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The Old Testament Book of Esther in Slavonic translation is known from East Slavic manuscripts of the late-14th to the late-16th centuries. Working from the Masoretic Hebrew texts and Greek translations, this work examines textological clues to the circumstances of the sources, redactions and translation of Esther. The study creates a basis from which scholars can discuss the particulars of this translation, the nature of Wast Slavic biblical translating activity, and the relationship of old Est Slavic bookmen to Hebrew and Greek. This work should be of interest to philologists and cultural religious historians alike.
Among the books of the Old Testament, the book of Esther presents significant interpretive problems. The book has been preserved in Greek and Hebrew texts that diverge greatly from each other. As a result, Jews and Protestants usually read a version of the book of Esther that is several chapters shorter than the one in most Catholic and Orthodox Bibles. Jon D. Levenson capably guides the reader through both the longer Greek version and the shorter Hebrew one, demonstrating their coherence and their differences. This commentary listens to the voices of modern scholarship as well as rabbinic interpretation, providing a wealth of interpretive results
The proceedings of a symposium entitled Esther 2000 held in Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska in April 2000, the book contains a collection of essays that engages all aspects of the biblical book of Esther. From questions of textual criticism to the history of rabbinic interpretation to speculation on the modern form of commentary, this collection is sure to contain something for everyone interested in the book of Esther. Contributors include such well-known Esther scholars as Michael Fox, David Clines, and Carey Moore.
The book of Esther describes how a genocide threatening the Jewish people was averted through the bravery of Esther, the wisdom of Mordecai and the unity of their people. It also reveals the God who quietly -and sometimes unexpectedly- works behind the scenes to order the events of our lives.
This comprehensive bibliography to scholarly works on the biblical book of Esther contains over 1500 references. It includes titles of books, collected works, Festschriften, theses, journal articles, essays in collections, encyclopedia and dictionary articles, and online material. It is a classified bibliography, arranged in three categories -- commentaries, biblical chapters and verses, and subject headings in alphabetical order. The scope of the bibliography is international, and its focus is on research from the last hundred years. Scholars, students, clergy, and librarians -- among them literary scholars, sociologists, historians, linguists, art historians, feminists, and Christian and Jewish scholars -- will find this unique volume an indispensable resource and stimulus to further research.
There has come about in recent years a lamentable tendency to treat certain portions of the Old Testament, like the Book of Esther, as allegories. This has been done with the best of motives, but the process of interpretation as well as the result to the reader, leaves much to be desired. It is refreshing, therefore, to turn to this exposition of The Book of Esther by Dr. Alexander Raleigh of Kensington, England, and find within its pages a careful explanation of the text which places the events squarely in their historic setting and then applies to the reader's life princples drawn from the passage under consideration. These principles are then embellished with information drawn from other portions of Scripture. The net result is the unfolding of the full-orbed teaching of God's Word on the subjects raised in the text. - Dr. Cyril J. Barber.