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Popular speaker, teacher, and author Sharon Jaynes (more than 235,000 copies sold) reveals the stories of women in the Bible who had meaningful encounters with Jesus. With her trademark biblical perspective, Sharon spends time with Jesus' mother, Mary, the woman at the well, Mary Magdalene, and others, and brings to life their experiences with the forgiveness, healing, and love of Jesus. As Sharon explores how God interacted with women of the Bible, she uncovers some surprises and is excited to share the news with readers today--God has great dreams for them and continues to transform women from insignificant to highly esteemed disgraced to full of grace guilty to forgiven Readers will discover God's heart and hope for them as He lovingly exchanges their heartache, hopelessness, or shame for the beauty of wholeness.
Take comfort in knowing that God hears you. The story of Hannah in 1 Samuel tells of one woman’s personal heartache and trust in the One who could fulfill her desires. She poured her heart out to God, and He heard her. The Our Daily Bread devotions selected for this collection reassure you that God is with you, God is for you, and God hears you. The personal stories and Scripture passages lift you up and remind you that God is bigger than the trials you face.
How would you characterize Jesus in his interactions withwomen? Gracious? Preachy? Aloof? Kind? Dismissive? Unexpected Love isan essential read for anyone eager to understand Jesus Christ's true heart forwomen. We ache for a satisfying relationship with him and crave his healingtouch. So did the women of the first century. Each approached him withsomething they wanted. They left with more than they could have imagined. Writer and teacher Julie Coleman carefully walks readersthrough the gospel narratives, offering evidence of a perceptive Savior deeplyconcerned about the women he met. Through vivid descriptions, thoughtfulquestions, and empowering applications, she brings a fresh perspective to thesesometimes puzzling stories. Unexpected Love offers a compelling vision of a Savior who meets uswhere we are and will take us where we need to go. Discover his passion forwomen. What you read will impact your own relationship with him. You will fallin love with the dynamic, beautiful, and unexpectedly personal Jesus.
You want to read your Bible. You know it’s important. And yet, between the constant demands of work and home and the intimidation you feel when trying to read Scripture, you give up. Don’t let an overflowing schedule and a lack of confidence rob you of the peace, joy, and purpose God offers you. In Fall in Love with God’s Word, Brittany Ann takes a “how to” approach to help you: Overcome seven common obstacles preventing you from spending time in Scripture Determine the personalized Bible-reading outline that works best for you Learn fifteen easy ways to make Bible reading more meaningful and enjoyable Use Scripture to conquer sin, false beliefs, and negative thought patterns Experience fresh spiritual growth and passion for God’s Word
In today's world, it is tough living a good life resisting the negative influences and pressures of society. Being a woman is most challenging in that we often feel like we are caught in the middle and being pulled in a dozen directions. Feeling overwhelmed is common in the twenty-first century when women are expected to manage marriage, children, extended family, career, finances, and stressful relationships. Surely, times are difficult now, but in many respects, they are not much different from other times throughout history. Deashia D. Swan recognizes these challenges and lets us know that God is here to lead us through the circumstances of our lives, whether you find yourself on easy street or the horrific highway. She authored When a Woman Loves God to encourage and teach women on their daily walk with God. The stories of biblical women, including Anna, Esther, Deborah, and Mary to name a few, are akin to the trials that women face today and have faced for thousands of years. Their time-tested accounts of how they endured and overcame their troubles will inspire you to seek the lessons and God's will in your own daily challenges. By continually giving a yes to God's will and putting personal choices second, the treasures that God has in store for us will come to light. Swan claims that we do not know the plan, but He does; so by following His will with love and faith in all of our circumstances, we allow God to work in our lives. Humans have shortcomings and by nature are not complete in and of themselves. We frequently fall short, but He is always here for us. God presents himself in our lives to make us whole; all He asks is that we accept and follow His will. Swan encourages us to put Him at the center of our lives by relating to the life choices of biblical women. Women of all ages will be moved to read and even re-read this life changing, inspirational guide to becoming a better person and a better woman in the love of God. Concerns such as leadership, lack of self-esteem, boldness, and submission are all addressed using real life circumstances, thereby making When a Woman Loves God a relatable and relevant support in your walk with God. Feel encouraged, confident, and loved as this masterful explanation of God's love transforms you into the woman you were meant to be.
