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Direct constraints on processes associated with rifting and mantle exhumation are necessary to understand the thermal and structural evolution of continental rift systems, and the role of pre-existing crustal architecture on orogenesis and foreland basin development. This work constrains the Early Cretaceous hyperextension history along the Iberia-European margin and how rift inheritance affected the structural and foreland basin evolution of the Late Cretaceous-Oligocene Pyrenean orogeny. Chapters 1 and 2 aim to understand the thermal and structural evolution of the North Pyrenean basement massifs during Early Cretaceous rifting and hyperextension using multi-mineral thermochronometry. These chapters integrate zircon, apatite, and rutile U‐Pb ages from the Agly and Saint Barthélémy massifs that provide new constraints to understand the decoupled versus coupled extensional evolution, exhumation timing of the middle‐lower crust, and the age of juxtaposition of the upper crust granitic pluton with middle crustal gneisses, and fluid-rock interactions along a detachment fault. Novel method integration and approaches using apatite were developed and implemented in these chapters to best interpret the apatite U-Pb ages to gain the most insight into thermal, structural, and fault zone processes in the Early Cretaceous rift system’s distal margin. Chapters 3 and 4 use the sedimentary record in the pro-wedge foreland basins of inversion and orogenesis to understand the provenance, hinterland evolution, and the role of extensional inheritance on the orogenic phase of the margin. This work shows that the eastern Pyrenean foreland basin deposits were sourced from Corsica-Sardinia and the Catalan Coastal Ranges during the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene, and the Pyrenees beginning in the Eocene. Detrital mineral trends across the basins suggest that the pro-wedge foreland basin developed and remained segmented throughout the Late Cretaceous-Oligocene. The results from these chapters highlight the dominant control of inherited structures and rift basins on controlling the sediment provenance and foreland basin architecture in inverted rift systems. The dissertation aims to show the structural evolution of the Early Cretaceous rifting and thermal and structural processes that were operating within the continental crust at the rift margin, and how this inherited rift architecture affected the orogenic evolution and foreland basin development during the Pyrenean orogeny. These results add to our overall understanding of the structural and thermal evolution during rifting and continental break-up and role of rift inheritance in the evolution of superimposed orogenic systems and their associated foreland basins
Synorogenic foreland basin fill of the south central Pyrenees preserves the eroded remnants of the early stages of Pyrenean fold-thrust belt evolution and topographic growth. Detailed isotopic provenance analysis allows for the reconstruction of sediment sources and boundary conditions of sediment routing systems. Detrital zircon (DZ) (U-Th)/(Pb-He) double-dating of foreland basin sediment is a powerful tool for sedimentary provenance analysis and constraining the exhumational history of mountain belts. This study integrates published structural, stratigraphic, and petrologic data, with new geochronometric and thermochronometric data in a four dimensional source-to-sink approach to decipher provenance and thermal evolution during Pyrenean orogenesis. The Ainsa Basin within the south Pyrenean foreland basin system contains the Hecho Group, a succession of turbiditic channels and levees deposited in the transition zone between the fluvial-deltaic systems of the Tremp-Graus-Ager basin in the east to the submarine fan complex of the Jaca basin in the west. This study presents 2175 new DZ U-Pb ages and 246 new DZ (U-Th)/(Pb-He) double-dated ages from 20 samples collected from the Eocene Hecho group turbidites and the overlying Sobrarbe-Escanilla fluvio-deltatic sandstone in the Ainsa Basin of the south central Pyrenees. These data along with previous DZ U-Pb studies indicate a progressive shift in sediment provenance during orogenesis. The basin was initially being fed by Cadomian/Caledonian plutonic and metamorphic rocks exposed in the eastern Pyrenees with minor sediment contribution from sources located to the south and south east of the basin. Progressive westward exhumation of the Pyrenean Axial Zone promoted a shift in the dominant sediment source to subsequently exhumed Variscan plutons and recycled Mesozoic deposits in the central Pyrenean Axial Zone. Based on DZ (U-Th)/He results, four main cooling events are identified: Pyrenean orogenesis (~56 Ma), initial inversion (~80 Ma), Cretaceous rifting (~100 Ma), and pre-Mesozoic cooling ages related to earlier tectonic phases. This study imposes new constraints on the paleogeographic evolution of the Pyrenees and illustrates that active contractional structures are the dominant control on sediment routing evolution by introducing new sources and controlling sediment pathways during orogenesis.
