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A CAPTIVATING, VIVID WESTERN CLASSIC - FOR FANS OF THE TRUE WILD WEST. It was to be no more than a wagon train going west, but when Reuben uncovers a plot to provide a shipment of Beecher's Bibles to the restive Oglala Sioux, he was forced to intervene. He knew the destruction that would come at the hands of renegade natives armed with Springfield Rifles and in good conscience, he forced himself to try to do whatever was necessary to prevent that from happening. The war was waging in the east and when the usual guard of soldiers from Fort Kearny was no longer possible, the wagons had to travel without the safety of the troops. An appeal to the commandant also revealed a deeper plot that would put the innocent travelers in more danger, prompting Reuben to change his plans and form a plot of his own. He knew trouble often comes in threes and an angry band of Pawnee that had been cheated by the gunrunners brought their own trouble. And to Reuben's chagrin, the Brule Sioux and the Arapaho could also complicate matters for the young man who was bound for the western plains. But if the restless and renegade natives weren't enough, a mighty pretty blue-eyed blonde young lady set her sights on the young plainsman. If he could see what was coming, Reuben would probably and gladly jump into the nearest pond of quicksand and count himself lucky.
A CAPTIVATING, VIVID WESTERN CLASSIC - FOR FANS OF THE TRUE WILD WEST. It was to be no more than a wagon train going west, but when Reuben uncovers a plot to provide a shipment of Beecher's Bibles to the restive Oglala Sioux, he was forced to intervene. He knew the destruction that would come at the hands of renegade natives armed with Springfield Rifles and in good conscience, he forced himself to try to do whatever was necessary to prevent that from happening. The war was waging in the east and when the usual guard of soldiers from Fort Kearny was no longer possible, the wagons had to travel without the safety of the troops. An appeal to the commandant also revealed a deeper plot that would put the innocent travelers in more danger, prompting Reuben to change his plans and form a plot of his own. He knew trouble often comes in threes and an angry band of Pawnee that had been cheated by the gunrunners brought their own trouble. And to Reuben's chagrin, the Brule Sioux and the Arapaho could also complicate matters for the young man who was bound for the western plains. But if the restless and renegade natives weren't enough, a mighty pretty blue-eyed blonde young lady set her sights on the young plainsman. If he could see what was coming, Reuben would probably and gladly jump into the nearest pond of quicksand and count himself lucky.
A BRAND-NEW CLASSIC WESTERN SERIES FROM BEST-SELLING AUTHOR B.N. RUNDELL. Every time he squeezed the trigger, somebody died. He thought it was just the way of the war, but after taking a couple bullets and being mustered out, it continued. When he stood over the ashes of his family's farm and stared at their graves, the same bile rose in his throat, and he knew somebody was going to have to pay... and pay with their blood. This was to be the beginning of a blood hunt that would take Reuben Grundy across four states, pit him against renegade outlaws posing as the Home Guard for the north, the Bushwhackers of Captain Quantrill and the men in butternut and grey, as well as the mighty Pawnee of the plains. His father had taught young Reuben to never look for others to do what needs to be done, even if it means putting his life on the line. And Reuben would do just that, with his training as one of Berdan's Sharpshooters at the outset of the war between the states, and his own time beside his father in the woods, Reuben was destined to become one of the most feared hunters of the plains. Whether it was for man or beast, when his sights settled on the target, death was sure to follow.
This Side of Justice By: Dr. Arlene Rotter Well, when the story be told, you can play judge n’ jury, if you like. But the way I sees it, there weren’t no sign of justice for Chili or any of the good folk in Jist West—not then and not now. We was livin’ in a place where there was injustice for all. This Side of Justice is set in the fictional town of Jist West, Virginia, reflecting the true events of a story told by five retired Marines who had been friends since their days in boot camp. It is a story of justice deserved and expected, yet not rewarded, in this crooked system upon which we all depend.
If you want to know why American Indians have the highest rates of poverty of any racial group, why suicide is the leading cause of death among Indian men, why native women are two and a half times more likely to be raped than the national average and why gang violence affects American Indian youth more than any other group, do not look to history. There is no doubt that white settlers devastated Indian communities in the 19th, and early 20th centuries. But it is our policies today—denying Indians ownership of their land, refusing them access to the free market and failing to provide the police and legal protections due to them as American citizens—that have turned reservations into small third-world countries in the middle of the richest and freest nation on earth. The tragedy of our Indian policies demands reexamination immediately—not only because they make the lives of millions of American citizens harder and more dangerous—but also because they represent a microcosm of everything that has gone wrong with modern liberalism. They are the result of decades of politicians and bureaucrats showering a victimized people with money and cultural sensitivity instead of what they truly need—the education, the legal protections and the autonomy to improve their own situation. If we are really ready to have a conversation about American Indians, it is time to stop bickering about the names of football teams and institute real reforms that will bring to an end this ongoing national shame.