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No one has time to do it all. Discover how to effectively evaluate your priorities so that the concerns of this world will never again steal your valuable time!
Who Is Stealing Your Time? Each day, there are things you know you have to do. Then there are things you really ought to do, plus things you desperately want to do. But how do we find time for it all? Stuart Briscoe, former senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, presents an outstanding commentary on evaluating our priorities so that the concerns of this world do not rob us of our valuable time. Prioritizing our lives isn’t easy, particularly when we consider the conflict that can arise between doing what is good and being comfortable, popular, and profitable. But Briscoe calls Christians to boldly address any areas of selfishness and to begin to see life through kingdom eyes. When we do, our priorities will change to focus on goodness, righteousness, and truth. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” —Jesus (Matthew 6:33 ) It sounds great in theory to seek God’s kingdom first, but is it really feasible? So many things rob your precious time that you wonder if you can afford to bump everything else in your life to secondary status. But this is not about prioritizing. This is a matter of heart. While you long for harmony in your harried schedule and significance amidst the busyness, God yearns to give them to you. Stuart Briscoe’s insights will guide you to the focused, fulfilling life you long for. Because once you begin seeking the Lord before all else, all else simply falls into place. What are you waiting for? You have no time to waste. Story Behind the Book Stu Briscoe travels more than he is home, so time is a premium for him and his wife, Jill. He has found that the only way to stay focused on his life and ministry is to put first things first and not allow those things that attempt to steal his time to succeed. Upon further study, he has discovered that the right approach to managing his time and priorities is really to put the right things first. By putting God’s kingdom first and seeking His will, everything else falls naturally into place.
Twin Towers Down, New Hope on the Rise When the Twin Towers fell, a whole new world of fear and doubt emerged. “Where is God in all of this?” we ask. To be constantly on guard against terrorist attacks, not to mention crises that hit us on a personal level, is exhausting. But in the midst of this “new normal” world of fear, one thing remains the same: God still reigns. While we may be tempted to turn to food, shopping, busyness, even family, God is the only answer we can count on. He is our source for peace, comfort, and confidence in the midst of chaos. Jill Briscoe encourages the hurting and weary to run unencumbered into the arms of God. And this all-encompassing peace that may seem so elusive right now will become yours to stay. Escape Fear Expand Faith Embrace the Future Where is God in the midst of our world’s catastrophic events? Where is God in the midst of our deepest pain? We may think we’re getting along with God, until a 9/11 happens. Global or personal, tragedy wreaks havoc on our souls. How are you supposed to trust the One letting it all happen? The New Normal won’t give you pat answers. But it will guide you to a place of security in the face of inexplicable calamity. By being honest about your anxieties, willing to respond to God’s instruction, and ready to take a leap of faith, you’ll find a new, hope-filled future waiting for you. It’s the new normal you’ve been longing for. Story Behind the Book “I was in the air on September 11, 2001 . More than anything for me, the event served as a wake up call to evangelism,” says Briscoe. “I realized the time is short and the days are evil…the Lord is coming soon! So let’s seize the day!” Based on a sermon she gave at Elmbrook Church soon after that day etched itself in history, The New Normal speaks to an America in shock, but with a message that is even more pertinent today.
Evans teaches readers to understand and address their struggles from a spiritual point of view.
Billions of people in the world want a sound basis for improving the amount of fulfillment and personal success in their lives. Over the years, many have lauded the importance of prayer in one’s life. To whatever degree that is true, how much more is constant prayer even more powerful than Sunday or Saturday prayer or even daily prayer. Communing with God throughout the day is one of the most underestimated means of experiencing peace and joy in one’s life, as well as having God’s love flow from one’s heart and lips. Countless numbers of people around the world pray in order to have some of the key advantages in personal serenity, purpose, and insight that will enable them to have the edge in life necessary in order to have victory and fulfillment. How much more will constant prayer and communion with God enable people to have a permeant advantage and edge. This book examines how the practice of constant prayer and communion with God can fill a person with more love, joy, peace, self-discipline, faith, direction in life, humility, sensitivity to God, consistency, and purpose. It is intellectually stimulating, but immensely practical. By applying the many principles shared in this book, it can literally change your life and make you stronger in virtually every area of your life.
