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Coronary heart disease (CHD) still the leading cause of death in the UK - heart attacks kill about 88,000 people a year – around one person every six minutes Despite these sobering statistics, a heart attack isn’t a death sentence, thanks to improved treatments and increased awareness. This short. Reassuring book shows how combining drugs and lifestyle changes can help you survive - and prevent - heart attacks. Topics include: · The anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system · Risk factors for heart attack · Causes of heart attacks · Symptoms in men, women, and the elderly · Why rapid treatment helps you survive · Prognosis and the prospects of living a normal life · How you and the doctor can increase the chances of survival
Stroke can devastate mental and physical wellbeing, but, lifestyle changes, combined with medication, can reduce your risk of further stroke by 80 per cent. This short, easy to read guide advises on preventing stroke, making the most of medical treatment and living a full life after a stroke. Topics include: why and how a stroke may happen key warning symptoms risk factors diagnosis and treatment rehabilitation advice for carers
Liver disease is the leading cause of death in the UK after heart, cancer, stroke and respiratory disease. The good news is that liver disease can often be prevented or to some extent even repaired. This book looks at lifestyle factors and medical interventions that can help. Topics include: the liver and its functions types of liver disease and their symptoms, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and cancer tests and checks treatments from your doctor lifestyle factors, such as cutting out alcohol and eating a healthy diet complementary remedies
For many people, life is made intolerable by phobias. Common fears may range from crowded places to a fear of spiders or blood, but, the basic underlying mechanism is the same ? acute anxiety. This book looks at how to tackle both specific phobias and the anxiety which causes such disproportionate fear, and covers obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety state, and panic disorder with agoraphobia. Other topics include: Causes of anxiety and phobias Professional help and how to get it Planning a self-help programme Panic disorder and agoraphobia Dealing with catastrophic thoughts Lifestyle tools ? exercise, relaxation, diet, alcohol, time
Asthma affects 1.1 million children (1 in 11) and 4.3 million adults (1 in 12) in the UK – that’s one in five households. Fortunately, effective modern drugs mean that deaths from asthma are less rare than they used to be, especially in view of the millions of people who suffer from the disease in the UK. Nevertheless, one person dies from asthma in the UK every seven hours – and most are adults. Adults also account for 58 per cent of hospital admissions for asthma. The UK still has some of the highest asthma rates in Europe, yet, asthma in adults rarely gets the attention it deserves. This book aims to redress the balance. Topics include: What is asthma? Types of asthma Common asthma triggers Occupational asthma Diagnosing asthma in adults Treating asthma in adults Coping with asthma: beyond drugs
Poorly controlled diabetes can cut up to 20 years from your life expectancy. And it’s on the rise, affecting nearly 3 million people in the UK (1 in 20). Much suffering could be avoided if people took control of their diabetes sooner. This concise, authoritative guide shows how a healthy, balanced diet helps avoid the worse complications of diabetes such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney disease, impotence and poor vision. Topics include: · The pancreas – controlling glucose levels · Types of diabetes and their symptoms · Risk factors for diabetes · Complications of poorly controlled diabetes · Treating diabetes with drugs · Treating diabetes by changing your lifestyle · Diet and diabetes – the first steps · Using supplements safely
Coronary heart disease, the commonest cause of heart attacks, remains the leading cause of death in the UK, despite rates falling in the last few decades, despite numerous therapeutic advances and despite increased awareness. Rates are especially high in economically deprived communities, some ethnic groups and at certain ages; but everyone's at risk. This book aims to help people at high risk prevent their first or subsequent heart attack as well as helping those who experience a heart attack get back to a normal life as soon as possible. As this book shows, combining drugs and lifestyle changes can help you survive - and prevent - heart attacks. Topics include: The anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system; Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors such as smoking, diet, age, family history and sex; Causes and types of heart attack; Why heart attacks are more common at certain times of day; Prognosis - what makes survival more likely; Symptoms in men, women and the elderly; Diagnosis and treatment; After a heart attack - physical, psychological and lifestyle factors; Preventing heart attacks; Caring for a loved one after a heart attack.
For every person who develops Alzheimer's, there are thought to be at least another eight whose memory problems are severe enough to affect the quality of their lives. If you are struggling with memory problems yourself or are caring for someone who has memory difficulties, this book has been written to help you cope. Topics include: why memory might go wrong why you never forget to ride a bike how we retrieve information from our long term memory word finding difficulties or the 'tip of the tongue' phenomena the role of anxiety, depression and stress in memory problems diet and exercise dementia and other neurological damage myths and misconceptions when to seek further help
Worry is a useful biological response to adverse circumstances, which can sometimes get out of hand. While the anxiety response primes us for action, too much becomes counterproductive. This easy-to-read manual explains how to understand and control your worry, and make the brain's warning system work for you. Topics include: · Defining worry and its mechanism · Preparing to solve your problems - skills to practise · How to solve your problems · Brainstorming and making decisions · Coping with setbacks · When the worry won't stop · Coping successfully with unavoidable problems