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The European Community is increasingly entering into international agreements as a party. These agreements are Community law to the extent to which they are covered by Community competence. Member state liability for the breach of Community law, as established by the Court of Justice, is a conditio sine qua non to ensure the effectiveness of Community law. This situation leads to the question whether an individual can also hold a Member State liable for the breach of an international agreement. As the Community's external relations are characterized by specific legal and political conditions, the answer to this question very much depends on the Court's will to uphold its past jurisprudence as well as its concern for the Communitys position in the international political arena.
External Relations Law of the European Community begins by noting two common characteristics of legal analyses in the field of EU external relations. First, most legal analyses assume that EC external relations law cannot be studied or applied without a constant awareness of the underlying political dynamics. Yet, the same analyses fail to explain how these ‘dynamics’ are to be understood, assessed and systematically applied. Second, most legal analyses tend to focus only on narrow segments of the ECJ’s case law, often taking as their points of departure individual cases or a group of topically related cases. This ‘commentary’ approach disregards the general inter-connectedness of legal structures and the recurring meaning configurations in the field. Against this backdrop, the author sets out to strengthen the legal language – both theoretically and practically - in the field of EC external relations. The first two parts of the book provide, with extensive references, an in-depth legal analysis of a wide range of topics pertaining to: the distribution between the EC and the Member States of norm-setting authority in their external relations, i.e. the rules that determine what the EC and the Member States can do (individually or together) in international relations; and the reception and application of rules of international law within the Community area, including the way in which international law enters Community law. In these parts of the book, the aim is to reconstruct the core areas of the Community’s external relations law in a coherent and systematic manner. In the third part of the book, the author develops and applies a theoretical and methodological framework inspired by discourse analysis. This novel approach is used to identify and describe some of the most significant legal discourses in EC external relations
This book provides a comprehensive portrait of how international responsibility of the EU and the Member States is structured under the EU’s international investment protection agreements. It analyses both the old regime as represented by the Energy Charter Treaty and the new regime as represented by the new EU investment treaties, such as CETA, TTIP, the EU-Singapore Agreement and the EU-Vietnam Agreement. The international responsibility of the EU, being a “special” international organisation, is in and of itself an important and challenging topic in public international law. However, in the context of international investment law, and especially with regard to the emerging new EU investment treaties, the topic is largely unexplored and represents new terrain. The book promotes the development of law in this area and provide a springboard for further research. The book puts forth the thesis that the determination of the EU or a Member State as respondent in a dispute under the new EU investment treaties has a substantive effect on the respondent’s international responsibility. The international law effects of the respondent determination will surely be one of the central topics in future debates on the new EU investment treaties. The book further compares the EU regulation that allocates financial burdens between the EU and the Member States arising out of international investment disputes with the only other genuinely existing allocation system in federal states to date, namely that of Germany. The book finally reveals many shortcomings of the new EU responsibility regime in international investment law and provides some suggestions on how they can best be remedied.
This volume provides the most comprehensive account to date of the foundations, evolution, and nature of the treaty-making practice, known as the practice of mixed agreements, whereby the European Community and its Member States enter into international agreements with one or more other subjects of international law. Covering policy areas from external economic relations to the environment, from development cooperation to the law of the sea, the practice of mixed agreements occupies a highly prominent position in the external relations of the EU. Rather than focusing upon any particular agreement or subject area, the book seeks to identify, through analysis of the respective interests of the Community, the Member States and other parties, as they are reflected in actual practice, the general parameters for the conclusion and application of mixed agreements. The basic thesis defended is that there are mediating strategies whereby mixed agreements can be turned into an effective technique for manifesting the Community's position in external relations whilst nevertheless safeguarding the vital interests of the Member States and the other, non-EC parties. Rather than a `necessary evil', mixed agreements should be regarded as a natural way of organizing the international relations of the EC and its Member States. Of individual treaties, the most thorough examination is made of the Community and the Member States' participation in the Law of the Sea Convention, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), as well as the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO). As regards the WTO, for instance, the book offers a comprehensive account of the dispute settlement practice under the GATS and TRIPS Agreements.
The book provides both a legal and economic assessment of an increasingly important issue for the EU: the question of whether individuals can hold the European Union liable for damages they suffer due to its infringement of international economic law. However, liability regimes vary depending on the issue concerned. In international trade law the individual holds a weak position, being deprived of both legal remedies to seek annulment and damages. This is due to the constant refusal of the direct effect of WTO law. By contrast, international investment law has been designed in an 'individualistic' manner from the outset – states agree reciprocally to grant certain procedural and substantial individual rights, which they invoke to claim damages before international tribunals rather than domestic courts. The divergent role of the individual in the respective area of international economic law leads to a different set of research questions related to liability. In international trade law, the doctrinal exercise of de-coupling the notion of direct effect from liability is at the core of establishing liability. In international investment law, liability is connected to a number of issues emerging from the recent transfer of competence pertaining to investment issues from Member States to the EU and the nature of investment agreements as mixed agreements. Against this backdrop, exploring liability issues in the area of international economic law reveals a heterogeneous set of questions depending on the area of law concerned, thus offering different perspectives for studying liability issues.