“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” —1 Peter 5:5 A battle rages within every one of us every day. It’s the clash between our sense of stubborn self-sufficiency and God’s call to recognize that we’re really nothing without Him. It’s pride versus humility. And it’s a fight we can’t win without looking repeatedly to Christ and the cross. C. J. Mahaney raises a battle cry to daily, diligently, and deliberately weaken our greatest enemy (pride) and cultivate our greatest friend (humility). His thorough examination clarifies misconceptions, revealing the truth about why God detests pride and turns His active attention to the humble. Because pride is never passive, defeating it demands an intentional attack. The blessing that follows is God’s abundant favor. “This is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit.” —Isaiah 66:2, ESV God clearly states that He is drawn to the humble. He’s also clear that He opposes the proud. These two, humility and pride, cannot coexist. Where one is fostered, the other is defeated. Which will you pursue? When you acknowledge the deception of pride and intentionally humble yourself, you become free to savor abundant mercies and unlikely graces. You will find a new life is yours—a life God richly favors. A God-glorifying life you don’t want to miss.
Who Is Stealing Your Time? Each day, there are things you know you have to do. Then there are things you really ought to do, plus things you desperately want to do. But how do we find time for it all? Stuart Briscoe, former senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, presents an outstanding commentary on evaluating our priorities so that the concerns of this world do not rob us of our valuable time. Prioritizing our lives isn’t easy, particularly when we consider the conflict that can arise between doing what is good and being comfortable, popular, and profitable. But Briscoe calls Christians to boldly address any areas of selfishness and to begin to see life through kingdom eyes. When we do, our priorities will change to focus on goodness, righteousness, and truth. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” —Jesus (Matthew 6:33 ) It sounds great in theory to seek God’s kingdom first, but is it really feasible? So many things rob your precious time that you wonder if you can afford to bump everything else in your life to secondary status. But this is not about prioritizing. This is a matter of heart. While you long for harmony in your harried schedule and significance amidst the busyness, God yearns to give them to you. Stuart Briscoe’s insights will guide you to the focused, fulfilling life you long for. Because once you begin seeking the Lord before all else, all else simply falls into place. What are you waiting for? You have no time to waste. Story Behind the Book Stu Briscoe travels more than he is home, so time is a premium for him and his wife, Jill. He has found that the only way to stay focused on his life and ministry is to put first things first and not allow those things that attempt to steal his time to succeed. Upon further study, he has discovered that the right approach to managing his time and priorities is really to put the right things first. By putting God’s kingdom first and seeking His will, everything else falls naturally into place.
This small group DVD curriculum gives couples the tools they need to stay connected and make every moment together count.
The New York Times–bestselling time management book from the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen R. Covey’s First Things First is the gold standard for time management books. His principle-centered approach for prioritizing gives you time management tips that enable you to make changes and sacrifices needed in order to obtain happiness and retain a feeling of security. First Things First: The Interactive Edition takes Dr. Covey’s philosophy and remasters the entire text to include easy-to-understand infographics, analysis, and more. This time-saving version of First Things First is the efficient way to apply Dr. Covey’s tested and validated time management tips, while retaining his core message. This guide will help you: • Get more done in less time • Develop and retain rich relationships • Attain inner peace • Create balance in your life • And, put first things first “Covey is the hottest self-improvement consultant to hit US business since Dale Carnegie.” —USA Today “Covey has reached the apex with First Things First. This is an important work. I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t be helped by reading it.” —Larry King, CNN “These goals embody a perfect balance of the mental, the physical, the spiritual, and the social.” —Booklist Readers should note that this ebook edition differs slightly from the print edition and does not contain all the same materials.
Script of a motion picture of the same title.