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Tim and Susie are kidnapped right out of the front of Timmy's mom's store, and while the grown ups do their best to find them, it's ultimately up to the Wolf Pack to figure out who took them and how to get them back.
This is a collection of short stories for children. Each story has a lesson that children need to learn such as: listening to parents, obeying parents, learning about forgiveness, learning to share, being organized, caring for your possessions, being in control of emotions, telling the truth, being honest, dealing with death and life, being aware of strangers, letting go of possessions, dealing with reality, and giving to others. There are also questions at the end of each short story to develop reading comprehension.
This is the first book in the series titled Cedar Tree Mysteries. The series features Christy and Megan Parker, who are identical twins. They are in the third grade and live in a fictitious city called River City, Kansas.
"Most of us will have many friends throughout our lifetimes—friends of all shapes, sizes, and callings. Many of these are wonderful, meaningful friendships. Some are difficult. But some magic few of these are connections that have gone right to our soul. These five or seven or ten friendships have been powerful keys to determining who we have become and who we will become. . . . These are the people I call Soul Friends." As the Senior Scholar-in-Residence for over 25 years at the renowned Kripalu Center, Stephen Cope has spent decades investigating—and writing about—the integration of body, mind, and spirit and the rich complexity of our relationships with others, and with ourselves. Perhaps the central truth that arises from his work is this: human beings are universally wired for one thing—vital connection with one another.Soul Friends invites us on a compelling journey into the connectivity of the human psyche, the study of which has fascinated scholars, philosophers, and thinkers for centuries. Cope seamlessly blends science, scholarship, and storytelling, drawing on his own life as well as the histories of famous figures—from Eleanor Roosevelt to Charles Darwin to Queen Victoria—whose formative relationships shed light on the nature of friendship itself. In his exploration, he distills human connection into six distinct yet interconnected mechanisms: containment, twinship, adversity, mirroring, identification, and conscious partnership. Then he invites us to reflect on how these forms of connection appear in our own lives, helping us work toward a fuller understanding of "who we have become and who we will become."Without a doubt, the journey to our most fulfilled selves requires us to look within. But in order to truly thrive, we must make the most of who we are in relation to one another as well. Unsparingly honest, deeply wise, and irresistibly readable, Soul Friends gives us a map to find our way.
Timmy's life has changed since his dad died. He is now living with his grandparents and attending the one-room school back in Kentucky.
Making friends can be a challenge for all children, but those with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) can struggle more than most. This collection of ten fully-illustrated stories explores friendship issues encountered by children with ASD aged four to eight and looks at how they can be overcome successfully. Key problem areas are addressed, including sharing, taking turns, being a tattletale, obsessions, winning and losing, jealousy, personal space, tact and diplomacy, and defining friendship. The lively and entertaining stories depersonalize issues, allowing children to see situations from the perspective of others and enabling them to recognize themselves in the characters. This opens the door to discussion, which in turn leads to useful insight and strategies they can practise and implement in the future. Each story has a separate introduction for adults which explains the main strategies within it. This book will be a valuable resource for all parents and teachers of children with ASD, along with their friends and families, and anybody else looking to help children on the spectrum to understand, make and maintain friendships.
Oliver Olsen and Jack Strickland planned to leave on their journey to western Kentucky as soon as it got light enough for the horses to see. Monday morning came too soon. They all picked at their breakfast and fought to keep a straight face. Patrick, Lucy, and Martha Sawyer had spent the night with the Woldes; as did Jack Strickland. Paul arrived suddenly, it seemed, to say the surrey was at the end of the driveway and it was time to go. Mister Olsen, sir, Julian said, his voice trembling, youve said nothing about Lady or her puppies. Do I dare ask what you mean to do? Julian, its been on my mind ever since I got here. Lady has followed me everywhere Id let her go, and the puppies are too precious for words. I cant decide whats best to do. By the way, I havent seen Lady this morning. I wonder where she is. Pardon me, Mister Olsen, Paul Interrupted, but I happened to overhear what you said. I think the decision has already been made for you. Ladys outside, sitting in the buggy seat, waiting for you and Jack. With tears in his eyes, Julian asked, Please, Mister Olsen, Id like to tell her good-bye. May I walk out with you, sir? Of course, you may, Julian, Oliver replied, hugging the man and fighting tears himself. You will keep one of her puppies, wont you? Oh yes, sir, I will keep the little girl and do my best to raise her to be like her mother. Ill call her Tina. Halfway down the driveway, Oliver spoke to Jack, When you get to the pike, stop for a minute. I want to take a last look behind us. A few minutes later, Jack stopped. Oliver and Lady got out and stood in the roadway a few minutes. He shed tears while the beautiful red Labrador whined for her puppies. We cant have this, Lady, Oliver said to his dog. If we stand here any longer, well both change our mind. Come on, girl. Lets go home to Kentucky. Bill Conner Author
What is the ending to the human drama? Will all be reconciled to God in the end? Does God demand an altar, a corpse, and blood? Or, rather, is the Christian God set apart from all the other gods throughout history? All Set Free sets out to answer some of the more difficult questions Christians today are faced with. It will challenge the Augustinian understanding of hell and the Calvinist understanding of the atonement; replacing them with a more Christ-centered understanding of both doctrines. This book will also use the work of Rene Girard in order to reshape how many understand "what it means to be human." Then and only then should we ask: "Who is God?" Come explore what has become Matthew's theological pilgrimage to this point. Come discover the God of peace.
Are you uncomfortable—even afraid—about the prospect of speaking before a group of people? Do you have trouble getting your message across? When you speak, do others listen, or can you feel their attention wandering? Effective communication is essential in business and in everyday life. The most powerful communicators reach not just our minds but our hearts: They win our trust. You can learn to impress and persuade other people by following Bert Decker's program in You've Got to Be Believed to Be Heard. In this revised and updated edition of his bestselling book, he distills his expertise into a fresh new approach to speaking, with examples and how-to exercises that anyone can follow. Decker rounds out the behavioral focus of the first edition to include his powerful tool to organize content. Now you can learn to create focused, listener-based messages in half the time. Spend a few evenings with this complete book of speaking, and you will discover how to win the emotional trust of others—the true basis of communicating in any situation. You'll learn: · How to conquer "stage fright" · How to inject dynamic energy into your voice · Why eye contact helps win trust · When and how to use humor to make a point · A proven technique to eliminate "Umm" and "Ahh" from your speech · A process to quickly organize your thoughts into a focused message · How to move your communications from information to influence · How to make an impact and be yourself—to an audience of one or one hundred · Eight steps to transforming your communications experience
Experience the uproarious adventures of Tim and Julia as they navigate the wild world of working from home! From mischievous pets to tech disasters, every day is a new comedic challenge. Dive into their hilarious journey filled with unexpected mishaps and laugh-out-loud moments. Whether it's Tim's epic battle with the printer or Julia's quest for perfect video call lighting, you'll be in stitches. Perfect for anyone who has ever faced the chaos of a home office, this book is a delightful escape that turns everyday frustrations into sidesplitting fun. Join Tim and Julia in their hilarious home office misadventures and discover why working from home will never be the same again!