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A significant volume of research utilizing soil uranium activity ratios as tracers of fluid-mineral interactions, chronometers of weathering processes, and records of paleohydrology and paleoclimate has been conducted over the past ~30 years. However, there is a need to better constrain the underlying mechanisms leading to uranium activity ratio [(234U/238U), where parentheses indicate activity ratio] variations in soils in order to refine models and allow for more rigorous data interpretation. This is especially true for unique soil environments, such as the old (~10 Ma) residual soils formed on carbonate bedrock in the Nittany Valley of Central Pennsylvania investigated in the present study. The goal of this study is to interpret variations in soil (234U/238U) using a suite of measurements including particle size, major element composition, trace element chemistry, mineralogy, and sequential chemical extractions. This allows for the relative importance of various physical and chemical properties of the soil in controlling (234U/238U) values to be determined. The combination of major element, mineralogical, and sequential extraction datasets indicate that the majority of uranium is found in the clay mineral fraction of these soils, with relatively small fractions associated with iron (oxy)hydroxides, organic matter, and adsorbed on mineral surfaces. Particle size measurements combined with -recoil models indicate that the general depth trends in (234U/238U) secular disequilibria are primarily controlled by changes in particle geometry in different depth intervals. However, the magnitude of (234U/238U) secular disequilibria based on particle size and -recoil models [(234U/238U) ranges from 0.47 to 0.76] is much greater than actually measured in these soils [(234U/238U) ranges from 0.875 to 0.987]. Combining sequential extraction data with mass balance calculations suggests that the incorporation of relatively high (234U/238U) uranium from soil pore waters and fertilizer can partially explain this difference, but this process alone is not sufficient to fully explain the discrepancy between modeled and measured soil (234U/238U). Therefore, bulk mineral dissolution must be the dominant factor controlling (234U/238U) values in these soils. Mineral dissolution is shown to increase measured (234U/238U) values by as much as 0.45 above steady state -recoil based predictions. Independent evidence for extensive dissolution in these soils is provided by negative U mass transfer coefficient values and chemical index of alteration values as high as 94.The results of this study have important implications for the application of U-series nuclides to soils and weathering profiles. This work provides evidence that mineral dissolution can be a first-order factor controlling soil (234U/238U), contributes a unique dataset for old residual soils formed on carbonate bedrock, and systematically evaluates the role that incorporation of pore fluid and fertilizer derived U can play on soil (234U/238U) values.
Volume 52 of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry updates our knowledge of U-series geochemistry, offer an opportunity for non-specialists to understand its basic principles, and give us a view of the future of this active field of research. In this volume, for the first time, all the methods for determining the uranium and thorium decay chain nuclides in Earth materials are discussed. It was prepared in advance of a two-day short course (April 3-4, 2003) on U-series geochemistry, jointly sponsored by GS and MSA and presented in Paris, France prior to the joint EGS/AGU/EUG meeting in Nice.
The second edition of this book reflects the rapid growth in the field of uranium-series disequilibrium during the past decade. The new edition presents a comprehensive discussion of theory and analytical methodology, emphasizing applications to problems in the Earth, marine, and environmental sciences where the phenomenon of disruption in naturally occurring decay series has facilitated so much productive research. To this end, the editors have drawn upon the experience and expertise of leading practitioners in each specialized area. This book should thus serve both as a reference text and a practical manual for graduate students and researchers in geochemistry, isotope hydrology, environmental science, sedimentology, Earth science, and archaeology.
Reflecting the growing volume of published work in this field, researchers will find this book an invaluable source of information on current methods and applications.
Developments in Economic Geology, 16: Geochemical Prospecting for Thorium and Uranium Deposits focuses on the analysis of various geochemical methods applicable in the search for all types of thorium and uranium deposits. The publication first ponders on the general chemistry and geochemistry of thorium and uranium, deposits of thorium and uranium and their indicator elements, and geochemical prospecting for thorium and uranium. Discussions focus on radiation surveys, selection of areas, primary mineralization, supergene oxidation, and secondary enrichment of endogenic thorium and uranium deposits, and equilibrium in the natural radioactive series. The book then ponders on lithochemical, pedochemical, hydrochemical, and biogeochemical surveys of the geochemical prospecting for thorium and uranium. Topics include heavy and light mineral surveys of stream, river, pond, and lake sediments, detailed litochemical surveys utilizing primary halos, and case histories. The text takes a look at sampling procedures and analytical methods for estimating thorium and uranium and miscellaneous methods and atmochemical surveys on the geochemical prospecting for thorium and uranium, including isotopic methods, remote sensing and geothermal methods, and liquid inclusion and thermoluminescent methods. The book is a valuable source of data for researchers wanting to explore geochemical prospecting for thorium and uranium deposits.