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Three Hundred Important Combinations is intended to provide knowledge of the Yogas which indicate specific horoscopic trends. All planetary combinations are divided into two groups viz., Yogas and Aristhas or fortunes and misfortunes. It deals with various standing combinations of yogas. The systematised account of all the important yogas is brought out so that it may illustrate practical horoscopes. The book certainly claims credit for being the first to bring together all scattered information and present it systematically.
A most reliable guide to practical astrology, Notable Horoscopes does not contain startling predictions and amazing forecasts. But it is the product of investigations and studies by the author presented here in an orderly and scientific form but in simple language easily understandable by the average reader.
Astrology is both Science and Art. Hence only the talented can appreciate and understand it. Rightly Visnugupta declares that nobody other than a sage can master the ocean-like science of astrology. The great Varahamihira declares, "No sin will creep into a place that is sanctified by the presence of a true astrologer. No person who studies and divines the course of destiny will ever be found in hell but will reside permanently in the world of Brahman. This book brings to the fore not only the rationality of astrology but also the nature and structure of the correct knowledge that our forefathers possessed regarding the predictable influences of planets on human beings, and gives a spiritual bias to astrology. The reader is taken step by step in this work from the rudiments Viz., the distribution of constellations in the Zodiacal belt which is divided into twelve Signs, and the planetary hierarchy, through the method of calculating the ascendant and other houses of a natal chart, assessment of the strengths, influences, aspects, affliction, mutual relations etc., of the planets, to the final stage of reading the brighter and darker sides of the subject's life, his chances of success and failure, their periods, ingress of the soul into the mortal coil and exit there form as well as its departure to other worlds according to its karma. "In this book, an attempt has been made to give a good account of the science of astrology, with a view to making the reader a good and true astrologer. It also shows that astrology does not make a man a fatalist, helpless automation in the hands of a merciless Fate. It should, on the other hand, help him to take to self-exertion and self-help. This hoary lore, according to the author, is to be practised not for selfish ends but to guide the needy and the distressed, to remove the cause of their suffering and to turn their attention towards God.
How to Judge a Horoscope is a departure from the traditional method of treatment of astrology. It is a study in the use of Horoscope in every man's daily life. The work in two volumes is divided into twelve houses, containing six each in successive order. The twelve houses have reference to the material relation of soul (jeeva) in its journey from the cradle to the grave. The study of illustrations (charts) makes every point - even the omitted rudimentary principles and rules - very clear and graspable. Volume I deals with houses I to VI. First House deals with the beginning of life, childhood, health, physical body and character. Second House represents family, face, right eye, food, manners and source of death. Third House rules brothers and sisters, intelligence and other immediate relations. Fourth House indicates peace of mind, home life, land and ancestral properties, education, neck and shoulders. Fifth House indicates children, intelligence, emotion and fame, Sixth House rules over debts, enemies, miseries, sorrows, illness and disappointments. Volume II deals with houses VII to XII. The Seventh House represents wife, husband, marriage, sexual diseases, business partner, diplomacy, talent and general happiness. The Eight House indicates longevity, legacies, disgrace, degradation and details pertaining to death. The Ninth rules father, righteousness, religion, fame leadership, journeys and communications with spirits. The Tenth indicates occupations, profession, honors, foreign travels and means of livelihood. The Eleventh represents means of gains, elder brother and freedom from misery. The Twelfth rules losses, carefully, sympathy, divine knowledge,