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Considered to be the "Living Foods Bible", this classic by the grandfather of the living foods movement introduces a new paradigm in nutrition that promotes living foods diet as the key to preserving youthfulness, reversing the aging process and extending the life-span. Includes information on numerous alternative therapies such as physiognomy, iridology, zone and color therapy, massage, acupressure, yoga and healing herbs as well as wheatgrass therapy and water fasts. Contains over 300 medical journal references.
The book explores the central question facing humanity today: how can we best survive the ten great existential challenges that are now coming together to confront us? Besides describing these challenges from the latest scientific perspectives, it also outlines and integrates the solutions, both at global and individual level and concludes optimistically. This book brings together in one easy-to-read work the principal issues facing humanity. It is written for the two next generations who will have to deal with the compounding risks they inherit, and which flow from overpopulation, resource pressures and human nature. The author examines ten intersecting areas of activity (mass extinction, resource depletion, WMD, climate change, universal toxicity, food crises, population and urban expansion, pandemic disease, dangerous new technologies and self-delusion) which pose manifest risks to civilization and, potentially, to our species’ long-term future. This isn’t a book just about problems. It is also about solutions. Every chapter concludes with clear conclusions and consensus advice on what needs to be done at global level —but it also empowers individuals with what they can do for themselves to make a difference. Unlike other books, it offers integrated solutions across the areas of greatest risk. It explains why Homo sapiens is no longer an appropriate name for our species, and what should be done about it.
The International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability, held at the Near East University, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus 19-24 February 2007, dealt with environmental threats and proposed solutions at all scales. The 21 themes addressed by the conference fell into four broad categories; Threats to Survival and Sustainability; Technological Advances towards Survival and Sustainability; Activities and Tools for Social Change; Defining Goals for Sustainable Societies. Activities and tools that move the society towards greater sustainability were emphasized at the conference. These included environmental law and ethics, environmental knowledge, technology and information systems, media, environmental awareness, education and lifelong learning, the use of literature for environmental awareness, the green factor in politics, international relations and environmental organizations. The breadth of the issues addressed at the conference made clear the need for greatly increased interdisciplinary and international collaboration the survival and sustainability concept. The exchanges at the conference represent a step in this direction.
Contributors such as Jimmy Carter, Jonathan Mann, Carl Sagan, Jonas Salk, Linus Pauling, and Robert Gallo examine health and disease on a global scale, from a perspective that encompasses the well-being of the whole of humanity. This enormous project offers a view of the planet's future through the eyes of dozens of the world's best and brightest minds.
What Next? A Survival Guide to the 21st Century by internationally renowned astrologer Linda Schurman presents future scenarios along with resources and solutions to global problems. She addresses weather, locale, political and financial issues.
Walter Mosley is one of America’s bestselling novelists, known for his critically acclaimed series of mysteries featuring private investigator Easy Rawlins. His writing is hard-hitting, often limned with a political subtext, and aimed at a broad audience. Years ago, when Mosley was working on a doctorate in political theory, he envisioned writing very different kinds of books from those for which he has become celebrated. But once you’ve been tagged as a novelist, and in Mosley’s case, a genre writer, even a bestselling one, it is hard to get an airing for ideas that cross those boundaries. Folding the Red into the Black has grown out of Mosley’s public talks, which have gotten both enthusiastic and agitated responses, making him feel the ideas in those talks should be explored in greater depth. Mosley’s is an elastic mind, and in this short polemic he frees himself to explore some novel ideas. He draws on personal experiences and insights as an African-American, a Jew, and one of our great writers to present an alternative manifesto of sorts: “We need to throw off the unbearable weight of bureaucratic capitalist and socialist demands; demands that exist to perpetuate these systems, not to praise and raise humanity to its full promise. And so I propose the word, the term Untopia.”
Long-time readers of Ragnar Benson know that he has made a life's work of observing and writing about survival in numerous countries and societies around the world, up close and dirty. He has covered everything from mud-hut survival in Kenya, Somalia, and Burma to gritty urban survival in Beirut, Havana, and Cairo. Ragnar has also lived as a survivor for more than 50 years at his rural U.S. home. In his first survival book in more than a decade, Ragnar Assesses the current economic situation in the United States Compares it to what is currently happening in Greece, Spain, and other distressed European nations Analyzes what has and hasn't worked in past and current ­economic meltdowns Outlines what has and hasn't changed this time around so you can combine classic survival wisdom with specific strategies for today's realities Offers solid indicators to predict not only what lies ahead but also when they will occur According to Ragnar, the chief difference between the looming economic crisis and those of the past is its duration. Whereas in the past, emergency preparations were often for weeks or months, today's preppers must make plans for years—anywhere from four to six years, Ragnar estimates. That involves a lot of food, water, energy, cash, security measures, and other survival necessities, at a time when normal resupply sources are uncertain at best or cut off ­entirely in the worst-case scenario. How do you revamp your survival end game from weeks or months to years? Ragnar offers 21st-century solutions so survivors can begin their efforts now while there is still time.
Despite the best efforts of educators, our nation's schools are dangerously obsolete. Instead of teaching students to be critical thinkers and problem-solvers, we are asking them to memorize facts for multiple choice tests. This problem isn't limited to low-income school districts: even our top schools aren't teaching or testing the skills that matter most in the global knowledge economy. Our teens leave school equipped to work only in the kinds of jobs that are fast disappearing from the American economy. Meanwhile, young adults in India and China are competing with our students for the most sought-after careers around the world. Education expert Tony Wagner has conducted scores of interviews with business leaders and observed hundreds of classes in some of the nation's most highly regarded public schools. He discovered a profound disconnect between what potential employers are looking for in young people today (critical thinking skills, creativity, and effective communication) and what our schools are providing (passive learning environments and uninspired lesson plans that focus on test preparation and reward memorization). He explains how every American can work to overhaul our education system, and he shows us examples of dramatically different schools that teach all students new skills. In addition, through interviews with college graduates and people who work with them, Wagner discovers how teachers, parents, and employers can motivate the &"net"; generation to excellence. An education manifesto for the twenty-first century, The Global Achievement Gap is provocative and inspiring. It is essential reading for parents, educators, business leaders, policy-makers, and anyone interested in seeing our young people succeed as employees and citizens. For additional information about the author and the book, please go to a href=""
Surviving Marriage Tips is more than a book of general rhetoric. It is a book of relatable experiences written from the viewpoint of a man and woman, in their own humorous way, who committed to the institution of marriage at the young age of 21.