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"The Broken Pieces of Me" is my first writing project, and I pray that this book will help someone to turn the page from the issues of life that seems to weigh us all down. As I journey in ministry, I tend to look back at my past decisions, and I begin to beat myself down for my choices. But God continues to remind me that His grace is sufficient for my past and my present! He has already forgiven me and wiped my slate clean. All I have to do now is learn to forgive myself. We've all made some disgraceful mistakes, but once we repent, we must move forward in God's grace and continue striving for perfection. Our temporary choices were not meant to permanently destroy our lives. Yes, we will suffer a few setbacks or delays, but we should never allow our visions to come to a complete halt. We must keep advancing and striving for excellence. We're all predestined for greatness in the eyes of God. His grace is what keeps us! His grace is what leads us! His grace is what saves us!When I look back over my life, I think about the people who have poured into me. I think about those who have fought for me or those who have tested me. It was those experiences, good and bad, that allowed me to become who I am today. I vow to continue to invest in myself and take the necessary time to learn who I am. I will never again allow my broken pieces to have me too afraid to walk in God's appointed grace for me. Be Blessed!
You can't keep two people who are meant to be together apart for long... Lennon Davis doesn't believe in much, but she does believe in the security of the number five. If she flicks the bedroom light switch five times, maybe her new LA school won't suck. But that doesn't feel right, so she flicks the switch again. And again. Ten more flicks of the switch and maybe her new stepfamily will accept her. Twenty-five more flicks and maybe she won't cause any more of her loved ones to die. Fifty more and then she can finally go to sleep. Kyler Benton witnesses this pattern of lights from the safety of his tree house in the yard next door. It is only there, hidden from the unwanted stares of his peers, that Kyler can fill his notebooks with lyrics that reveal the true scars of the boy behind the oversize hoodies and caustic humor. But Kyler finds that descriptions of blond hair, sad eyes, and tapping fingers are beginning to fill the pages of his notebooks. Lennon, the lonely girl next door his father has warned him about, infiltrates his mind. Even though he has enough to deal with without Lennon's rumored tragic past in his life, Kyler can't help but want to know the truth about his new muse.
"I was sure my heart had withered away years ago, but then you smiled at me, and I felt it beat again." ~GageYears ago, I fell in love with my best friend's little brother. Then, he took his own life, leaving me shattered and unable to piece my heart back together. I've been a zombie for nine long years. Until a crazy, gorgeous man walked into Heathens Ink and injected color back into my world of gray. No matter how hard I try to resist Beck, he just won't give up on me. I would need steel willpower to withstand his gorgeous long legs in those high heels and his drawer full of lacy lingerie. But is this just a kinky hook up or does it have the possibility for more?"We're both broken, but our jagged edges fit together well" ~ BeckWhen you're half of a whole you never contemplate what life would be like without your matching piece. Since my twin sister, Brianna, died last year, nothing I do seems to quiet my soul. I know there has to be some way for me to feel happy and whole again. And, when I look into the pained eyes of the tattoo artist at Heathens Ink, I feel like I have a purpose. I can't explain it, but I feel like I have to find a way to put him back together. **Shattered Pieces is the fourth book in the Heathens Ink series, each book in the series CAN be read as a standalone.
This is book 4 in the IF I Break Series. It is strongly suggested to start at book 1 which is currently free. When you're heartbroken, it lies beneath everything that you do. It's in all of who you are. Foreshadows who you'll be. It hides underneath your smile, rests between your laugh, revels in your tears and taunts your every thought. You wish it away but are too terrified to let it go.... When Cal first disappeared I swore my heart had broken, and before all of this is over I swear it will shatter into pieces.
Pieces Of Me Shattered But Not Broken, explores the life of a young girl in this world alone with so many odds against her. Trials and tribulations ruined her life before she was able to live it. Enter her world with caution...
"Broken Pieces of Me" is a collection of poetry documenting life's journey through the eyes of a young female writer as she attempts to make sense of, and place together the "pieces" of her experiences in the world.Astonishingly honest, this collection broaches the topics of death, love, sex, loss, growing up and most importantly, what you end up with once all of the pieces have been found.