Foreland basins develop in front of orogens by flexure of the lithosphere. When they initiate over a crust that has been affected by a previous tectonic event, structural and thermal inheritance have a fundamental role in their evolution and different sources may contribute to basin subsidence. The present work analyzes the impact of inheritance from a rifting event on a foreland basin, which develops while thermal reequilibration has not been achieved at the time of loading. The Aquitaine Basin is the Pyrenean retro-foreland basin that developed from Campanian to Miocene. The Pyrenean orogenesis follows an Aptian-Cenomanian rifting during which the continental crust is thinned and sub-continental mantle exhumed. The orogenesis starts only 10 Myr after the end of rifting. The effects of crustal inheritance due to rifting on the evolution of the basin are studied by analyzing crustal structures, flexural behavior of the European plate, and foreland succession distribution. The subsidence evolution of the basin is studied by the 1D backstripping technique using borehole data. Finally, inversion mechanisms of the European margin are studied by cross-section construction and restoration at crustal scale. This study helps to define the role of rift inheritance on the initiation and the evolution of a retro-foreland basin, as well as the relative role of subsidence sources and their variations in space and time. The present work also shows the strong relationship between the retro-foreland basin's history and both mechanism and the history and mechanisms of inversion of a hyper-extended margin.
Transform margins form a significant portion of Earth’s continent–ocean transition and are integral to continental break-up, yet compared to other margins are poorly understood. This volume brings together new multidisciplinary research to document the structural, sedimentological and thermal evolution of transform margins, highlighting their relationship to continental structure, neighbouring oceanic segments, pull-apart basins and marginal plateaus. Special emphasis is given to the comparison of transform and rifted margins, and to the economic implications of transform margin structure and evolution. Transform case studies include the Agulhas–Falkland transform, Coromandal transform (East India), Davie margin and Limpopo transform (East Africa), Guyana transform margin, Demerara transform margin (Suriname), Romanche and St Paul transforms (equatorial Africa), Sagaing transform (Andaman Sea) and Zenith–Wallaby–Perth transform (West Australia). The broad-scale interplay between transform and rifted margin segments in the North and Central Atlantic, and Caribbean, is also examined.
While the understanding of the structural, temporal, and thermal evolution of rifted continental margins has significantly evolved over the past several decades, critical outstanding questions remain, especially concerning the thermal evolution as well as the spatial and temporal intricacies of tectonically controlled sedimentation and sedimentary provenance during progressive rifting and hyper-extension. To constrain the proximal to distal tectonic, stratigraphic and thermal evolution of rifted continental margins, bedrock and detrital zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe) and zircon U-Pb double dating techniques were applied to the Mauléon Basin of the western Pyrenees. This non-magmatic, asymmetric, hyper-extended rift basin formed during Early Cretaceous hyper-extension of Iberian lithosphere, as a result of lateral propagation of rifting in the Bay of Biscay, and experienced a limited magnitude of shortening during post-rift Pyrenean inversion. This resulted in the preservation of outcrops of sedimentary cover, upper and lower crustal sections, serpentinized lithospheric mantle, and the basic rift-relationships; making the Mauléon Basin an ideal locality to constrain rift-related processes during hyper-extension. Detrital zircon U-Pb analyses indicate that the proximal rift margin is primarily composed of pre-rift strata with Pan-African zircon U-Pb signatures and primary age peaks at ~615 Ma and ~1000 Ma. In contrast, the distal rift margin is composed of exhumed mid-lower crustal granulites, which have a similar Pan-African signature but with additional Variscan (Permian) overgrowths. Detrital zircon U-Pb analyses of syn- to post-rift strata indicate compartmentalized, local sourcing from the pre-rift strata in the proximal margin and the exhumed lower crust in the distal margin. Late syn- to post-rift strata show a shift to non-compartmentalized, regional sourcing from the proximal rift margin and hinterland. These observations are combined to present a sediment dispersal model for the progression of rifting. ZHe analyses shows preservation of two distinct age domains: an elevation-invariant age cluster at ~98 Ma, interpreted as rift-related cooling due to major exhumation along the SMD, and an elevation-invariant age cluster at ~50 Ma, interpreted as rapid cooling related to Pyrenean inversion. These results indicate the Mauléon Basin experienced early syn-rift heating prior to the exhumation of parts of the proximal domain to 180°C; these are the only localities that record rift-related timing. Based on thermochronometric modeling and burial estimates the syn-rift geothermal gradients in the necking domain were as high as ~80°C/km and ~80-100°C/km in the hyper-thinned domain. From the early syn-rift until Pyrenean inversion at ~50 Ma, most of the distal rift margin remained at temperatures 180°C. These observations of heating and high geothermal gradients are compared to geologic and numerical rifting models to give insight into preferred models for the rifting evolution of hyper-extended margins.
