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The complexity of most real-time and embedded systems often exceeds that of other types of systems since, in addition to the usual spectrum of problems inherent in software, they need to deal with the complexities of the physical world. That world—as the proverbial Mr. Murphy tells us—is an unpredictable and often unfriendly place. Consequently, there is a very strong motivation to investigate and apply advanced design methods and technologies that could simplify and improve the reliability of real-time software design and implementation. As a result, from the first versions of UML issued in the mid 1990’s, designers of embedded and real-time systems have taken to UML with vigour and enthusiasm. However, the dream of a complete, model-driven design flow from specification through automated, optimised code generation, has been difficult to realise without some key improvements in UML semantics and syntax, specifically targeted to the real-time systems problem. With the enhancements in UML that have been proposed and are near standardisation with UML 2. 0, many of these improvements have been made. In the Spring of 2003, adoption of a formalised UML 2. 0 specification by the members of the Object Management Group (OMG) seems very close. It is therefore very appropriate to review the status of UML as a set of notations for embedded real-time systems - both the state of the art and best practices achieved up to this time with UML of previous generations - and where the changes embodied in the 2.
Data Structures & Theory of Computation
La mise en place d’un logiciel sans défaut reste primordiale pour plusieurs domaines qui requièrent des applications dites de sécurité comme les transports. La réalisation d’un modèle formel est l’approche la plus efficace pour atteindre l'objectif du zéro défaut, que ce soit en termes de temps ou de maîtrise de la complexité. Ce modèle permet d’analyser et de vérifier le comportement d’un logiciel. Cet ouvrage présente la méthode B, une méthode formelle s’appuyant sur la preuve de propriétés qui, sur la base d’une spécification et de la notion de raffinement, permet d’aller jusqu’à la production automatique de code. Différents outils découlant de cette méthode ainsi que des exemples concrets d’utilisations industrielles de différentes tailles sont aussi exposés dans des domaines tels que l’avionique ou les systèmes manufacturiers.
Formal methods have been applied successfully to the verification of medium-sized programs in protocol and hardware design. However, their application to the development of large systems requires more emphasis on specification, modelling and validation techniques supporting the concepts of reusability and modifiability, and their implementation in new extensions of existing programming languages. This book presents revised tutorial lectures given by invited speakers at the Third International Symposium on Formal Methods for Components and Objects, FMCO 2004, held in Leiden, The Netherlands, in November 2004. The 14 revised lectures by leading researchers present a comprehensive account of the potential of formal methods applied to large and complex software systems such as component-based systems and object systems. The book provides an unique combination of ideas on software engineering and formal methods that reflect the expanding body of knowledge on modern software systems.
Foundations of Algorithms, Fifth Edition offers a well-balanced presentation of algorithm design, complexity analysis of algorithms, and computational complexity. Ideal for any computer science students with a background in college algebra and discrete structures, the text presents mathematical concepts using standard English and simple notation to maximize accessibility and user-friendliness. Concrete examples, appendices reviewing essential mathematical concepts, and a student-focused approach reinforce theoretical explanations and promote learning and retention. C++ and Java pseudocode help students better understand complex algorithms. A chapter on numerical algorithms includes a review of basic number theory, Euclid's Algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor, a review of modular arithmetic, an algorithm for solving modular linear equations, an algorithm for computing modular powers, and the new polynomial-time algorithm for determining whether a number is prime.The revised and updated Fifth Edition features an all-new chapter on genetic algorithms and genetic programming, including approximate solutions to the traveling salesperson problem, an algorithm for an artificial ant that navigates along a trail of food, and an application to financial trading. With fully updated exercises and examples throughout and improved instructor resources including complete solutions, an Instructor’s Manual and PowerPoint lecture outlines, Foundations of Algorithms is an essential text for undergraduate and graduate courses in the design and analysis of algorithms. Key features include:• The only text of its kind with a chapter on genetic algorithms• Use of C++ and Java pseudocode to help students better understand complex algorithms• No calculus background required• Numerous clear and student-friendly examples throughout the text• Fully updated exercises and examples throughout• Improved instructor resources, including complete solutions, an Instructor’s Manual, and PowerPoint lecture outlines
Information Processing is a key area of research and development and the symposium presented state-of-the-art reports on some of the areas which are of relevance in automatic control: fault diagnosis and system reliability. Papers also covered the role of expert systems and other knowledge based systems, which are needed, to cope with the vast quantities of data generated by large scale systems. This volume should be considered essential reading for anyone involved in this rapidly developing area.