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This research thesis will explore the relationship between integrated water resource management (IWRM), water conflict and cooperation within the Mekong River Basin and the capacity of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) to influence water governance in a rapidly evolving region. The paper will also analyse the historical evolution of the MRC and its role and influence on regional water governance within a highly complex geopolitical landscape. Based on a comparative analysis of the MRC's response to two large-scale water related infrastructure investments the paper will also assess its institutional capacity to mitigate and mediate transboundary conflict. The paper will then explore ways by which the MRC could become more relevant and effective in its role of mitigating and mediating transboundary water related conflict within the changing Mekong waterscape. The Mekong River starts in Tibet and journeys 4,000 kilometres through Southeast Asia until it reaches the South China Sea in Vietnam. It is of vital importance for national economic development of Upper and Lower Mekong countries whilst also being integral for the subsistence livelihoods of millions of rural poor reliant on the river for existence (Osborne, 2000). The current rate of rapid economic growth in Southeast Asia and China is placing increased pressure on natural resources and the environment. The impact of competing national development objectives between the Mekong riparian states (and also within sovereign borders) has, and will continue to result in sporadic localised tension (Jacobs, 2002). Examples of localised conflict on the Lower Mekong Basin catalysed (or escalated) by competing water resource developments includes disputes over the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project, the proposed Thailand Water Grid Project and the Sesan, Sre Pok and Sekong (3S) hydropower projects on the Vietnam - Cambodia tributaries of the Mekong River. This third example (which will be explored in greater detail in Chapter 5) demonstrates the reality of water-related transboundary conflict. As an internationally supported river basin organisation, the MRC will be an important stakeholder in regional water governance especially as the drivers for water-related conflict increase within the Mekong Basin. However, the current institutional capacity of the MRC to mitigate and resolve conflict between riparian countries is weak (Backer, 2007). In a period of increasing economic growth and regional integration among Mekong riparian nations the increasing threat of water-related transboundary conflict has the potential to impede economic growth and compromise geopolitical stability. This thesis analyses water governance mechanisms in the Mekong however it is impossible to decouple water governance from the water, energy and food security nexus. This nexus reflects the interdependencies between water, energy and food by which energy production can influence water demand and access for food production. At the same time, water use can affect food security as well as energy requirements. The choices people make about what food they consume (which are closely linked with demographic and lifestyle changes and economic growth), influence both water and energy demands. For transboundary water governance to be effective it must acknowledge the links between water, energy and food security and the impacts on or relations to environment, climate, people's livelihoods and the economy.
An international river basin is an ecological system, an economic thoroughfare, a geographical area, a font of life and livelihoods, a geopolitical network and, often, a cultural icon. It is also a socio-legal phenomenon. This book is the first detailed study of an international river basin from a socio-legal perspective. The Mekong River Basin, which sustains approximately 70 million people across Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, provides a prime example of the socio-legal complexities of governing a transboundary river and its tributaries. The book applies its socio-legal analysis to bring a fresh approach to understanding conflicts surrounding water governance in the Mekong River Basin. The authors describe the wide range of uses being made of legal doctrine and legal argument in ongoing disputes surrounding hydropower development in the Basin, putting to rest lingering caricatures of a single, ‘ASEAN’ way of navigating conflict. They call into question some of the common assumptions concerning the relationship between law and development. The book also sheds light on important questions concerning the global hybridization or crossover of public and private power and its ramifications for water governance. With current debates and looming conflicts over water governance globally, and over shared rivers in particular, these issues could not be more pressing.
The management of water resources across boundaries, whether sub-national or international, is one of the most difficult challenges facing water managers today. The upstream exploitation or diversion of groundwater or rivers can have devastating consequences for those living downstream, and transboundary rivers can provide a source of conflict between nations or states, particularly where water resources are scarce. Similarly, water based-pollution can spread across borders and create disputes and a need for sound governance.1. Introduction: Setting the Scene for Transboundary Water Management Approaches2. Why Negotiate? Asymmetric endowments and asymmetric power and the invisible nexus of water, trade and power that brings apparent water security3. Power, Hegemony and Critical Hydropolitics4. Getting Beyond the Environment-Conflict Trap: Benefit-Sharing in International River Basins5. International Water Law: concepts, evolution and development6. Aquifer Resources in a Transboundary Context: A Hidden Resource? - Enabling the Practitioner To 'See It and Bank It' for Good Use7. Governance in Transboundary Basins - the Role of Stakeholders, Concepts and Approaches in International River Basins8. Environmental Flows in Shared Watercourses: Review of Assessment Methods and Relevance in the Transboundary Setting9. Managing Water Negotiations and Conflicts in Concept and in PracticeContributorsIndexPart I: Analytical Approaches to Transboundary Water ManagementPart II: Transboundary Water Management Polity and PracticePart III: Challenges and OpportunitiesThis book is the first to bring together in a concise and accessible way all of the main topics to be considered when managing transboundary waters. It will raise the awareness of practitioners of the various issues needed to be taken into account when making water management decisions and provide a practically-based overview for advanced students. The authors show clearly how vital it is to cooperate effectively over the management of shared waters to unlock their contribution to regional sustainable development. The book is largely based on a long-running and tested international training programme, run by the Stockholm International Water Institute and Ramboll Natura, and supported by the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (Sida), where the respective authors have presented modules on the programmes. It addresses issues not only of conflict, but also of managing power asymmetries, benefit-sharing, stakeholder participation, international water law, environmental water requirements and regional development. It will be particularly useful for those with a background in hydrology or engineering who wish to broaden their management skills.