The subject of the book will be recent advances in the Petroleum Geology of France, including papers on the present exploration and production activity, field descriptions, regional synthesis and thematic papers an sequence stratigraphy and tectonic. A special attention will be given to the illustration (maps, seismic sections, raw data ...). This will be the first attempt to publish one single volume devoted to the petroleum geology of France.
"In this thesis, the 3D structure and kinematics of the locally and mildly inverted Lower Austria Mesozoic Basin beneath the Alpine-Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt is described. This study has been carried out by the integrative interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic surveys, well and geophysical logs data and gravity maps. A basin-scale, 3D structural model has been carried out, focused on the sub-thrust and foreland zones. The Late Eocene to Early Miocene Alpine–Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt resulted from the subduction of the European plate beneath the Adriatic one, and the subsequent continental collision between both plates. The Alpine–Carpathian foredeep and fold-and-thrust belt recorded the long-lasting involvement of the European crystalline basement in several deformation events: from late Variscan transtension, to Jurassic rifting, and Cretaceous to Neogene shortening. In this thesis, two additional basement fault reactivation events have been defined in relation to the Alpine-Carpathian Cenozoic shortening: an extensional reactivation event related to the bending of the European plate coeval with Egerian to Karpatian (ca. 28–16 Ma) thin-skinned thrusting; followed by the selective positive inversion of the basement faults in the sub-thrust and in the foreland during Karpatian to Badenian times (ca. 16-12.5 Ma). The flexural bending of the European plate and the associated extensional fault reactivation were promoted by high lateral gradients of lithospheric strength in addition to the slab pull forces associated with subduction. Delamination of the European lithosphere during the final stages of collision around Karpatian times (ca. 16 Ma) promoted a large-wavelength uplift and an excessive topographic load. This topographic load was compensated by broadening the orogenic wedge through the compressional reactivation of the inherited fault array in the Euroepan plate beneath and ahead of the thin-skinned thrust system. Ultimately, collapse and deep burial of the Alpine-Carpathian tectonic wedge took place by the formation of the Pannonian basins system. To gain further insights in the deformational processes in sub-thrust and foreland settings, sandbox analogue models of brittle and brittle-viscous sand wedges have been carried out. The models aimed testing the influence of different topographic loads (i.e., thrust wedges) on the sub-thrust inversion of extensional basins, as well as the influence of the initial orientation of the extensional basins, and the presence or absence of weak detachment layers. Segmented half-graben basins -striking at 90o, 45o and 15o to the extension direction- were created first, and then shortened using different angles for the basal detachment and topographic slope. A shallow layer of viscous polymer over the half- graben basin was included in one of the models. The experiments were analysed using time-lapse photography, topography laser scans and image-based 3D voxels. The modelling results indicate a deformation sequence characterised by layer-parallel compaction, fault reactivation, thrust propagation and related folding. Fault reactivation and basin inversion were associated with layer-parallel compaction accomplished by slip along the basal detachment, prior to and in between pulses of thrusting. The results of the sandbox analogue models reveal a fundamental control imposed by the vertical load of the tectonic wedge and its integrated strength profile in the inversion of sub-thrust basins. Small vertical loads or strong gradients of vertical load have revealed as fundamental factors aiding in the inversion of buried, sub-thrust basins. The integrated strength profile resulted from the combination of inherited, strain-softened fault zones, as well as the presence or absence and distribution of weak, viscous horizons. The results of the sandbox models carried out indicate that the vertical load, its gradient over the sub-thrust basins and the inherited, strain-softened faults, are more important than the obliquity between the direction of shortening and the orientation of pre-existing fault systems. As indicated by the results of sandbox analogue models, the recurrent and long-lasting frictional reactivation of the Lower Austria basement fault array may have been favoured by fault-weakening mechanisms, as well as by steep gradients of vertical loads generated by thin-skinned out- of-sequence stacking of the Rhenodanubian Flysch located south of the inverted basement fault array."-- TDX.
This volume summarises our present understanding of the formation of passive continental margins and their ocean-continent transitions. It outlines the geological, geophysical and petrological observations that characterize extensional systems, and how such observations can guide and constrain dynamic and kinematic models of continental lithosphere extension, breakup and the inception of organized sea-floor spreading.