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Academy Award-nominated actress and musician Abigail Breslin is your best friend in her publishing debut, a collection of hilarious and heartfelt nonfiction essays on the subjects nearest and dearest to our hearts: love, loss, and Tumblr. Growing up in film and the online era, Abigail knows better than anyone—it's rough out there in love-land. And this generation is ill-prepared to handle it gracefully. Let's be honest: if Cinderella had been on Twitter, she'd have ended up a crazy old cat lady like the rest of us. #realtalk So when your "boyfriend" is liking different eligible young things' selfies, what's a modern ingénue to do? Put down the iPhone, step away from the hair dye, and ~chill~. Abbie is here with cautionary tales and solid advice on being a classy-ass lady in the digital age. Because, girls, we're more than what meets the newsfeed. And this may sound crazy… But we've got this. Plus, this book is gorgeous inside and out. With a beautiful cover and heavily designed interior, this collection will be the crowning jewel on any teen's nightstand.
Geologist Dr. Brandon Jordan flees to Mars to escape the tormenting loss of his young son and wife to a rampant, global blood virus on Earth. Upon starting his life on the Red Planet, he stumbles onto an ancient secret that distracts him from the oppressive depression and sends his life hurtling into an adventure that not only solves eon's old mysteries on Mars, but connects to unsolved history back on Earth. In the end he is forced to become an unlikely hero in a war that, unbeknownst to humankind as a whole, has spanned across two worlds and unfathomable time altering the course of humanity.
Tightly clutching my little dog Tillie I ran from the house and from my life. So will take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions vicariously speeding down a hill full of bumps, hairpin turns and screetching halts! It will take you where ever you want to go. In fact it will take you all the way to an encounter that will leave you breathless and wanting more - more from your life. So is the story of a life of search, discovery and recovery. A life of being lost and found. An ordinary life becoming extraordinary through the love and power of God. The honest look at the true meaning of a second chance. If you have ever wondered why me or why not me - this book is for you!
In the final chapter of The Dracosinum Tales, we say goodbye to Wylie Petford. Instead follow her granddaughter, Temperance McCollum, on her own adventure full of dragons, spells, and of course... Quincy the smart-aleck sidekick. Temperance had grown up hearing the stories of the Teselym dragon, the balance of good, and the Siapheg dragon, the balance of evil. She knew the Immortal Ones had put a stop to such things as mankind eventually got more evil and corrupt. So when an evil queen hatches a diabolical plan to take over the kingdom, and start a war that will put her in the ultimate position of power, Temperance must reach inside her and find a power she didn't believe existed. It will take help from an unlikely source and a few friends along the way to help her overcome The Dragon Queen.
Dr. Grace Montoya won a battle with cancer five years earlier, but now she is sick again, and while Grace thinks it’s time to pass down lessons to her daughters before it’s too late, those who love her plan to save her. Her colleagues have medical cures, her mother has made a deal with God, but it’s her 17-year-old daughter, Jessica who devises the most unexpected medicine of all. Jessica’s life has been idyllic. Yes, her mother is a workaholic pediatrician who divorced her father when Jessica was a toddler. And she’s not close to her difficult older sister who resents both her parents and is away at college. Still, she’s always felt adored by her familia Latina and happy with her community of friends. So, she has never needed to find the mysterious man her mother once loved enough to have a secret affair with . . . when they created her. Until she learns that her mother has cancer and may die. Seeking her mother’s first love, meeting him, and counting on this man from Grace’s past to be there for them becomes Jessica’s most important goal. If love can heal anything, maybe it can heal her mother. Daniel Subia, left his small town and high school sweetheart to follow his career dreams. But getting a call from a daughter he didn’t know he had, brings him home to find everything changed. The small-town charm and acres of orange groves he grew up with have been swallowed by developers and abandoned by younger generations. Yes, everything has changed but the love he once had for Grace—that’s still burning as hot as ever. In a town where nothing is as it used to be, is it possible to go back to a time when life was simple and everything was possible?
I interviewed people with relationship issues, loss of loved one, cancer awareness, Mothers who needed to express how they felt about their daughters and or sons. You'll find raps about the streets and how it may affect own young people today. Words to inspire you, words to help you feel you're not alone. One of the most heartfelt moments for me writing this book was when I talked to a grand-Mother who has a grand-son who suffered a life threatening experience. I felt how can anyone express such a thing? So, I bring you "Poetic Expression".
The scenario is all too common: Girl meets guy (or Guy meets girl). Guy is smart, charming, and maybe even endearing. Girl falls in love. As the relationship progresses Guy's serious personality problems begin to surface. She gets longer and more vivid glimpses of habits and tendencies she didn't notice at first. With about 15% of the adult population suffering from one or more personality disorders -- that's over 16 million potential relationship partners, says the National Institutes of Health -- finding the right partner and maintaining a healthy love relationship is harder work than we thought! Crazy Love sheds light on the odd but surprisingly common disorders of personality so that readers can become better informed and more careful when entering or continuing a relationship. Johnson and Murray tell us why so many of us are attracted to personality disordered partners, and--most important--they offer strategies for detecting and avoiding such potential disasters. They also recognize the needs of readers who are already in committed relationships with personality-impaired partners, and offer hope in the form of healthy survival strategies and tips for making the relationship more livable.
"Since coming to Enchantment, New Mexico everything in Daire Santos life has changed. And not all for the better. While she's come to accept and embrace her new powers as a Soul Seeker, Daire struggles with the responsibility she holds navigating between the worlds of the living and the dead"--
Executive Intelligence zeros in on leadership smarts and notes that in all lists compiled by leadership experts, head hunters, and boards of directors the one and only trait that appears in all is intelligence. Obvious? No, because typically leadership savvy regularly trumps smarts. That is unfortunate because it obscures the cultivation and development of how leaders think, speculate, conceive, and problem solve their own firms and the way they lead. Executive intelligence like emotional intelligence acts like an advanced scout sizing up situations, identifying mine fields, creating contingencies, developing last minute ways out, and then acting like the artful dodger. In the process, the leader develops a special kind of intelligence tied to and defining the kind if leader he or she is; and that ultimately generates the leader's edge and comparative advantage.
Essential oils distributor Dorcas Wiley is the boss everyone loves to hate. So when she turns up dead, killed by her own trophy, disgruntled saleswoman Cathy Broderick is the obvious suspect in her murder. Despite opportunity, motive and incriminating evidence, Cathy declares her innocence and enlists her mah jongg pals—Sydney Bonner and her cronies Marianne, Micki and Kat—to help save her from the death penalty. Hot off a recent and nearly deadly investigation, the women are cautious about putting themselves in peril again. Syd’s spouse isn’t thrilled about another mystery in their lives, either, but he can’t resist the plea of Cathy’s husband. Soon, Syd is leading the way as they tangle with grumpy salespeople, the victim’s estranged husband and boyfriend, a mysterious housekeeper, a litigious customer, an annoyed sheriff and Cathy’s own arrogant lawyer. The women have their own issues to deal with in their central Florida town of Serendipity Springs. Kat faces a health challenge, Micki fields a mysterious inquiry from her ex, Marianne has a chaotic anniversary and Syd wrestles with her husband over who’s really in charge. But nothing puts everyday life into perspective like the moment when their investigation brings them face to face with danger.