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Baummanagement im stadtischen Raum ist die wichtigste Grundlage fur zukunftig grunere Stadte. Zu diesem praxisorientierten Ansatz gehoren Auswahl, Pflanzung, Pflege und Schutz von Baumen sowie das gesamte Management des Baumbestands als eine kollektive Ressource. Urban Tree Management versucht, das Bewusstsein fur die positiven Auswirkungen und Vorteile von Baumen im stadtischen Raum und deren Bedeutung fur die Stadtbewohner zu scharfen. Beschrieben werden die Vorzuge und ausfuhrlich die Folgen fur die Lebensqualitat in der Stadt und das Wohlbefinden ihrer Bewohner ? Aspekte, die in Zeiten fortschreitender Urbanisierung zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Inhalte - Grundlagen, Methoden und Werkzeuge des urbanen Baummanagements - aktuelle Informationen zu Urban Forestry und Baumbiologie - positive Effekte und Einsatzmoglichkeiten von Stadtbaumen - Eigenschaften von, Anforderungen an und Auswahlkriterien fur Stadtbaume - Zustand und Probleme von Stadtbaumen - Governance- und Managementaspekte - Programme im Rahmen der Umwelterziehung Urban Tree Management, herausgegeben von dem fuhrenden Experten Dr. Andreas Roloff, ist ein ausgezeichnetes Referenzwerk fur Pflanzenwissenschaftler, Gartenbauer, Dendrologen, Baumpfleger, Forstwissenschaftler, Stadtplaner, Experten fur Parkanlagen und Landschaftsarchitekten. Dieses Praktikerbuch ist eine wichtige Erganzung fur Studierende einschlagiger Fachrichtungen und fur Bibliotheken.
Towns and cities are where most of us live, work and play, and although we recognize the value of the trees standing on the corner, or in the park, most of us are unaware that they are a vital part of our urban life-support system. This book is suitable for those who wish to discover why trees are present in our population centres.
Dictionary for Managing Trees in Urban Environments is a comprehensive list of terms used in the universal management of urban trees. Many of the terms are from arboricultural science, while others are derived from unproven but commonly applied concepts. Where the existing terminology to describe trees was limited or nonexistent, new terms have been introduced. This dictionary allows for broad application and use by a wide variety of people and conveys in plain language concepts that are sometimes complex. Most major terms have been cross referenced and diagrams have been added for greater understanding. While a number of pertinent botanical terms have been included, those readily found within dictionaries of general plant sciences and botany have been omitted. Dictionary for Managing Trees in Urban Environments promotes a greater understanding of arboriculture and urban forestry, and will assist in the preparation of reports for the management of trees, procedures and planning instruments, such as Tree Management Policies and Tree Management Orders.
Plus, easy-to-use appendices round out your knowledge by providing botanical descriptions and illustrations of each recommended street tree, charts of the species that have been successfully planted in different U.S. and Canadian cities, and comparisons of the services and budgets of various municipal forestry departments.
There is a growing evidence base that documents the social, environmental and economic benefits that urban trees can deliver. Trees are, however, under threat today as never before due to competition for space imposed by development, other hard infrastructures, increased pressure on the availability of financial provision from local authorities and a highly cautious approach to risk management in a modern litigious society. It is, therefore, incumbent upon all of us in construction and urban design disciplines to pursue a set of goals that not only preserve existing trees where we can, but also ensure that new plantings are appropriately specified and detailed to enable their successful establishment and growth to productive maturity. Aimed at developers, urban planners, urban designers, landscape architects and arboriculturists, this book takes a candid look at the benefits that trees provide alongside the threats that are eliminating them from our towns and cities. It takes a simple, applied approach that explores a combination of science and practical experience to help ensure a pragmatic and reasoned approach to decision-making in terms of tree selection, specification, placement and establishment. In this way, trees can successfully be incorporated within our urban landscapes, so that we can continue to reap the benefits they provide.
This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. This new research compendium focuses on urban forestry research and management, while also considering the sociological and community aspects. The book looks at the benefits of urban forests with respect to urban sustainability and human health; issues related to expanding the urban tree canopy; managing urban forests in a community context; and improving our understanding of urban forests through research and practice.
This book provides guidelines for developing and maintaining sound architectural trunk and branch structure. It is written around the drawings and photographs to serve as the the main teaching tool for students to learn by acutally pruning. The concepts presented in the drawings will provide enough information to allow you to begin pruning trees quickly, correctly and more efficiently. A must for anyone who works with trees and shrubs.
This dictionary contains a complete list of terms used in the universal management of urban trees. Many of the terms are from arboricultural science, while others are derived from unproven but commonly applied concepts. Some new concepts have been introduced where the existing terminology to describe trees was limited or nonexistent. In many texts concepts are only partly defined and so uncertainty can remain as to their exact meaning. Here the dictionary aims to provide clarity.