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Updated 12/17/2020: In an international security environment described as one of renewedgreat power competition, the South China Sea (SCS) has emerged as an arena of U.S.-Chinastrategic competition. U.S.-China strategic competition in the SCS forms an element of the TrumpAdministration's more confrontational overall approach toward China, and of the Administration'sefforts for promoting its construct for the Indo-Pacific region, called the Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP). China's actions in the SCS in recent years--including extensive island-building and baseconstruction activities at sites that it occupies in the Spratly Islands, as well as actions by itsmaritime forces to assert China's claims against competing claims by regional neighbors such asthe Philippines and Vietnam--have heightened concerns among U.S. observers that China is gainingeffective control of the SCS, an area of strategic, political, and economic importance to the UnitedStates and its allies and partners. Actions by China's maritime forces at the Japan administeredSenkaku Islands in the East China Sea (ECS) are another concern for U.S. observers. Chinesedomination of China's near-seas region--meaning the SCS and ECS, along with the Yellow Sea--could substantially affect U.S. strategic, political, and economic interests in the Indo-Pacific regionand elsewhere. Potential general U.S. goals for U.S.-China strategic competition in the SCS and ECS includebut are not necessarily limited to the following: fulfilling U.S. security commitments in the WesternPacific, including treaty commitments to Japan and the Philippines; maintaining and enhancingthe U.S.-led security architecture in the Western Pacific, including U.S. security relationships withtreaty allies and partner states; maintaining a regional balance of power favorable to the UnitedStates and its allies and partners; defending the principle of peaceful resolution of disputes andresisting the emergence of an alternative "might-makes-right" approach to international affairs;defending the principle of freedom of the seas, also sometimes called freedom of navigation;preventing China from becoming a regional hegemon in East Asia; and pursing these goals as partof a larger U.S. strategy for competing strategically and managing relations with China. Potential specific U.S. goals for U.S.-China strategic competition in the SCS and ECS includebut are not necessarily limited to the following: dissuading China from carrying out additionalbaseconstruction activities in the SCS, moving additional military personnel, equipment, andsupplies to bases at sites that it occupies in the SCS, initiating island-building or base-constructionactivities at Scarborough Shoal in the SCS, declaring straight baselines around land featuresit claims in the SCS, or declaring an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over the SCS; andencouraging China to reduce or end operations by its maritime forces at the Senkaku Islands in theECS, halt actions intended to put pressure against Philippine-occupied sites in the Spratly Islands,provide greater access by Philippine fisherman to waters surrounding Scarborough Shoal or in theSpratly Islands, adopt the U.S./Western definition regarding freedom of the seas, and accept andabide by the July 2016 tribunal award in the SCS arbitration case involving the Philippines andChina. The Trump Administration has taken various actions for competing strategically with Chinain the SCS and ECS. The issue for Congress is whether the Trump Administration's strategy forcompeting strategically with China in the SCS and ECS is appropriate and correctly resourced,and whether Congress should approve, reject, or modify the strategy, the level of resources forimplementing it, or both.
Summary China's actions in recent years in the South China Sea (SCS)-particularly its island-building and base-construction activities at sites that it occupies in the Spratly Islands-have heightened concerns among U.S. observers that China is rapidly gaining effective control of the SCS, an area of strategic, political, and economic importance to the United States and its allies and partners, particularly those in the Indo-Pacific region. U.S. Navy Admiral Philip Davidson, in his responses to advance policy questions from the Senate Armed Services Committee for an April 17, 2018, hearing to consider his nomination to become Commander, U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM), stated that "China is now capable of controlling the South China Sea in all scenarios short of war with the United States." Chinese control of the SCS-and, more generally, Chinese domination of China's near-seas region, meaning the SCS, the East China Sea (ECS), and the Yellow Sea-could substantially affect U.S. strategic, political, and economic interests in the Indo-Pacific region and elsewhere. China is a party to multiple territorial disputes in the SCS and ECS, including, in particular, disputes with multiple neighboring countries over the Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands, and Scarborough Shoal in the SCS, and with Japan over the Senkaku Islands in the ECS. Up through 2014, U.S. concern over these disputes centered more on their potential for causing tension, incidents, and a risk of conflict between China and its neighbors in the region, including U.S. allies Japan and the Philippines and emerging partner states such as Vietnam. While that concern remains, particularly regarding the potential for a conflict between China and Japan involving the Senkaku Islands, U.S. concern since 2014 (i.e., since China's island-building activities in the Spratly Islands were first publicly reported) has shifted increasingly to how China's strengthening position in the SCS may be affecting the risk of a U.S.-China crisis or conflict in the SCS and the broader U.S.-Chinese strategic competition. In addition to territorial disputes in the SCS and ECS, China is involved in a dispute, particularly with the United States, over whether China has a right under international law to regulate the activities of foreign military forces operating within China's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The position of the United States and most other countries is that while international law gives coastal states the right to regulate economic activities (such as fishing and oil exploration) within their EEZs, it does not give coastal states the right to regulate foreign military activities in the parts of their EEZs beyond their 12-nautical-mile territorial waters. The position of China and some other countries (i.e., a minority group among the world's nations) is that UNCLOS gives coastal states the right to regulate not only economic activities, but also foreign military activities, in their EEZs. The dispute appears to be at the heart of multiple incidents between Chinese and U.S. ships and aircraft in international waters and airspace since 2001, and has potential implications not only for China's EEZs, but for U.S. naval operations in EEZs globally, and for international law of the sea. A key issue for Congress is how the United States should respond to China's actions in the SCS and ECS-particularly its island-building and base-construction activities in the Spratly Islands-and to China's strengthening position in the SCS. A key oversight question for Congress is whether the Trump Administration has an appropriate strategy-and an appropriate amount of resources for implementing that strategy-for countering China's "salami-slicing" strategy or gray zone operations for gradually strengthening its position in the SCS, for imposing costs on China for its actions in the SCS and ECS, and for defending and promoting U.S. interests in the region.
