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The shift in orientation toward relatively open trading systems was reflected in the attitudes and participation of developing countries in the Uruguay Round. They involved themselves fully in formulating the rules of the new trading system, and also made significant offers both in the conventional area of reducing tariff protection on manufactures trade, and in the "new" areas, such as trade in services, trade in agriculture, and trade-related intellectual property.
Agricultural liberalization and the Uruguay round; The Uruguay round: an assessment of economywide and agricultural reforms; Trade in manufactures: the outcome of the Uruguay round and developing country interest; Liberalizing manufactures trade in changing world economy; The Uruguay round and market access: opportunities and challenges for developing countries; Assessing the Uruguay round.
Experience suggests that trade liberalization has contributed substantially to the remarkable growth of industrialized countries. However, for various reasons many developing countries have not yet been able to integrate successfully into global markets and reap the growth-inducing and poverty-reducing benefits of trade. This book argues that while developing countries are heavily represented in the WTO - accounting for about four-fifths of its membership - there is still plenty of scope for the world trading system to work more effectively in their interests.
Tracing the history and evolution of the Uruguay Round, this book seeks to explain how it came about, why it covered the subjects it did, what the participants sought, & the twists, turns, setbacks & successes in each sector of the negotiations.
Many developing countries are pursuing regulatory reform and liberalization. To what extent will signing the General Agreement on Trade an Services help governments trying to make their service sectors more efficient? Is the result of the defensive negotiating strategy that was pursued consistent with the shift toward a policy of liberalizing service markets?
This guide explains the rules of the Uruguay Round trade agreements and their implementation. It provides an overview of the achievements of the Uruguay Round, and explains the role of the World Trade Organization. It also presents the rules applicable to trade and examines their implications for trade liberalization, reviewing the main features of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the provisions of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
This is a synopsis of the papers, feedback, and discussion from the World Bank's sec conference on the Uruguay Round and the developing economies held January 1995.
International experts from law, economics and political science provide in-depth analysis of international trade issues. Attorneys, economists and political scientists adopt a common viewpoint, entitled 'transcending the ostensible'. This approach directs particular attention to the possibility that WTO legal institutions, like other international legal institutions, will function in unexpected ways due to the political and economic conditions of the international environment in which they have been created, and in which they operate. A range of trade problems are considered here. Topics include the constitutional dimensions of international trade law, adding subjects and restructuring existing subjects to international trade law, the legal relations between developed and developing countries, and the operation of the WTO dispute settlement procedure. This will be an essential volume for professionals and academics involved with international trade policy.