reader will find an overview of the computational resources and tools available for Latin and three corpus case studies covering morpho-syntactic and lexical-semantic aspects of Latin verb valency, as well as quantitative diachronic explorations of the argument realization of Latin prefixed verbs. The computational models and the multivariate data analysis techniques employed are explained with a detailed but accessible language. Barbara McGillivray convincingly shows the challenges and opportunities of combining computational methods and historical language data, and contributes to driving the technological change that is affecting Historical Linguistics and the Humanities.
CICLing 2005 ( was the 6th Annual Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics. It was intended to provide a balanced view of the cutting-edge developments in both the theoretical foundations of computational linguistics and the practice of natural-language text processing with its numerous applications. A feature of CICLing conferences is their wide scope that covers nearly all areas of computational linguistics and all aspects of natural language processing applications. This year we were honored by the presence of our keynote speakers Christian Boitet (CLIPS-IMAG, Grenoble), Kevin Knight (ISI), Daniel Marcu (ISI), and Ellen Riloff (University of Utah), who delivered excellent extended lectures and organized vivid discussions and encouraging tutorials; their invited papers are published in this volume. Of 151 submissions received, 88 were selected for presentation; 53 as full papers and 35 as short papers, by exactly 200 authors from 26 countries: USA (15 papers); Mexico (12); China (9.5); Spain (7.5); South Korea (5.5); Singapore (5); Germany (4.8); Japan (4); UK (3.5); France (3.3); India (3); Italy (3); Czech Republic (2.5); Romania (2.3); Brazil, Canada, Greece, Ireland, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland (1 each); Hong Kong (0.5); and Russia (0.5) including the invited papers. Internationally co-authored papers are counted in equal fractions.
In recent years, issues of verbal valency, valency alternations and verb classes have seen a new upsurge of interest from a variety of perspectives. This book comprises articles investigating valency phenomena on a contrastive basis within Romance, Germanic and Slavic, and also in Basque and in the West-African language Ga, as well as classical Greek and Sanskrit. Phenomena include transitive and ditransitive constructions and alternations, involving reflexives, cognate objects, ’null’ objects, case (in its syntagmatic and paradigmatic aspects), and infinitives, mostly in a synchronic perspective. Aiming at a closer understanding of the range of regularities falling within the concept of valency frames, the book offers a representative array of current assumptions, hypotheses, methodologies and new findings within the overall field. The volume will provide a valuable resource for researchers and students both in general linguistics and in the relevant language particular disciplines.
Annotation "The handbook provides an overview of the current status of this research. In its first volume, the handbook begins by presenting the historical background of the theories in which the conceptions are rooted and then goes on to deal with the individual ele."
With this volume in honour of Don Walker, Linguistica Computazionale con tinues the series of special issues dedicated to outstanding personalities who have made a significant contribution to the progress of our discipline and maintained a special collaborative relationship with our Institute in Pisa. I take the liberty of quoting in this preface some of the initiatives Pisa and Don Walker have jointly promoted and developed during our collaboration, because I think that they might serve to illustrate some outstanding features of Don's personality, in particular his capacity for identifying areas of potential convergence among the different scientific communities within our field and establishing concrete forms of coop eration. These initiatives also testify to his continuous and untiring work, dedi cated to putting people into contact and opening up communication between them, collecting and disseminating information, knowledge and resources, and creating shareable basic infrastructures needed for progress in our field. Our collaboration began within the Linguistics in Documentation group of the FID and continued in the framework of the !CCL (International Committee for Computational Linguistics). In 1982 this collaboration was strengthened when, at CO LING in Prague, I was invited by Don to join him in the organization of a series of workshops with participants of the various communities interested in the study, development, and use of computational lexica.
As an interdisciplinary field, computational linguistics has its sources in several areas of science, each with its own goals, methods, and historical background. Thereby, it has remained unclear which components fit together and which do not. This suggests three possible approaches to designing a computational linguistics textbook. The first approach proceeds from one's own school of thought, usually determined of study, rather than by a well-informed, delib by chance, such as one's initial place erate choice. The goal is to extend the inherited theoretical framework or method to as many aspects of language analysis as possible. As a consequence, the issue of com pat ibility with other approaches in the field need not be addressed and one's assumptions are questioned at best in connection with 'puzzling problems. ' The second approach takes the viewpoint of an objective observer and aims to survey the field as completely as possible. However, the large number of different schools, methods, and tasks necessitates a subjective selection. Furthermore, the pre sumed neutrality provides no incentive to investigate the compatibility between the elements selected. The third approach aims at solving a comprehensive functional task, with the differ To arrive at the desired solution, suitability ent approaches being ordered relative to it. and compatibility of the different elements adopted must be investigated with regard to the task at hand.