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Siamo davvero soli nell’universo? Da millenni, presenze aliene si manifestano sulla Terra. Le testimonianze di questi incontri più o meno ravvicinati affondano le loro radici nel mito. Ma è con la Storia documentabile che il percorso tracciato da tali enigmatiche entità si fa quanto mai affascinante. Realtà o immaginazione? La quantità di fatti accertati e fedelmente registrati, conservati per decenni negli archivi segreti del KGB e del Pentagono, e oggi a disposizione degli studiosi, non lascia più spazio a dubbi.
Il tema della vita su altri pianeti è un argomento che affascina l’uomo da secoli; la possibilità di non essere soli nell’universo ha sempre raccolto opinioni discordanti, coinvolgendo in dibattiti sia semplici appassionati che famosi studiosi. Ogni tanto arrivano alla stampa notizie che alimentano le speranze di chi crede nell’esistenza di creature aliene, ma che la scienza cerca di spiegare in modo razionale.
Title: The Mystery Of Ufos Table of Contents I. EXPLORATION AND SEARCH 1. The Search for Extraterrestrial Life in the Solar System 2. Exploration of Mars for Signs of Life 3. Europe and the Possibility of Life in Its Underground Oceans 4. The Hunt for Habitable Planets in Other Star Systems II. PHENOMENA AND SIGHTINGS ON EARTH 5. The Mysterious UFOs and Their Impact on Society 6. Famous Cases of UFO Sightings 7. Conventional Explanations for UFO Sightings 8. UFOs That Defy Conventional Explanation 9. Alien Abductions and Their Testimonies 10. Hypnotic Regression and Memory Recovery 11. The Alien Abduction Controversy 12. Crop Circles : Extraterrestrial Art Or Message 13. Origins and Characteristics of Crop Circles 14. Theories About the Creation of Crops Circles 15. Crop Circles And Their Influence On Popular Culture III. CONSPIRACY AND CONCEALMENT THEORIES 16. Alien Conspiracy Theories 17. The Extraterrestrial Evidence Concealment Conspiracy 18. Governments And Their Alleged Relationship With Extraterrestrials 19. Aliens And The Secret Control Of Earth 20. The Influence of Science Fiction on Conspiracy Theories IV. SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION 21. The Lack of Solid Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life 22. The Current State of the Search for Life in the Universe 23. The Challenges of Finding Life Beyond Earth 24. Technological Advances in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life 25. The Limits of Today's Space Exploration 26. Expectations and Hopes in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life V. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND PUBLIC PERCEPTION 27. The Science Behind UFO Sightings 28. Natural Phenomena That Can Be Confused With UFOs 29. Public Perception of Extraterrestrial Phenomena 30. The Future of Research into Extraterrestrial Phenomena
This is just a limited selection of some of the most impressive and interesting events from over 12,000 UFO Italian cases CUN has in its files and occurred in Italy during the 20th century. Apart from conventional UFO sightings and close encounters of the first kind, in particular CUN investigated at least 1,000 Italian close encounters of the second and third kind and abduction cases, showing the constant, intelligent and alien nature of UFO phenomena also in our Country. This first volume draws no conclusion about the specific nature and intent of the non-terrestrial entities controlling UFOs. We shall try to do this, as far as possible, at the end of the second volume of this book.
L'annoso dilemma dei dischi volanti e dei presunti alieni, se esistano o meno, viene qui oltrepassato da una vicenda di contatto che ha interessato l'autore, di livello culturale universitario e per nulla propenso a credere ad occhi chiusi. La vicenda si dipana in modo entusiasmante e vi si possono trovare alcune risposte sull'argomento. Le fotografie molto belle e significative, corredano il libro. Tutte le foto sono originali e i montaggi grafici non ne inficiano l'autenticità.
When United Airlines workers reported a UFO at O'Hare Airport in November 2006, it was met with the typical denials and hush-up that usually accompany such sightings. But when a related story broke the record for hits at the Chicago Tribune's website, it was clear that such unexplained objects continued to occupy the minds of fascinated readers. Why, wonders Thomas Bullard, don't such persistent sightings command more urgent attention from scientists, scholars, and mainstream journalists? The answer, in part, lies in Bullard's wide-ranging magisterial survey of the mysterious, frustrating, and ever-evolving phenomenon that refuses to go away and our collective efforts to understand it. In his trailblazing book, Bullard views those efforts through the lens of mythmaking, discovering what UFO accounts tell us about ourselves, our beliefs, and the possibility of visitors from beyond. Bullard shows how ongoing grassroots interest in UFOs stems both from actual personal experiences and from a cultural mythology that defines such encounters as somehow "alien"-and how it views relentless official denial as a part of conspiracy to hide the truth. He also describes how UFOs have catalyzed the evolution of a new but highly fractured belief system that borrows heavily from the human past and mythic themes and which UFO witnesses and researchers use to make sense of such phenomena and our place in the cosmos. Bullard's book takes in the whole spectrum of speculations on alien visitations and abductions, magically advanced technologies, governmental conspiracies, varieties of religious salvation, apocalyptic fears, and other paranormal experiences. Along the way, Bullard investigates how UFOs have inspired books, movies, and television series; blurred the boundaries between science, science fiction, and religion; and crowded the Internet with websites and discussion groups. From the patches of this crazy quilt, he posits evidence that a genuine phenomenon seems to exist outside the myth. Enormously erudite and endlessly engaging, Bullard's study is a sky watcher's guide to the studies, stories, and debates that this elusive subject has inspired. It shows that, despite all the competing interests and errors clouding the subject, there is substance beneath the clutter, a genuinely mysterious phenomenon that deserves attention as more than a myth.