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We discuss the status of the relativistic heavy ion collider (RHIC) project at Brookhaven, and assess some key experiments which propose to detect the signatures of a transient quark-gluon plasma (QGP) phase in such collisions. 24 refs.
The primary motivation for studying nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic and ultrarelativistic energies is to investigate matter at high energy densities ([var-epsilon] [much-gt] 1 GeV/fm[sup 3]). Early speculations of possible exotic states of matter focused on the astrophysical implications of abnormal states of dense nuclear matter. Field theoretical calculations predicted abnormal nuclear states and excitation of the vacuum. This generated an initial interest among particle and nuclear physicists to transform the state of the vacuum by using relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions. Extremely high temperatures, above the Hagedorn limiting temperature, were expected and a phase transition to a system of deconfined quarks and gluons, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), was predicted. Such a phase of matter would have implications for both early cosmology and stellar evolution. The understanding of the behavior of high temperature nuclear matter is still in its early stages. However, the dynamics of the initial stages of these collisions, which involve hard parton-parton interactions, can be calculated using perturbative QCD. Various theoretical approaches have resulted in predictions that a high temperature (T [approximately] 500 MeV) gluon gas will be formed in the first instants (within 0.3 fm/c) of the collision. Furthermore, QCD lattice calculations exhibit a phase transition between a QGP and hadronic matter at a temperature near 250 MeV. Such phases of matter may have existed shortly after the Big Bang and may exist in the cores of dense stars. An important question is whether such states of matter can be created and studied in the laboratory. The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and a full complement of detector systems are being constructed at Brookhaven National Laboratory to investigate these new and fundamental properties of matter.
This book gives an overview of relativistic heavy ion physics with particular emphasis on those theoretical approaches which seek an understanding and explanation of the measurements. These approaches try to build a bridge between more basic theories, such as lattice QCD or nucleon-nucleon interactions, and complicated experimental observables involving a large number of particles. Thus, mainly theoretical approaches are discussed here which are strongly and directly related to experiments, and in turn they are phenomenological to some extent. These models use the available information from more complete reaction model describing the whole collision and the observables.It is suitable as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students - both experimentalists and theorists - for studies in the field of relativistic heavy ion physics. It may also serve as a handbook where basic concepts of reaction models can be found and the most important references for further reading are provided.
This book attempts to cover the fascinating field of physics of relativistic heavy ions, mainly from the experimentalist's point of view. After the introductory chapter on quantum chromodynamics, basic properties of atomic nuclei, sources of relativistic nuclei, and typical detector set-ups are described in three subsequent chapters. Experimental facts on collisions of relativistic heavy ions are systematically presented in 15 consecutive chapters, starting from the simplest features like cross sections, multiplicities, and spectra of secondary particles and going to more involved characteristics like correlations, various relatively rare processes, and newly discovered features: collective flow, high pT suppression and jet quenching. Some entirely new topics are included, such as the difference between neutron and proton radii in nuclei, heavy hypernuclei, and electromagnetic effects on secondary particle spectra.Phenomenological approaches and related simple models are discussed in parallel with the presentation of experimental data. Near the end of the book, recent ideas about the new state of matter created in collisions of ultrarelativistic nuclei are discussed. In the final chapter, some predictions are given for nuclear collisions in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), now in construction at the site of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva. Finally, the appendix gives us basic notions of relativistic kinematics, and lists the main international conferences related to this field. A concise reference book on physics of relativistic heavy ions, it shows the present status of this field.
An introduction to the main ideas used in the physics of ultra-realistic heavy-ion collisions, this book covers topics such as hot and dense matter and the formation of the quark-gluon plasma in present and future heavy-ion experiments
This book gives an overview of relativistic heavy ion physics with particular emphasis on those theoretical approaches which seek an understanding and explanation of the measurements. These approaches try to build a bridge between more basic theories, such as lattice QCD or nucleon-nucleon interactions, and complicated experimental observables involving a large number of particles. Thus, mainly theoretical approaches are discussed here which are strongly and directly related to experiments, and in turn they are phenomenological to some extent. These models use the available information from more complete reaction model describing the whole collision and the observables.It is suitable as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students - both experimentalists and theorists - for studies in the field of relativistic heavy ion physics. It may also serve as a handbook where basic concepts of reaction models can be found and the most important references for further reading are provided.
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is a proposed research facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory to study the collision of beams of heavy ions, up to gold in mass and at beam energies up to 100 GeV/nucleon. The physics to be explored by this collider is an overlap between the traditional disciplines of nuclear physics and high energy physics and is a continuation of the planned program of light and heavy ion physics at BNL. The machine is to be constructed in the now-empty tunnel built for the former CBA project. Various other facilities to support the collider are either in place or under construction at BNL. The collider itself, including the magnets, is in an advanced state of design, and a construction start is anticipated in the next several years.
This introductory talk contains a brief discussion of future experiments at RHIC related to physics of superdense matter. In particular, we consider the relation between space-time picture of the collision and spectra of the observed secondaries. We discuss where one should look for QGP signals and for possible manifestation of the phase transition. We pay more attention to a rather new topic: hadron modification in the gas phase, which is interesting by itself as a collective phenomenon, and also as a precursor indicating what happens with hadrons near the phase transition. We briefly review current understanding of the photon physics, dilepton production, charm and strangeness and J/[psi] suppression. At the end we try to classify all possible experiments. 47 refs., 3 figs.
This volume contains contributions which are largely focused on strong coupling gauge theories and the search of theories beyond the standard model, as well as new aspects in hot and dense QCD — particularly in view of the LHC experiments and the lattice studies of conformal fixed point.It contains, among others, many of the latest and important reports on walking technicolor and related subjects in the general context of conformality, discussions of phenomenological implications with the LHC, as well as the theoretical ones through lattice studies. Nonperturbative studies like lattice simulations and stringy/holographic approaches are extensively elaborated in close relation to phenomenological studies. Also, heavy ion experiments at LHC are discussed in such nonperturbative approaches.
This book is designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in high energy heavy-ion physics. It is relevant for students who will work on topics being explored at RHIC and the LHC. In the first part, the basic principles of these studies are covered including kinematics, cross sections (including the quark model and parton distribution functions), the geometry of nuclear collisions, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics and relevant aspects of lattice gauge theory at finite temperature. The second part covers some more specific probes of heavy-ion collisions at these energies: high mass thermal dileptons, quarkonium and hadronization. The second part also serves as extended examples of concepts learned in the previous part. Both parts contain examples in the text as well as exercises at the end of each chapter. - Designed for students and newcomers to the field- Focuses on hard probes and QCD- Covers all aspects of high energy heavy-ion physics- Includes worked example problems and exercises