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This book summarizes the new economic phenomenon and problems of rural families in China from the perspective of relative poverty. Based on the data of China Rural Household Panel Survey (CRHPS), a nationwide on-site survey conducted door to door by Zhejiang University, this book focuses on the theme of relative poverty and provides a systematic analysis of the economic activities of rural households in three main aspects: agricultural production and management, land utility and transfer, and migration of rural households and citizenization of migrant workers. Besides, this book also explores focuses on the performance of relatively poor households in terms of agricultural production, land transfer, non-farm employment and social security, and provides a basic mapping of the situation of relatively poor households in rural China, so as to provide a scientific basis for improving the living standards of rural households, establishing a long-term mechanism for poverty alleviation. CRHPS not only includes individual-level and household-level data, but also corresponding community-level data, which makes it possible to conduct a comprehensive study of the rural households. Researchers of Chinese rural problems and government officials (especially the department of agriculture officials) will find this book especially interesting.
In approximately two decades China has transformed from a stagnant socialist economy to one that is vibrant and largely market-oriented. Given China's size, rapid economic growth, and her increasing importance as an economic and political power, the country's growth and development have aroused major interest among academics and policymakers worldwide. Written by a distinguished group of economists, this volume offers insight and in-depth analysis of a wide range of issues related to China's growth and development, from the role of higher education in the country's economic growth, to socioeconomic issues such as stock market manipulation and rural-urban migration. The contributors are established scholars in the field and their research methodologies are at the frontier of modern analytical economics, including economic dynamics and computable general equilibrium analysis. The volume will be of interest to students and researchers in the areas of Chinese economic studies, finance and international economics, international business, and transitional economy.
China has been undertaking unprecedented ecological restoration efforts to deal with its problems of soil erosion, flooding, dust storms, and habitat loss. While there have been studies of these efforts, questions remain concerning whether they have been effectively implemented, what their induced socioeconomic and ecological impacts are, and how their performance can be improved. Tackling these important questions in an integrated manner, “An Integrated Assessment of China’s Ecological Restoration Programs” is extraordinary for its broad coverage and methodological rigor. It provides a substantial improvement over the conventional approach of simply reporting projects undertaken and accepting uncritically the government assessment, and thus fills an important knowledge gap of the restoration efforts being implemented upon a variety of ecosystems in China.
Using self-collected rural household data in Zhijiang municipality, Hubei province, China, my dissertation addresses three different aspects of rural-urban migration in hinterland China. First, I study the relationship between origin income and the individual's migration decision. I instrument the key variable, the household land, using the administrative record of initial land allocated by the state to the households in the early 1980s, and find that rural-urban migration selects negatively on landholding. I also study individuals' migration decisions that were not selected on the parental migration choices versus those that were. My findings show that the selectivity problem is important. While a negative relationship between landholding and migration propensity is found for the descendants of an immobile cohort of rural residents, selectivity alters the result for the descendants of a mobile cohort of villagers and a positive relationship can emerge. Second, I examine the causal impact of the grain subsidy, which was ushered in by China's agricultural policy shift since 2004, on villagers' urban-bound migration propensity. My study validates the concern that the grain subsidy is dissuading farmers to engage in migratory work, however, the magnitude of the reduced incidence of rural-urban migration is modest. If China values the welfare of the rural sector and would like to continue subsidizing its grain production in a WTO-compliant way, it can do so without jeopardizing the country's process of rural-urban migration or notably reduce the local welfare that might result from a loss of the migrant income. Lastly, I focus on the fall of the marriage rates of rural men in their early twenties and study the extent to which the rise in rural young women's participation in migratory work has contributed to this fall. I find that (1) a 10 percentage point increase in the local female out-migration reduces rural male marriage propensity by 5\%; (2) the impact was felt by both non-migrant and migrant men, but the marriage propensity of migrant men was affected more by female out-migration than non-migrant men; (3) the more educated the migrant men, the less severely their marriage probability was affected by the local female out-migration.
China has experienced dramatic increase in interregional migration flows since the 1990s, in which rural-urban movements have accounted for a large proportion. The consistently rising number of rural famers moving to urban areas for off-farm employment opportunities stimulates the farmland transfers through a land rental market. Traditional agricultural behaviors may be affected with more land being rented out as well as the growing concern about the tenure security. The main objective of this dissertation is to investigate the driving factors of interregional migration and how the adoption of straw retention, a typical conservation practice, is influenced under different land tenure categories in the context of China. The first essay explores the role of local climate conditions in spurring migration over the period 2000 to 2010. I develop a robust empirical approach to measure the relative importance to migration of two categories of variables, including natural amenities and economic factors. I also construct a disaggregated prefecture level panel data set which allows accounting for both within province migration flows and prefecture-specific characteristics such as the Hukou policy. Empirical findings generated from a correlated random effects (CRE) model reveal that climate conditions are important determinants of migration in China. Specifically, prefectures with warmer winter, cooler summer, and more available sunshine are more attractive to migrants. Economic factors such as income level and employment opportunities are also important drivers of population growth.
"This dissertation consists of three essays discussing the migration issue in China. Each chapter employs empirical and quantitative applied microeconomics methods. The first chapter studies the impact of the public school enrollment restriction on migrant children in China. Migrant children are disadvantaged and sometimes cannot enroll in public schools in migration destinations due to some policy restrictions. Some migrant workers have to leave their children behind in their hometowns, which causes the left-behind children problem. In this study, I first identify the peer effects of migrant children and left-behind children on their classmates using classroom random assignment. I then analyze the human capital consequences of the enrollment restriction on migrant students within a spatial equilibrium model. My results show that there are negative spillovers from migrant and left-behind students. The negative effect is generally larger from left-behind students, but both shrink over time. In the counterfactual analysis, I find that if the enrollment restriction on migrant children is relaxed, migration of parents and children will increase, and the average human capital in the society will also increase. Low-skill families from small cities benefit most. This policy increases human capital mainly through two channels. First, it directly increases enrollment in good public schools and alleviates the left-behind children problem. Second, it attracts more parents to take their left-behind children to migrate with them and indirectly reduces the total spillovers. This is the first formal quantitative analysis of public school enrollment policy in China. The second chapter studies the role of migration and housing constraints in determining income inequality within and across Chinese cities. Combining microdata and a spatial equilibrium model, we quantify the impact of the massive spatial reallocation of workers and the rapid growth of housing costs on the national income distribution. We first show several stylized facts detailing the strong positive correlation between migration inflows, housing costs, and imputed income inequality among Chinese cities. We then build a spatial equilibrium model featuring workers with heterogeneous skills, housing constraints, and heterogeneous returns from housing ownership to explain these facts. Our quantitative results indicate that the reductions in migration costs and the disproportionate growth in productivity across cities and skills result in the observed massive migration flows. Combining with the tight land supply policy in big cities, the expansion of the housing demand causes the rapid growth of housing costs, and enlarges the inequality between local housing owners and migrants. The counterfactual analysis shows that if we redistribute land supply increment by migrant flow and increase land supply toward cities with more migrants, we could lower the within-city income inequality by 14% and the national income inequality by 18%. Meanwhile, we can simultaneously encourage more migration into higher productivity cities. The third chapter studies the effects of both the number and the gender of children on rural-to-urban parental migration in China. We propose a new semiparametric method to solve an identification difficulty in previous studies and estimate the two effects separately at the same time. We find that having more children promotes rural-to-urban parental migration. Moreover, parents respond more significantly to the presence of boys than to the presence of girls. Without considering the effect of child gender, the instrumental variable estimate for the effect of children number will be strongly downward biased and result in a misleading policy implication"--Pages ix-xi.