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Manifesto Confederacion de Trabjadores de Merxico El Roble, Sinaloa, Mexico May 2, 1938 Social, Political and Aesthetic Declaration from the Union of agricultural workers of Mexico to the indigenous races humiliated through centuries: to the soldiers converted into hangmen by their chiefs: to the workers and peasant who are oppressed by the rich: and to all those not servile to the rich and powerful. We stand with those who seek to overthrow this inhumane system within you, worker of the soil produce the riches for your overseers and corrupt politicians, while you starve. While you, the workers on the farm and mill create the harvest enjoyed by the parasites and prostitutes, while your own body is numb and cold. Within which you, Indian soldier, heroically abandon land and give your life in the eternal hope of liberating your race from the degradation and misery of centuries. Not only the noble labour but even the smallest manifestation of the materials and spiritual vitality of our race spring from our native midst. Its admirable, exceptional, and peculiar ability to endure the hardship of your poverty and unending abuse at the hand of you masters because it surges froth from the people: it is collective, and our social aim is to socialize your labours and to destroy forever bourgeois privilege. We, hereby proclaim that this being the moment of social transformation from the decrepit to a new order to a new birth of freedom for all that suffer under the heel of your oppressor. Cast off the chains of tyranny and be free. Gregorio Vasquez Moreno
"The Secret of The Veda" by Sri Aurobindo. This book is collection of Sri Aurobindo’s various writings on the Veda and his translations of some of the hymns, originally published in the monthly review 'Arya' between August 1914 and 1920. This book contains few scripts in Sanskrit language. If you are unable to read Sanskrit script don't worry all scripts are translated in English and with proper Sanskrit pronunciation in Roman character.
The Reader by A. A. Macdonell is meant to be a companion volume to his Vedic Grammer for Students. It contains thirty hymns selected from the Rgveda primarily for students who while acquainted with classical sanskrit are beginners of vedic lacking the aid of a teacher with adequate knowledge of the earliest period of the language and literature of India. In conjunction with the author`s Vedic Grammar the reader aims at supplying all that is required for the complete understanding of the selections. A copious index has been added for the purpose of enabling the student of utilize to the full the summary of Vedic Philosophy which this book contains.
This book is primarily intended to be an Investigation into the Meaning and Religious significance of the important Vedic term dhi, which has been variously and often inadequately translated.
Published by Advaita Ashrama, a publication house of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math, this is Volume 6 of the nine volume series constituting 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda'. In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.
Vol. 5 has also special t.-p.: V.S. Sukthankar memorial volume, 21st January 1944.