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In this book, Alan Berger further develops the new theory of reference—as formulated by Kripke and Putnam—applying it in novel ways to many philosophical problems concerning reference and existence. Berger argues that his notion of anaphoric background condition and anaphoric links within a linguistic community are crucial not only to a theory of reference, but to the analysis of these problems as well. The book is organized in three parts. In part I, Berger distinguishes between two styles of rigid designation. Based on this distinction, he develops a theory of reference change for rigid designator terms and shows how this distinction sheds light on identity statements. In part II, he offers an account of belief attribution containing vacuous names within the belief context, of intentional identity statements, and of true negative existential statements. In part III, he analyzes anaphoric expressions (i.e., expressions whose reference is determined in part by other clauses or sentences in a given discourse) and presents a formalization of anaphora and plural quantification.
Imogen Dickie develops an account of aboutness-fixing for thoughts about ordinary objects, and of reference-fixing for the singular terms we use to express them. Extant discussions of this topic tread a weary path through descriptivist proposals, causalist alternatives, and attempts to combine the most attractive elements of each. The account developed here is a new beginning. It starts with two basic principles. The first connects aboutness and truth: a belief is about the object upon whose properties its truth or falsity depends. The second connects truth and justification: justification is truth conducive; in general and allowing exceptions, a subject whose beliefs are justified will be unlucky if they are not true, and not merely lucky if they are. These principles--one connecting aboutness and truth; the other truth and justification--combine to yield a third principle connecting aboutness and justification: a body of beliefs is about the object upon which its associated means of justification converges; the object whose properties a subject justifying beliefs in this way will be unlucky to get wrong and not merely luck to get right. The first part of the book proves a precise version of this principle. Its remaining chapters use the principle to explain how the relations to objects that enable us to think about them--perceptual attention; understanding of proper names; grasp of descriptions--do their aboutness-fixing and thought-enabling work. The book includes discussions of the nature of singular thought and the relation between thought and consciousness.
Many philosophers assume that to be a responsible agent is to be an apt target of responses like blame and praise. But what do these responses consist of, precisely? And do they really belong together, simply negative and positive symmetrical counterparts of each other? While there has been a lot of philosophical work on the nature of blame over the past 15 years--yielding multiple conflicting theories--there has been little on the nature of praise. Indeed, those few who have investigated praise--including both philosophers and psychologists--have concluded that it is quite different in some respects than blame, and that the two in fact may not be symmetrical counterparts at all. In this book, David Shoemaker offers the first detailed deep-dive into the complicated nature of blame and praise, teasing out their many varieties while defending a general symmetry between them. The book provides a thorough normative grounding for the many types and modes of blame and praise, albeit one that never appeals to desert or the metaphysics of free will. The volume draws from moral philosophy, moral psychology, the philosophy and psychology of humor, the psychology of personality disorders, and experimental economics. The many original contributions in the book include: the presentation and defense of a new functionalist theory of the entire interpersonal blame and praise system; the revelation of a heretofore unrecognized kind of blame; a discussion of how the capacities and impairments of narcissists tell an important story about the symmetrical structure of the blame/praise system; an investigation into the blame/praise emotions and their aptness conditions; an exploration into the key differences between other-blame and self-blame; and an argument drawn from economic games for why desert is unnecessary to render apt the ways in which blame sometimes sanctions.
A clear and concise manual on how to run a quality control testing laboratory efficiently and in compliance. Hundreds of tips and techniques help the reader focus on the essential elements of good laboratory management. This book includes thirty-nine useful SOPs that have evolved from the author's years of practical experience. Fifteen case studies describe typical laboratory problems and offer solutions to them. From how to train analysts, to how to lay out the laboratory, to how to assure that samples are processed in a systematic manner, Managing the Analytical Laboratory: Plain and Simple covers it all. Features
Richard Gaskin presents a work in the philosophy of language. He analyses what is distinctive about sentences and the propositions they express—what marks them off from mere lists of words and mere aggregates of word-meanings respectively. Since he identifies the world with all the true and false propositions, his account of the unity of the proposition has significant implications for our understanding of the nature of reality. He argues that the unity of the proposition is constituted by a certain infinitistic structure known in the tradition as 'Bradley's regress'. Usually, Bradley's regress has been regarded as vicious, but Gaskin argues that it is the metaphysical ground of the propositional unity, and gives us an important insight into the fundamental make-up of the world.
An exploration of the Evolutionary City by simulating the challenges of urban growth, decline, and vitality.
The rhetoric of 'needs' has been used to legitimate all major turns in UK health policy since 1936. This study identifies the ethical, policy and technical issues arising from the concept of needs. In the first part a theory of needs is developed, which takes into account both the philosophical traditions and the practical problems arising in daily health care. In a second part, health systems throughout the world are described and compared, addressing ethical as well as economical questions. Its interdisciplinary approach will make The Need for Healthcare important reading not only for those interested in or employed in the health care sector but also for students of philosophy.
Your house is flooded by 'unseasonal' heavy rain. What do you learn from this experience? Do you shrug your shoulders and call your insurer? Or do you choose to learn about climate change, switch to renewable energy and lobby politicians? In this insightful book, John Blewitt explores the possibilities for developing a sustainable society through 'lifelong learning' - that is, learning that happens in everyday environments and activities as diverse as shopping, community, 'edutainment,' information and communication technology, the Internet, broadcasting, people's experience of place and space green building, social networks and consumer culture.
A man’s worth is valuable but the sad thing is a lot of them don’t even know it. As women we are looking for the Prophet, Priest and King to be in our life for the rest of our lives. So as a woman this book is dedicated to you also to show my support and let you know that I believe in you. A Man’s Worth is not just about the man but it is also about the woman behind the man. A man’s support system may consist of relatives and friends. Such as his mother, wife, daughter, sister, female cousin, aunt, niece and a really good girl friend. This will enable him to realize who he is as a man in the eyes of the women who love him. As for woman, we need to know that our men understand their worth as men, so that they can be everything Gods called them to be.