Governance of global water resources presents one of the most confounding challenges in contemporary natural resource governance. With considerable government, citizen and financial donor attention devoted to a range of international, transnational and domestic laws and policies aimed at protecting, managing and sustainably using fresh and coastal marine water resources, this book proposes that sustainable water outcomes require a ‘trans-jurisdictional’ approach to water governance. Focusing on the concept of trans-jurisdictional water governance the book diagnoses barriers and identifies pathways to coherent and coordinated institutional arrangements between and across different bodies of laws at local, national, regional and international levels. It includes case studies from the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United States and Southeast Asia. Leading specialists offer insights into the pretence and the promise of trans-jurisdictional water governance and provide readers, including students, practitioners, policy-makers and academics, with a basis for better analysing, articulating and synthesising standards of good trans-jurisdictional water governance both in theory and in practice.
This book, the first in a three-volume series, brings together the work of researchers, scholars, activists, and leaders in the Mekong region to provide a baseline, state-of-knowledge review of the contemporary politics and discourses of water use, sharing, and management, and their implications for local livelihoods.
As the governance of transboundary rivers becomes a subject of growing importance due to the increasing pressure on freshwater resources, this timely collection examines water scarcity and efforts to better manage rivers and river basins. Most specialists agree that states face many institutional inadequacies when dealing with shared resources and that new governance mechanisms are needed to improve water management. Using case studies of the Aral Sea basin and the Danube, Euphrates, and Mekong river basins, the contributors develop a new approach to water governance: the concept of multi-governance, an effort to collectively solve public problems by involving a series of relevant actors from the local to the global level, such as institutions, states, civil society, and business.
Water - and its governance - is becoming a global concern partly because it is turning into a goods in short supply, with devastating effects on literally billions of people, but also because it is the "carrier" of global warming; whether through irregular weather patterns or through flooding, water is how global warming will be 'felt'. The lion's share of the globally available fresh water resources is to be found in transboundary systems. In spite of its significance, the generated knowledge on how to deal with transboundary waters is weak and leaves policy makers with seemingly unavoidable, trade-off dilemmas and prioritizations, often with detrimental effects. In order to disentangle this predicament this volume works with one case: the Lower Mekong Basin and covers state-of-the-art academic and practitioners' knowledge and hence appeals to a wide audience. The topic this volume addresses is situated in the nexus of an IR- (International Relations) approach focussing on transboundary politics and its inclination to remain within the sphere of state sovereignty and national interest on the one hand, and Development studies, with its imperatives on participation, planning, and intervention, on the other. The dilemma, we argue, of better understanding transboundary water management lies in how to understand how these two rationalities can be simultaneously nurtured. Audience: This book will be relevant to scholars, as it provides cutting-edge research, and students, since it covers the primary debates in the field, interested in resource management, regional politics, and development issues in the area. It also addresses the global debate on transboundary water management and presents an in-depth case of one of the globally most sophisticated attempts at pursuing sustainable river basin management. Finally, practitioners and policymakers would benefit greatly because all contributions have explicit policy relevance, launching suggestion on improvements in water management.
This book examines the political economy that governs the management of international transboundary river basins in the developing world. These shared rivers are the setting for irrigation, hydropower and flood management projects as well as water transfer schemes. Often, these projects attempt to engineer the river basin with deep political, socio-economic and environmental implications. The politics of transboundary river basin management sheds light on the challenges concerning sustainable development, water allocation and utilization between sovereign states. Advancing conceptual thinking beyond simplistic analyses of river basins in conflict or cooperation, the author proposes a new analytical framework. The Transboundary Waters Interaction NexuS (TWINS) examines the coexistence of conflict and cooperation in riparian interaction. This framework highlights the importance of power relations between basin states that determine negotiation processes and institutions of water resources management. The analysis illustrates the way river basin management is framed by powerful elite decision-makers, combined with geopolitical factors and geographical imaginations. In addition, the book explains how national development strategies and water resources demands have a significant role in shaping the intensities of conflict and cooperation at the international level. The book draws on detailed case studies from the Ganges River basin in South Asia, the Orange–Senqu River basin in Southern Africa and the Mekong River basin in Southeast Asia, providing key insights on equity and power asymmetry applicable to other basins in the developing world.