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A book about Ellen G. White and the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Matthew 10:26 states that there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. Sometimes truth can remain hidden for many years until it finally surfaces, usually by those who have undertaken the daunting task of investigation and research in order to do more than just simply satisfy man's incurable curiosity. The discovery of truth can greatly impact the lives of people and the world in which we live. But, how much more important even, when the truth concerns our outlook on God and our eternal destiny? Perhaps this driving curiosity and desire to delve into the unknown is why over and over again people have fallen prey to the seductive influence of false prophets. More recent times have not reduced the number of those claiming this divine insight into spiritual knowledge. Sometimes the deception can be so shrouded in truth and subtlety that it is almost impossible to discern. Jesus warned us about this in Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christ's, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Time has a way of bringing evidence to light and casting rays into the darkest closets on skeletons thought safely hidden under lock and key.This is a book that masterfully uncovers hidden skeletons and helps to shed a great deal of light on what has been a source of confusion and conflict for many years in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The conflict of how SDA's relate to the prophetic visions and messages of Ellen G. White have been even more heightened with prominent Seventh-day Adventist Ben Carson's decision to run for President of the United States. His involvement in politics flies in the face of what Adventists have believed, because of counsel given by their prophet Ellen White. How can we know the difference between true and false prophets? And where and in whom can we safely place our trust? This and much more will be laid bare in this combined eBook of Volumes 1 and 2 of the The White Elephant
Throughout its history, Nigeria has been plagued by religious divisions. Tensions have only intensified since the restoration of democracy in 1999, with the divide between Christian south and Muslim north playing a central role in the country’s electoral politics, as well as manifesting itself in the religious warfare waged by Boko Haram. Through the lens of Christian–Muslim struggles for supremacy, Ebenezer Obadare charts the turbulent course of democracy in the Nigerian Fourth Republic, exploring the key role religion has played in ordering society. He argues the rise of Pentecostalism is a force focused on appropriating state power, transforming the dynamics of the country and acting to demobilize civil society, further providing a trigger for Muslim revivalism. Covering events of recent decades to the election of Buhari, Pentecostal Republic shows that religio-political contestations have become integral to Nigeria’s democratic process, and are fundamental to understanding its future.
Publisher's description. In 1842, fifteen-year-old Ellen Harmon had a dream. “[The angel] handed me a green cord coiled up closely. This he directed me to place next to my heart, and when I wished to see Jesus, take it from my bosom, and stretch it to the utmost. He cautioned me not to let it remain coiled for any length of time, lest it should become knotted and difficult to straighten. I placed the cord near my heart, and joyfully descended the narrow stairs, praising the Lord, and telling all whom I met where they could find Jesus.” In The Green Cord Dream author Alex Bryan asks, Is there a purpose and possibility for Adventist Christianity in the twenty-first century? Will we desire the Bible again as a way to fall in love with Jesus? Will Jesus be everything in Adventism? Will we live for heaven alone? Will we get lost in minor theological disputes and church spats? Or will we live within the grand story of The Great Controversy? I believe the Adventist movement can have a bright, prevailing future, but we are at a critical time. The challenges are significant. We must choose a vision of Adventist Christianity for the future. We need bold and beautiful dreams emerging from every generation and locality. We need Green Cord Dreams. We need the The One. We need Jesus.