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El Derecho de Garantías es la columna vertebral sobre la que se sustenta el actual sistema financiero. Dentro de este mercado, cada día se ponen en juego un gran volumen de transacciones que, por naturaleza, son arriesgadas. Esta situación hacía necesaria la creación de una obra jurídica que los contemplase a todos y cada uno de ellos. Con esta idea surge este Tratado, la única obra publicada con la totalidad de los contratos y derechos reales de garantía existentes en España. Esta obra cubre la necesidad de todos los profesionales que necesitaban un tratado sectorial completo, suficiente, unitario y sistematizado sobre el Derecho de Garantías. Con un tratamiento sistemático, exhaustivo, técnicamente riguroso y orientado a la práctica, incluye todos los contratos y derechos de garantía que existen actualmente en España. Analizando con un lenguaje sencillo y directo cada cuestión una sola vez y con una resolución directa, para ofrecer una solución rápida y eficaz. Esta nueva edición, completamente actualizada, incluye nuevos capítulos y apartados sobre la relación jurídica entre acreedor y fiador, hipotecas, bienes muebles, garantías financieras, convenios concursales y el arrendamiento financiero entre otros muchos temas. Compuesta por dos tomos, se trata de una obra imprescindible e insustituible para académicos, abogados y empresas que se hallen inmersos o interesados en este sector de lo jurídico, la parte más dinámica y comprometida del Derecho Privado Patrimonial.
Secured transactions law has been subjected to a close scrutiny over the last two decades. One of the main reasons for this is the importance of availability of credit and the consequent need to reform collateral laws in order to improve access to finance. The ability to give security effectively influences not only the cost of credit but also, in some cases, whether credit will be available at all. This requires rules that are transparent and readily accessible to non-lawyers as well as rules that recognise the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. This book critically engages with the challenges posed by inefficient secured credit laws. It offers a comparative analysis of the reasons and the needs for a secured transactions law reform, as well as discussion of the steps taken in many common law, civil law and mixed law jurisdictions. The book, written under the auspices of the Secured Transactions Law Reform Project, informs the debate about reform and advances novel arguments written by world renowned experts that will build upon the existing literature, and as such will be of interest to academics, legal practitioners and the judiciary involved in secured transactions law around the world. The text considers reform initiatives that have taken place up to the end of April 2016. It has not been possible to incorporate events since then into the discussion. However, notable developments include the banks decree passed by the Italian Government on 29th June 2016, and the adoption of the Model Law on Secured Transactions by UNCITRAL on 1st July 2016.
Foundations of Property Law: Things as Objects of Property Rights is an abridged translation of the first volume of Christian von Bar's Gemeineuropäisches Sachenrecht -a milestone in European private law theory, and in comparative property law more broadly. Radical in content and scope, the English version examines the dynamics of interaction between the objects, contents, and holders of property. The conceptual framework of 'property law' is presented as a domain of erga omnes monopoly rights that govern the relationship between persons and objects of value. Within that framework, a reciprocal relationship is illustrated between "property rights" and their objects; property rights play a role in constituting the very objects ("things") in which they are held. With comprehensive comparative analysis, insights are gleaned from all the jurisdictions of the European Union and the United Kingdom, presenting a critical evaluation of property law systems in both Common and Civil Law traditions. This book joins all the national legal systems in a single inquiry, treating their traditions and arguments with the respect they deserve and taking advantage of the knowledge embodied in the diversity of European private law. A scholastic work, offering deep and unique insights into the European property law systems, Foundations of Property Law will quickly become a go-to resource for anyone interested in European private law and comparative property law.
As cross-border trade and cross-border financing continue to increase while security rights over tangible property are governed by the law of the place where the moveable is situated, comparative knowledge of national secured transactions law is crucial for everyone using security rights over tangibles in a cross-border context. This book provides an in-depth examination of the key issues that arise when security rights are created, perfected and enforced in different European countries. Authored by experts on German, English, Dutch, French, Belgian, Italian and Spanish law, the national reports use practical cases and highlight differences and similarities. A special focus is placed on the way in which national courts deal with security interests created elsewhere. A comprehensive introductory chapter analyzes significant secured transactions issues, summarises the comparative data and compares them with Art. 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.S.) and suggests guiding principles for a European harmonization measure or national reform efforts. The book will assist market participants and their counsel to better understand secured transactions law and relevant private international law rules of their own and other countries and assist those involved in national, EU and global law reform efforts.