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The physical Sun is a mirror of Spiritual Fire. The Seven Rays of the Spiritual Sun are Luminous Sons, from which will emanate all other luminous and non-luminous lives. They are the “fiery tongues” representing the potency of formative creation inherent Logos. The First Solar Ray is the most important: It is Voice of the Silence. It is potentially in everyman’s heart. Space and Time are One and Nameless, the incognisable That, which can be sensed only through its Rays. A bright star dropped from the Heart of Eternity, a beacon of hope on whose Seven Rays hang Seven Worlds of Being. Seven Wise Ones, the Dhyani-Chohans of the Secret Doctrine, fashion seven beams of light falling on paths leading to wisdom. Seven Lights, whose reflections are the human immortal monads, each in charge of seven distinct groups of humanity. They all proceed from the First Logos, and from thence in innumerable series of Hierarchies. Thus the Hierarchy of Compassion lights up the torch of Truth. The Seven Rays or Divine Hierarchies are symbolised as concentric circles of prismatic colours in their natural order. Heptactys stands for the Seven Rishis of the Second Ray, the informing souls of the Seven Stars of the Great Bear and their shaktis symbolised by Pleiades or Atlantis’ Seven Root-Races. The Seven Rays and their shaktis vibrate everywhere. They are personified as Motion, Sound, Heat, Light, Cohesion, Electric Fluid, and Nerve Force. When the hour of the Solar Pralaya strikes, the Eternal Avyaya (First Logos) will enter into the Seven Rays of the Sun and drink up all the waters of the Universe. Thus fed, the Seven Rays will expand to Seven Suns whose radiance will glow above, below, and on every side, and will set the World on fire.
The teaching on the seven rays can enable all true servers to work with greater skill and effectiveness in their chosen field of activity. As Alice Bailey wrote, a study of the rays will mean that “...we shall have a practical method of analysis whereby we can arrive at a right understanding of ourselves as ensouling entities, and at a wiser comprehension of our fellow men We can then deal more intelligently with ourselves, with our children and with our friends and associates. We shall find ourselves able to co-operate more wisely with the Plan as it is seeking expression at any particular time”.
Healing is an exact and an exacting science. Esoteric healing is equally scientific, based on a number of requirements, including knowledge of the constitution of man as a spiritual being and of the biology and anatomy of his physical form. In this book, the seven ray techniques of healing are described; the laws and rules of healing are discussed; basic causes of disease are shown; and requirements for healing are given in detail.
The magical and spiritual uses of the seven sacred gemstones--diamond, sapphire, emerald, jasper, topaz, ruby, and amethyst • Explores each sacred gem’s effects on the seven facets of the soul and their corresponding virtues • Reveals their spiritual and therapeutic uses, the meaning of their colors, their ties to the chakras, and their historical use in amulets, talismans, and other magical tools • Outlines the basics of Seven Ray Science and the properties of each of the Seven Rays Taught solely in secret for millennia, the Science of the Seven Rays was introduced outside of the ancient mystery schools of Western and Hindu tradition by some of the great occultists of the late 19th and early 20th century: H. P. Blavatsky, Manly Hall, C. W. Leadbeater, and Alice Bailey. Based on the soul’s seven-faceted nature, the Seven Ray system underlies metaphysical traditions around the world through its connections with the seven musical notes in the scale, the seven days in the week, the seven chakras, the seven colors of the rainbow, and the seven sacred planets. Laying out the key principles behind this spiritual science, Michel Coquet explores the seven sacred gemstones of the Seven Rays--diamond, sapphire, emerald, jasper, topaz, ruby, and amethyst--and shows that not all precious stones have true mystical powers: they must be charged, either naturally or through ritual, with a living deva or angelic presence before they can effect spiritual transformation and physical, mental, and soul healing. Drawing on Hindu, Jewish, pre-Columbian, and Greco-Roman magical traditions with precious stones as well as their use by great initiates of history--including Hildegard von Bingen, Paracelsus, Cornelius Agrippa, Elias Ashmole, Nicholas Flamel, and the Count de Saint Germain--Coquet examines each sacred gem’s effects on the seven facets of the soul as well as their spiritual and therapeutic uses, the meaning of their colors, their influences on the chakras, and their use in amulets, talismans, and other magical tools. Illuminating techniques of invoking spirits into gemstones and reports of the power to enlarge diamonds at will, stones that produce anesthesia, and the use of gem medicines in India, Coquet reveals that while gems can influence our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, without daily work toward a gem’s corresponding virtue, even a consecrated stone will have no effect, for the most beautiful gems are within.
The creator of Bring it On, Jessica Bendiner, brings her teen savvy writing to this paranormal romance, now in paperback.
The Seven Rays - Keys to the Mysteries: The Seven Rays form one of the keys to the mysteries to be employed in this, the Age of Aquarius, which is now upon us. This key is one of psychology; it takes into account not only the factors of genetics and personality, but also the factor of the Soul. Dr. Baker has drawn on the wisdom and expertise of H. P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey to fashion this effective key to unlock the subjective qualities of the personality. The Seven Rays embrace the whole of our known universe; they are the builders of form. That form in humanity applies not only to your physical body structures, but also to your emotional and mental natures. The psychology of the Seven Rays is thus an ideal mechanism for esoteric students in counselling their subjects in what we now term the Ray Analysis.
Lords of the Seven Rays tells the stories of seven masters who reached for and accomplished the goal of self-transcendence on each of the seven paths, or ""rays,"" of spiritual growth. The seven rainbow rays of spiritual light correspond to the seven major energy centers, or chakras, in the body. Each ray has a unique color frequency and quality, and each one represents a different path to self-mastery. In this profound and meaningful work, you will enter vignettes of the lives of these seven masters—some taken from forgotten ages on legendary continents and civilizations. By exploring their unique paths to spiritual mastery, you will find invaluable keys for your own life’s journey.