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The Tian Tai tradition distinguishes this chapter as the beginning of the second half of the Sutra. Included is a discussion of the conduct of a Bodhisattva as it relates to the Vinaya and the Four Dharmas that Bodhisattvas should follow and happily maintain. Happily-dwelling conduct is the Bodhisattva conduct, and the Bodhisattva conduct is itself the happily-dwelling conduct. Happily dwelling in the doors of practice cultivated by Bodhisattvas, we can reside physically and mentally in the states of cultivation of the Bodhisattva Way, and do so happily, since that is what we to do.
In Chapter Fifteen, countless Bodhisattvas come forth from the earth, present themselves before the Buddha, and express concern as to his well-being. Maitreya asks where they came from, and the Buddha explains that he taught and transformed them after he attained annutarasamyaksambodhi. In Chapter Sixteen, the Buddha resolves the doubts of the great assembly by explaining that he actually became a Buddha countless eons ago and only manifests quiescence in order to awaken beings.