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What if there was a 13th zodiac sign? You're no longer Sagittarius, but Ophiuchus, the healer, the 13th sign. Your personality has changed. So has your mom's and your best friend's. What about the rest of the world? What if you were the one who accidentally unlocked the 13th sign, causing this world-altering change, and infuriating the other 12 signs? In this book by Kristin O'Donnell Tubb, Jalen did it, and now she must use every ounce of her strength and cunning to send the signs back where they belong. Lives, including her own, depend upon it.
Using the Sidereal Zodiac, like Nostradamus, an astrologer and metaphysician shares her insight about the blending of Eastern and Western astrology in The Zodiac Conspiracy. This book underscores the omission of Ophiuchus, a major constellation that the Greeks left off the tropical zodiac wheel. It includes a brief section on Ophiuchus, the only constellation named after a real man named Imhotep. The 13 Sun Signs of the Zodiac outlines the differences between popular tropical astrology (that you read in the daily horoscopes) and the science/astronomy of sidereal astrology. This book merges the sidereal and tropical systems to help us understand how the tropical zodiac represents who we are learning to be, while the sidereal zodiac represents who we really are. Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was really a Sagittarian (The Seeker) who was learning how to be a Capricorn goat, climbing up the mountain to become The Achiever. Jesus was probably born under the sign of Virgo to a virgin mother. However, he was really a Libra (The Peacemaker) who was learning how to be a Virgo (The Selfless Servant). All of this and much, much more is explained in this extraordinary book13 Sun Signs of Zodiac.
When a blast strikes the moons of Cancer, killing thousands of citizens, Rhoma Grace must convince twelve worlds to unite as one against Ophiuchus, the exiled thirteenth Guardian of Zodiac legend, who has returned to exact his revenge.
Western astrology has outlived its lifetime. Since 100 A.D., the zodiac constellations have moved enough to ensure that the predictions of Western astrology are completely misguided. Kanatas takes into account all available scientific information regarding the actual positions of the 13 zodiac constellations and offers a new theory, on the basis of which the Moon and the Sun are given their rightful place.
By the time one finishes reading the book the following astronomically and cosmographically verifiable facts emerge: There are 28 days to each lunar month, 364 days to each lunar year and 13 months to each lunar year. The 365,366 days years are FALSE concepts. It is the starry designs that form the background to each lunar month that constitute the ZODIAC SIGNS. There are therefore THIRTEEN Zodiac signs. OPHIUCHUS - The serpent holder - which is between Scorpio and Sagittarius, is the one which has been denied existence. The fact that no month is more than 28 days long puts a question mark on the concept of Leap Day and leap year... on all the 30-day and 31 day months. And why are SEPT-OCTO-NOVEM-DECEM no longer SEVEN -EIGHT-NINE-TEN as far as our CALENDAR goes? It seems all our BIRTHDATES , ZODIAC SIGNSand our VERY CALENDAR are FALSELY CALCUALTED Even though GALACTIC SUNS and PLANETARY GALAXIES are all seen as BALLS OF LIGHT in infinite space, Galactic Suns differentiate themselves by the compactness of their LIGHT! The fact that our telescopes show only Galaxies and Galactic Suns as the smallest UNITS, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SEPARATE OR SEPARABLE SOLAR SYSTEM. SO THE CREATION STORY IN GENESIS CHAPTER ONE IS COSMOGRAPHICALLY AND ASTRONOMICALLY UNTENABLE. It is only the concept of the Galactic Solar System which enables us to see why there are 2000 years to the so-called MILLENIUM.Our galaxy orbits its galactic sun over a period of 26,000 years The thirteen ZODIAC SIGNS of the Planetary Zodiac, are duplicated by the Greater Zodiac of Thirteen 2,000 year MILLENIA. We are at the brink of entering THE AGE OF AQUARIUS as we leave the AGE OF PISCES... THE AGE OF THE SIGN OF THE CHRISTOS... FISHES!
Do you know your new Sun Sign? There are now 13 sun signs in the Zodiac. It's official according to the Royal Astronomical Society in England and astronomers around the world. Since the activation of Ophiuchus by Pluto, the year has now been divided up differently and we have all been dislodged. Who are you now? This book will explain and explore what is happening individually and universally. How are these changes being revealed in the stars? Combining astrology, astronomy, and mythology with the wisdom of the past and the help of spirit, we find the answers. Some of you may have already experienced unexpected and puzzling upheavals in your lives and some of you may feel the anticipation of change taking place. We are all being affected by this 13th Sign. You can choose to participate in these changes knowingly or unknowingly. Your journey will be smoother if you know where you are going. Astrology has always been the road map. For what is happening above in the sky is also occurring below on earth. "As above, so below."
Western-based astrology has a provocative counterpart in the Native American medicine wheel, with a spirit animal equivalent for each sign of the zodiac. In this thoughtful book, Lucy Harmer shows readers how to find the spirit animal that corresponds to their birth sign. She provides detailed descriptions of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the twelve spirit animals—for example, falcon is enthusiastic and adventurous but can be impulsive and impatient, while deer is sociable and eloquent but can be lazy and superficial. Once readers determine their spirit animal, they can better understand their relationships with family, friends, and associates. Readers can also discover those people who are part of their animal clan and the various compatibilities and incompatibilities between all the spirit animals. They will be able to uncover the hidden treasures of their personalities and their secret talents, as well as the color, plant, and totem stone corresponding to each spirit animal. For readers who want to take shamanic astrology to the next level, the book includes the first complete lunar calendar for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres to help them determine their spirit animal rising sign and discover how the moon influences their daily life.
Explains the ancient astrological system sacred to the Cherokee and how to use it in the modern world • Provides easy-to-use format for determining what signs and numbers rule the day of your birth and what influence they have on your destiny • Includes a traditional Cherokee ephemeris through 2015 An essential aspect of Cherokee religion is the belief that everything on Earth is the reflection of a star. This includes not only people and animals but also trees, rivers, stones, and mountains--all sentient beings to the Cherokee. Astrology has always played a strong role in the Cherokee tradition because of this belief, but unlike our Western system of astrology, Cherokee astrology is based on a 260-day Venus calendar, which includes 20 individual day signs and 13 numbers. It was the task of the Cherokee daykeeper to coordinate this calendar with those of the Sun and the Moon to determine the most auspicious times for ceremonies as well as to understand the star wisdom carried back to Earth by each newborn child. The day sign of a child explains his or her strengths and weaknesses; the number explains the individual’s role in the great cosmic scheme. Raven Hail, an elder of the Cherokee nation, provides insightful descriptions for each of the twenty signs that identify characteristics of those born under a particular day sign and gives the meanings of the thirteen numbers that determine the significance of that sign in the larger scheme of life. The author has translated the traditional Cherokee ephemeris into an easy-to-use format that allows readers to quickly determine which sign rules the day of their birth and which number has influence over it.
Reach for the stars Stargazing is the practice of observing the night sky and its contents - from constellations through to planets and galaxies. Stars and other night sky objects can be seen with the naked eye, or seen in greater numbers and in more detail with binoculars or a telescope. Stargazing For Dummies offers you the chance to explore the night sky, providing a detailed guide to the main constellations and also offering advice on viewing other night sky objects such as planets and nebulae. It's a great introduction to a fun new hobby, and even provides a fun way to get the kids outside while doing something educational! Gives you an introduction to looking at the sky with binoculars or a telescope Offers advice on photographing the night sky Without needing to get your head around mind-bending theories, you can take part in some practical physics If you're looking for easy-to-follow guidance on getting to know the night sky, Stargazing For Dummies has you covered.