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The United States currently lacks a comprehensive strategy for countering the threat of terrorism involving nuclear, radiological, chemical, and-most glaringly -- biological weapons. Although federal, state, and local governments have made impressive strides to prepare for terrorism involving these weapons, the whole remains less than the sum of the parts. As a result, the United States is now at a crossroads. Although credit must be given where due, the time has come for a cold-eyed assessment and evaluation based on program reviews and other measures of effectiveness. This report offers such an assessment, providing a road map of near- and long-term priorities for senior federal officials to marshal federal, state, local, private sector, and nongovernmental resources for defending the U.S. homeland against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) terrorism.
In 2011 the Government committed to produce an annual report on CONTEST. This report (prepared by the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism in the Home Office, responsible for co-ordinating CONTEST) covers the period from July 2011 to December 2012, to enable inclusion of security work for the Olympic Games. This report does not cover domestic terrorism in Northern Ireland, responsibility for which lies with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. After a very rapid increase between 2003 and 2008, the number of terrorist attacks around the world has levelled off, and casualties from terrorism have marginally declined. But the global threat from terrorism remains high. In 2011 (the latest year for which statistics are available), over 10,000 terrorist attacks occurred in some 70 countries, causing almost 45,000 casualties and over 12,500 fatalities. About three quarters of those attacks occurred in the Near East and South Asia; attacks in Africa and the Western Hemisphere were at a five-year high. Since the publication of CONTEST in July 2011, the threat to the UK from international terrorism (which is set by theJoint Terrorism Analysis Centre) has remained at 'SUBSTANTIAL', meaning that the threat of a terrorist attack remains a strong possibility and may occur without warning. In the twelve months to 30 September 2012, there were 245 terrorism-related arrests in Great Britain: 45 people were charged with terrorism-related offences and 18 convicted; a further 25 people were awaiting trial as at 18 January 2013.
This is the third published version of the United Kingdom's counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. This new strategy reflects the changing terrorist threat and incorporates new Government policies on counter-terrorism. The strategy, though, will continue to be organised around four workstreams, each comprising a number of key objectives: pursue - stop terrorist attacks; prevent - to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism; protect - to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack; and prepare - to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack. International counter-terrorism work since 9/11 has made considerable progress in reducing the threats we face. Al Qai'da is now significantly weaker than it has been for ten years. But it is recognised that the overall terrorist threat we face continues to be significant and that is reflected in this strategy. Whilst the Government is determined to maintain the capabilities to meet the aim of reducing the risk to the UK and its interests overseas it is also determined to have a strategy that is not only more effective but more proportionate, focused and more precise
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN), terrorism and the 'war on terror' are major features of international relations and global concern. Terrorist threats and actual violence have become increasingly dangerous and lethal since the 1970s. However, the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 11 September 2001 heralded a new era in terrorist action and were the culmination of a terror campaign against American targets world-wide. "The Changing Face of Terrorism" evaluates the continuing threat and counter-measures since 9/11 and into the 21st century. It is a sober and measured evaluation of the CBRN threat and argues that continuing terror attacks are inevitable and the 'war on terror' will be a continuing feature in international politics and military action. Benjamin Cole shows how effective counter-terrorist measures must be measured and based not only on effective police and military intelligence and action but on careful evaluation of the politics, motivations, scientific and technical abilities of groups - no terrorist group has made a nuclear device - and religious and personal motivation.
The United States remains vulnerable to terrorist and other threats posed by chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) agents. Medical countermeasures such as drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic devices, can prevent or treat the effects of exposure, but few are currently available. This book examines the federal efforts needed to develop and acquire countermeasures to threats from terrorists and other sources, primarily through the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE).
Skilled scientists are not immune to the appeal of terrorist groups, indeed recent studies indicate that engineers and medical doctors are over-represented within terrorist organizations. Also of particular concern with regard to the potential radicalization of scientists is the issue of the ‘lone wolf’; an individual who prepares and commits violence alone, outside of any command structure and without material assistance from any group. This book presents papers from the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) entitled ‘The Risk of Skilled Scientist Radicalization and Emerging Biological Warfare Threats’, held in Como, Italy, from 29 November to 2 December 2016. The aim of this ARW was to assess the risks surrounding the ability of radical terrorist groups to recruit highly skilled scientists. The ARW was unique in that it brought together acknowledged experts from the social science community and the scientific technical community to discuss their perspectives on the risk of radicalization of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) skilled scientists. Countering terrorist organizations requires a comprehensive approach characterized by international cooperation across the military, intelligence, policy-making and scientific communities. The book provides an overview of the situation, as well as recommendations for how such cooperation can be achieved, and will be of interest to all those involved in the counter-terrorism process
The prospect of chemical, biological, radiological, and/or nuclear (CBRN) terrorism is recognized by the United States government as an acute security challenge. Particularly following the tragedy of September 11, 2001, but also for several years prior, senior U.S. officials and official government reports have underscored the likelihood, over time, of terrorist organizations coming into possession of such unconventional materials, and the prospect of their use against the United States homeland, U.S. forward-deployed forces, or U.S. friends and allies. Toward the end of the last century, this concern was heightened, among other events, by the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo's 1995 use of sarin in the Tokyo subway. The combination of increasing availability of technology and expertise, a perceived mass-casualty motive structure for particular terrorist organizations, the impending end of a millennium, a spate of conventional attacks against U.S. assets World Trade Center, 1993; Oklahoma City Federal Building, 1995; American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, 1998; and the U.S.S. Cole, 2000 and both the widespread suspicion of terrorists seeking CBRN weapons and the actual sub-national employment of a chemical agent all contributed to this general assessment.
This timely book contains excerpts from authoritative testimony, speeches and reports of political leaders, members of Congress, and leading experts who lay out a roadmap for understanding the nation's growing concern and response to the threat of super terrorism. It highlights warnings on the domestic and international threat form reports of the Bremer Commission, Gilmore Commission, Hart-Rudman Commission, Baker-Cutler Report and the USS Cole Commission. The text features statements and assessments of Madeleine Albright, Ahmed Al-Fadl, Ken Alibek, Seth Carus, Bill Clinton, Anthony Cordesman, John Deutch, Louis Freeh, Donald Henderson, Joshua Lederberg, Sam Nunn, John Parachini, Janet Reno, George Tenet and others. Published under the Transnational Publishers imprint.
A number of recent studies have concluded that the United States is vulnerable to attack from terrorists armed with weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Depending on the circumstances, a terrorist attack with nuclear or radiological weapons could cause more destruction and casualties than one with other types of WMD. Four strategies for improving U.S. capabilities to counter nuclear or radiological terrorism are often proposed: (1) to improve intelligence capabilities to gain better knowledge of terrorist intentions and capabilities; (2) to improve security measures in nuclear facilities throughout the former Soviet Union (FSU) and elsewhere, so terrorists will have more difficulty acquiring nuclear materials; (3) to deter terrorists from conducting nuclear or radiological attacks, particularly in the United States; and (4) to improve America's response capabilities to terrorists that have already acquired nuclear or radiological weapons. This thesis evaluates current U.S. capabilities and activities in each of these areas and provides recommendations for improving America's counter-terrorism strategies to defend against terrorists armed with nuclear or radiological weapons.