Kok provides 15 lessons on subjects ranging from finding God's unconditional love to finding support from female friends.
Elizabeth George shares six simple yet powerful Bible truths that God uses to transform a woman's life . . . truths that will permanently change the way you think, feel, and live.More than 10,000 thoughts pass through our minds each day. Wouldn't you like every one of those thoughts to be pleasing to God? That can be a challenge with the pressures of daily living. When we find our thoughts overwhelmed by fear, worry, and depression, it's difficult to keep our minds focused on truth and joy!
Change Your Priorities to Change Your Life and Your Home Now in easy-to-read 18-point font! You will experience peace, order, and joy when you follow God's guidelines for every area of your life, and best of all, you will become a woman after His heart! Elizabeth George shares God's Word and woman-to-woman practical wisdom on how you can pursue God's priorities by... putting God first in your day, your heart, and your life improving your relationships with family and friends building a strong bond with your husband raising your children to follow Jesus and make right choices growing in your service to others As you embrace God's plans for you, you will find real purpose in a life of prayer and practicing God's priorities as you become A Woman After God's Own Heart®.
It is written that God said, let us make man in our own image and likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creep upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them and called them man. There were standards that God set for man as specie called by His name and man, is expected to live by these standards. I know that you know, that when the word of God stated that God made man in His own image and likeness, it meant that He made man to be like Him in all ramifications. Therefore man can say, I am perfect because God is perfect, I am holy because God is holy, I am truthful because God is truthful, I am spirit because God is Spirit, etc. The Bible says that after the Lord God created man, He said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a help meet. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh”. It was from the rib that God took from man that He made a woman. When He brought her unto the man, the man said, “This now is the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh, she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man”. They both stayed in the Garden naked and they were not ashamed. It was the woman that the serpent met at the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. The Bible story says that the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and it took advantage of the weakness in the woman by encouraging her to take of the fruit the Lord God had instructed them not to eat and ate from it before giving to her husband and he also ate. After what happened between God and man in the story of creation and the failure of man to keep the dominion God granted him, God never stopped to love the woman in a special way. He told Abraham to listen to his wife Sarah and chase Hagar away. Then He went to Hagar and her son in the desert, to save them. God visited Sarah in her old age and she conceived. He remembered Rachel and she got pregnant. He answered Hannah, saved Rehab the prostitute, used Esther, Ruth, the widow of Zerepherth, Elizabeth, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Samaritan woman and He must remember you. Yes you. When they brought the woman caught in adultery to Him, Jesus refused to look up for some time because He knew what men were doing. That woman was caught with a man, but he was not there and Jesus knew that those who brought the woman were sinners. He raised his head and said to them, let him who has no sin, throw the first stone. That was not what they wanted to hear.
First published in 1959, this is the fascinating biography of Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey (1779-1851), a French nun who founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny. Widely regarded as an outstanding religious figure of the 19th century, Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey was the foundress of the order of Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny. Venerated in the Roman Catholic Church, she was also known as the Liberator of the Slaves in the New World, and as the mother of the town of Mana, French Guiana. Her legacy lives on today, with close to 3,000 Sisters serving in over 60 countries, including the United States, Canada, India and Ireland on behalf of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny. “Imagine a Mother Teresa in the France of Napoleon’s day and you will have a picture of Anne-Marie Javouhey. Nanette, as she was called, was a “velvet brick,” a thin layer of gentleness covering her determined core. A competent leader, Nanette dominated every scene in her adventurous life.”—Loyola Press