This book examines the nature and consequences of strategic competition between the US and China, which affects the global security landscape and the emerging security architecture across the broader Asia-Pacific region. The author illustrates the evolution of Sino-US security interactions from the anti-Soviet alliance, to temporary marginalization, to eventual strategic competition and examines cases that could potentially escalate into greater conflicts. The analysis offers tantalizing glimpses into both the dangers and promising opportunities presented by this strategic fork in the road, making it of great interest to researchers and scholars in the fields of international relations and security studies.
Traditionally, the South China Sea (SCS) issue was not on the negotiation table between the United States and China. However, the tensions between the United States and China over the SCS have gradually simmered up to a strategic level. Why and how did the SCS become a flashpoint between the United States and China? Will the United States and China really go to war over the SCS? Why did China adopt an "assertive" policy towards the South China Sea in the 2000s? What will regional actors do in the face of this "new normal" of competition between China and the United States? Will multilateral institutions in the Asia Pacific alleviate the potential conflicts over the SCS disputes? How will US-Chinese competition in the SCS shape the dynamics of Asian security? This edited book addresses these questions systematically and theoretically, with contributions from leading scholars in the field of US-China relations and Asian security from the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Singapore. It elevates the analysis of the SCS disputes from maritime and legal issues to the strategic level between the United States and China.
The global implications of China's rise as a global actor In 2005, a senior official in the George W. Bush administration expressed the hope that China would emerge as a “responsible stakeholder” on the world stage. A dozen years later, the Trump administration dramatically shifted course, instead calling China a “strategic competitor” whose actions routinely threaten U.S. interests. Both assessments reflected an underlying truth: China is no longer just a “rising” power. It has emerged as a truly global actor, both economically and militarily. Every day its actions affect nearly every region and every major issue, from climate change to trade, from conflict in troubled lands to competition over rules that will govern the uses of emerging technologies. To better address the implications of China's new status, both for American policy and for the broader international order, Brookings scholars conducted research over the past two years, culminating in a project: Global China: Assessing China's Growing Role in the World. The project is intended to furnish policy makers and the public with hard facts and deep insights for understanding China's regional and global ambitions. The initiative draws not only on Brookings's deep bench of China and East Asia experts, but also on the tremendous breadth of the institution's security, strategy, regional studies, technological, and economic development experts. Areas of focus include the evolution of China's domestic institutions; great power relations; the emergence of critical technologies; Asian security; China's influence in key regions beyond Asia; and China's impact on global governance and norms. Global China: Assessing China's Growing Role in the World provides the most current, broad-scope, and fact-based assessment of the implications of China's rise for the United States and the rest of the world.
This title will explore China’s strategic interests in the South China Sea, with a specific emphasis on power projection and resource security. China’s regional actions and reactions are reshaping the power dynamics in East and South-East Asia, while economic and geopolitical futures depend on the variegated outcomes of these complex relationships with neighbours and the West. An introductory section will be complemented by four case studies (Japan, Vietnam, the USA and the Philippines) and the concluding chapter will discuss the importance of the South China Sea to China as its new leadership deals with growing economic and military might.
This open access edited book brings together a closer examination of European and Asian responses to the escalating rivalry between the US and China. As the new Cold War has surfaced as a perceivable reality in the post-COVID era, the topic itself is of great importance to policymakers, academic researchers, and the interested public. Furthermore, this manuscript makes a valuable contribution to an under-studied and increasingly important phenomenon in international relations: the impact of the growing strategic competition between the United States and China on third parties, such as small and middle powers in the two arguably most affected regions of the world: Europe and East Asia. The European side has been under-studied and explicitly comparative work on Europe and East Asia is extremely rare. Given that the manuscript focuses heavily on recent developments—and because many of these developments have been quite dramatic—there are very few publications that cover the same topics.
This book explores the very latest developments in the South China Sea maritime dispute. It examines the South China Sea as an arena for geostrategic competition between China and the United States and why the dispute is so important for regional and global geopolitics. It outlines the most recent developments in the sea itself and assesses the role of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the current views of the contesting claimants. It considers the position of countries from outside the region, India as well as Japan; surveys military and naval developments; and examines confidence building, preventive diplomacy, and dispute resolution measures. The book concludes by highlighting the points of greatest risk and by discussing how the situation is likely to develop going forward.
How the United States and China can avoid future conflict and establish stable cooperative relations After forty years of largely cooperative Sino-U.S. relations, policymakers, politicians, and pundits on both sides of the Pacific see growing tensions between the United States and China. Some go so far as to predict a future of conflict, driven by the inevitable rivalry between an established and a rising power, and urge their leaders to prepare now for a future showdown. Others argue that the deep economic interdependence between the two countries and the many areas of shared interests will lead to more collaborative relations in the coming decades. In this book, James Steinberg and Michael O'Hanlon stake out a third, less deterministic position. They argue that there are powerful domestic and international factors, especially in the military and security realms, that could well push the bilateral relationship toward an arms race and confrontation, even though both sides will be far worse off if such a future comes to pass. They contend that this pessimistic scenario can be confidently avoided only if China and the United States adopt deliberate policies designed to address the security dilemma that besets the relationship between a rising and an established power. The authors propose a set of policy proposals to achieve a sustainable, relatively cooperative relationship between the two nations, based on the concept of providing mutual strategic reassurance in such key areas as nuclear weapons and missile defense, space and cyber operations, and military basing and deployments, while also demonstrating strategic resolve to protect vital national interests, including, in the case of the United States, its commitments to regional allies.