As I write this book. I have so much to write about, I just never had the time to break the dam and let the river overfl ow . . . Fearful that the initial rush may over whelm me, so much has happen over the last 12years . . . So many open wound screaming for the bandaid of expression bleeding for so many years . . . . I’m afraid . . . Afraid to revisit each wound yet knowing I must in order to soothe each one. But they really really hurts so bad, I rather just ignore them and smile . . . nobody will notice the blood, pain n tears seeping from my pores, I am a pretender,an actress. But in order to share my gift to the world for the fi rst time, I must revisit my pass and write. Because no matter how much I bury these wounds are really real. just a thought I always wonder where I would be today if I didn’t guide myself in the right direction. 1. Maybe on somebody street corner being somebody’s hoe? 2.maybe if I had to live on the streets would I be somebody’s bum? 3.maybe if I had to depend on somebody on all accounts? 4.would I have the meaning to go steal for a living? Meaning that going to the store stealing clothes or what ever it takes. out of all the four things! I think I would choose none of thee above I think what ever comes your way when you live the life experience that me and most others you learn to survive the rainy storm that comes your way, I sit back and think sometimes if not all the time why me?why did I have to be born because without life there is no sorrow. Meaning that if I wasn’t created you would feel no pain,or have to live your life of losing your queen,your soul your heart.,it just seems that the pain never goes away. I don’t care if you have open heart surgery that pain just tempoary it heels but not when you lose someone that you looked up to for love, guidence, corrections. pain, pain, pain
This is a chapbook filled with 100 poems that talk about sadness, pain, and anything that has to do with hurting. It goes over sexual abuse, family problems, relationship troubles, and more. All of these poems are written by Isabella Gurley. If you love to read sad poetry, this is the chapbook for you. This chapbook includes the poems titled: All the Shattered Pieces Until You Want Me Crimson Ruins Should I Tell Her? Trust We Are Broken Stolen Heart Wished on Tears Rain He Broke Me Love His Lies How Can We Decide? The Unloving King Fallen Rain Lost on Twisted Roads Just Thirteen You Don't Have to Try Kiss Me Her Birthday Sculpted By Sins Don't Be Like Them My Friend, Loneliness My Crimson Memories I Wish I Could Go Back To The Time Can We Be Family Again? Shipwrecked Her Smile Dream Catcher Infatuation Tell Me You Love Me Dying Dance With Death Just Teenagers Loved Again Our Last Waltz Boundaries Insomnia Winter Stars Anniversary Your Best Friend Trying to Forget You A Past Train Ride Broken Mess Borrowing Your Troubles The Secret Bearing Bones Used The Scariest Word Before the Sun Rises Lost Among Others Grandpa Forever and A Day The Granddaughter The Shy Girl Exile Louder Than Words Waiting for Daddy to Come Home Damaged Heart One Being Just Friends Finally Happy Questions What Has Become of Us? You Are Confusing Fragment of My Life Sea of Stars Kissed By Regret Waiting for Hercules The Tears That Killed The Sun Kissed the Moon Goodbye Twisted Uncle and Broken Pieces The Aftertaste of School Two in the Morning You Let Go Garden of Statues The Poem in My Wallet The Scars in Heaven Finally Loved I Guess I Could Say... Fireworks I Write I Hate Listening to Heart Patters The Painful Addiction Ten Stories Down Strangers Again Please Stay Poverty Prayer The Flavor of You Girls With Pearls The Carolers Dark Night in Louisiana The Foster Girl The Boy Who Starts With A The Flood Four Candles Insecurities His First Snow The Winter Butterfly The Tears I Write I Win
The sudden death of a child is the most profound grief a parent will endure. Surviving the confusion, disbelief, turmoil, and the pain is a life-changing experience. When Marsha Glynn faced the sudden death of her teenage son, she found herself questioning God and her beliefs about life and its meaning. In Shattered Pieces of My Heart, Marsha offers readers a look into the most heart-wrenching moments of her life. Only through the grace of God and the love and devotion of family and friends did she find the courage to start over, face her tragic loss, and discover hope in the healing process. Recollections of Bible verses and personal prayers helped her cope as she traveled an unfamiliar road. Discover how Marsha survived by taking small steps to face grief. Learn how she turned to God in her darkest hour and how his love and the love of family and friends led her out of the valley of death to begin the healing process and discover life's goodness and joy again.