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Translocation in Plants has been carefully compiled and edited to meet the long felt needs of increasingly large number of those who have to deal with the different aspects of the transport of various substances from one part of plant to the other. It provides a balanced and integrated treatment of the entire field transport system. The title is intelligible to the educated layman but it deals with some complex ideas. It is an adequate text for all requirements in this area for most university students. Special efforts have been made to explain ideas in non mathematical terms. The primary aim throughout has been clarity, simplicity and the high standard. It will definitely prove to be an authoritative work to teachers, students and research workers in the field of transport system. Contents: Stem, Water in Plant Cells, Soil Water, Solutes in Plants, Phloem Translocation.
The study of solute transport in plants dates back to the beginnings of experimental plant physiology, but has its origins in the much earlier interests of humankind in agriculture. Given this lineage, it is not surprising that there have been many books on the transport of solutes in plants; texts on the closely related subject of mineral nutrition also commonly address the topic of ion transport. Why another book? Well, physiologists continue to make new discoveries. Particularly pertinent is the characterisation of enzymes that are able to transport protons across membranes during the hydrolysis of energy-rich bonds. These enzymes, which include the H + -A TPases, are now known to be crucial for solute transport in plants and we have given them due emphasis. From an academic point of view, the transport systems in plants are now appreciated as worthy of study in their own right-not just as an extension of those systems already much more widely investigated in animals. From a wider perspective, understanding solute transport in plants is fundamental to understanding plants and the extent to which they can be manipulated for agricultural purposes. As physiologists interested in the mechanisms of transport, we first set out in this book to examine the solutes in plants and where are they located. Our next consideration was to provide the tools by which solute movement can be understood: a vital part of this was to describe membranes and those enzymes catalysing transport.
Plants, in addition to their role as primary synthesizers of organic com pounds, have evolved as selective accumulators of inorganic nutrients from the earth's crust. This ability to mine the physical environment is restricted to green plants and some microorganisms, other life forms being direct1y or indirect1y dependent on this process for their supply of mineral nutrients. The initial accumulation of ions by plants is of ten spatially separated from the photosynthetic parts, necessitating the transport to these parts of the inorganic solutes thus acquired. The requirement for energy-rich materials by the accumulation process is provided by a transport in the opposite direction of organic solutes from the photosynthetic areas. These transport phenomena in plants have been studied at the cellular level, the tissue level, and the whole plant level. The basic problems of analysing the driving forces and the supply of energy for solute transport remain the same for alI systems, but the method of approach and the type of results obtained vary widely with the experimental material employed, reflecting the variation of the solute transporting properties which have se1ectively evolved in response to both internal and external environmental pressures.
This book provides a broad overview of solute transport in plants. It first determines what solutes are present in plants and what roles they play. The physical bases of ion and water movement are considered. The volume then discusses the ways in which solutes are moved across individual membranes, within and between cells, and around the plant. Having dealt with the role of plant solutes in ‘normal’ conditions, the volume proceeds to examine how the use of solutes has been adapted to more extreme environments such as hot, dry deserts, freezing mountains and saline marshes. A crucial stage in the life cycle of most plants, the internally-controlled dehydration concomitant with seed formation, is also addressed. Throughout the volume the authors link our increasing understanding of the cellular and molecular bases of solute movement with the roles that these fulfil in the whole plant under both ideal and stressful conditions, showing how these are dictated by the physical laws that govern solute and water movement. The book is directed at postgraduates, researchers and professionals in plant physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology.
This account examines plant translocation specifically in the phloem (the tissue that conducts the products of photosynthesis and their metabolytes). It was first published in 1973 and gives a review of the well-established facts, whilst interpreting them in the light of the author's own theory of the mechanism. Professor Canny has produced numerous summaries of published data and recast quantitative information so that material that was scattered throughout the literature and difficult to compare sits together in an easily accessible form. The author has taken care to bring to the attention of the reader important passages from classical works, as well as writings on translocation from the sixties and seventies. The author writes in a lively style that is at once informative and provocative, and the book will appeal to those interested in the historical development of the many exciting and often conflicting theories of phloem transport.