This commentary covers the entire TRIPs agreement. It adopts a comparative perspective in highlighting related and similar provisions and developments in other international and regional instruments.. It is designed to meet the needs both of the WTO and the intellectual property community.
The essays in this volume attempt to explore and elucidate some of the legal and constitutional complexities of the relationship between the EU and the WTO,focusing particularly on the impact of the latter and its relevance for the former. The effect of WTO norms is evident across a broad range of European economic and social policy fields, affecting regulatory and distributive policies alike. A number of significant areas have been selected in this book to exemplify the scope and intensity of impact, including EC single market law, external trade, structural and cohesion funding, cultural policy, social policy, and aspects of public health and environmental policy. Certain chapters seek to examine the legal and political points of intersection between the two legal orders, and many of the essays explore in different ways the normative dimension of the relationship between the EU and the WTO and the legitimacy claims of the latter.
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: The creation of the World Trade Organization (hereafter WTO ) in 1995 was a turning point in the history of international trade. For the first time, an international organization was given the acutely significant mission of enacting and supervising a code of conduct for international trade relations. If areas of misbehavior are identified, interventions can be initiated within the WTO s legal competence. A well-engineered dispute settlement mechanism provides the instrument for ensuring compliance with the standards imposed. Tax-related distortions of international trade result from both tariff and non-tariff barriers. Taxation has the potential of having obstructive effects on trade a phenomenon which the WTO is very well aware of. The principal objective of this thesis is to describe the WTO s impact on a country s latitude to design its fiscal measures in light of the effect on foreign trade. In this respect, the WTO s provisions that relate to taxation are of particular significance. First, after the relevant provisions have been identified, a test will be applied to show the resultant repercussions on taxation. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (hereafter GATT ) and the subsequent General Agreement on Trade in Services (hereafter GATS ) representing two core agreements of the WTO will be scrutinized in separate chapters. However, to avoid going beyond the scope of this paper, the agreements will only be dealt with in a limited way. Thus, any references to subsidizing will be disregarded. Although the author is very aware of the practical importance of subsidies within the WTO framework, limits had to be drawn. Primarily, the thesis will give an introduction to the agreements legal status within the European Union and the single European Member States. Focus will be on the impact of the WTO in the respective legal orders. Moreover, the repercussions on individual parties will be addressed as well. Finally, the chapter closes with an analysis of the legal enforceability of the WTO code. The next two chapters will be dedicated to the GATT and the GATS and their effect on taxation. Great emphasis will be attached to the two major principles embraced therein most-favored-nation treatment (hereafter MFN treatment ) and national treatment. Chapter 5 will shed light on the relationship between the WTO and bilateral double taxation conventions (hereafter DTCs ). Focus will be on the possibility [...]
The initial leaps forward in international trade liberalisation were achieved under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) when trade barriers in the form of tariffs were significantly reduced or removed up until the mid-1970s. However, this advancement was counteracted by a «new protectionism» which surfaced in the oil crises and the subsequent world economic recession. The term «new» was not to indicate the novelty of protectionist tendencies regaining momentum, but instead referred to the ever more subtle instruments, deploying non-tariff barriers to trade. Among these «grey area» measures (to use GATT parlance) are the voluntary export restraints (VERs) which unfolded insidiously over the years. Whereas the proliferation of VERs has attracted abundant economic studies and political debate, it found only limited legal discussion. Despite their outright ban in the Uruguay Round (when VERs were outlawed by the Agreement on Safeguards), the rare instances where VERs have actually been challenged is clearly unrepresentative of their propagation. The aim of this thesis is to elaborate on the popularity of VERs, to examine the lack of judicial consideration afforded to them, expanding therefore on the intersection of international trade regulation with competition law, economics and international political economy.
This Liber Amicorum, dedicated to Judge Rüdiger Wolfrum of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, highlights paradigmatic changes in international law, a body of law which moved during the 20th century from a law of coexistence to one of cooperation and which is now about to reflect notions of solidarity going even beyond cooperative undertakings. This leitmotif of Rüdiger Wolfrum’s academic research and judgeship is represented in a comprehensive collection of essays by eminent scholars and practitioners of international law covering specific aspects of international law, including law of the sea, human rights, international environmental law, international dispute settlement, peace and security, global governance and domestic law. With its multifaceted and comprehensive overview of the evolution of international law in recent years and detailed study of current challenges this collection is a unique source of insight for all those interested in this fascinating field of law.