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The author examines recent developments in parapsychological research and explains their implications for physicists
"Mr. Koestler's main concern is with demonstrating that, contrary to what one might expect- namely, that...paranormal events are most disturbing because they seem to break what most of us think are the laws of the real world- it is precisely modern physics that offers a "rapprochement" between the real world and parapsychology, even if the rapprochement is "negative in the sense that the unthinkable phenomena of ESP appear somewhat less preposterous in the light of the unthinkable propositions of physics." As Mr. Koestler so lucidly and wittily demonstrates, modern physics depicts a world of noncausational paradoxes- a wonderland of Heisenbergian Principles of Uncertainty, of mysterious elementary particles, of psi-fields, anti-electrons, multi-dimensionality, and time running forward and backward. And unlike Newton's clockwork universe, this new world is not at all uncongenial to the dice-shooter convinced that he has a "hot" hand or the sensitive who insists that his dreams are premonitory" -- by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, New York Times, August 11, 1972.
Ever wonder what the odds are of being struck by lightning? Or winning the lottery? Or meeting someone from Timbuktu with the same middle name as you? BEYOND COINCIDENCE recounts and analyzes over 200 amazing stories of synchronicity, the likes of: Laura Buxton, age ten, releases a balloon from her back yard. It lands 140 miles away in the backyard of another Laura Buxton, also age ten. Two sisters in Alabama decide, independently, to visit the other. En route, their identical jeeps collide and both sisters are killed. A British cavalry officer was fighting in the last year of World War One when he was knocked off his horse by a flash of lightning. He was paralyzed from the waist down. The man moved to Vancouver, Canada where, six years later, while fishing in a river, lightning struck him again, paralyzing his right side. Two years later, he was sufficiently recovered to take walks in a local park when, in 1930, lightning sought him out again, this time permanently paralyzing him. He died soon after. Four years later, lightning destroyed his tomb.
What would we find, if over a period of time, we paid careful attention to the coincidences in our lives? What would clusters of coincidental events reveal? Susan M. Watkins examines, from the inside out, coincidences in her life and discovers powerful insights into the workings of the conscious mind, into the concepts of time and space, past and future. Her examples vividly illustrate how the process of examining personal coincidences enriches our experiences and opens up a vast psychological landscape that otherwise tends to go unnoticed and certainly under utilized.
“What a Coincidence!” is a collection of life stories, some of which are the author’s own and others that were shared with him. Some are coincidences. Others are simple experiences that shaped those who lived them. Some come in the form of letters written and others in the form of letters received. It’s these stories that we all tell each other that define us. People we meet will infer as much about us by the tales we tell, as they do from our appearance, our occupation, or our family. From a mysterious college roommate to a unique marriage proposal; whether it be one of several out-of-the-ordinary job interviews, or the challenges of child-rearing; there are stories of determination, self-confidence, and sheer luck. You may shake your head for different reasons as you read about the aftermath of a traffic accident or the shenanigans of university life. The stories of “What a Coincidence!” are sure to bring a chuckle or two along the way, but also an appreciation for its heart-warming tone for others. It encourages everyone to reflect on their own experiences; to discover the connections between their stories, the evolution of their own personality, and their path in life.
Like 75% of American women, Ronnie Citron-Fink colored her hair. Yet as an environmental journalist, she knew all those unpronounceable chemical names on the back of the hair dye box were far from safe. So Ronnie decided to ditch the dye and go in search of answers. What are the risks of hair dye? Are there safer alternatives? Will I still feel like me when I have gray hair? True Roots follows her journey from dark dyes to a silver crown of glory, from fear of aging to embracing natural beauty. Along the way, women of all ages can learn to protect themselves from dangerous products and discover a new hair story--one built on individuality, health, and truth.
"When we are alert to the coincidences in our lives, we experience them more frequently - and they take on greater significance. And once we recognize synchronicities as meaningful, they open us to new information, new possibilities. We suddenly find that we're in the right place at the right time, meet the right people at the right moment, and our lives are changed for the better." --From the Introduction There are signs everywhere, pointing the way to a better life, if you know how to read them. Signs are the stuff that synchronicity is made of - harness the power of synchronicity, and you can transform your life. In this groundbreaking book, bestselling authors Trish and Rob MacGregor reveal the seven secrets that allow you to recognize synchronicity when it happens - and make the most of it. You'll learn to interpret the meaning of the signs you encounter every day, and use such tools as the tarot, I-Ching, and astrology to understand your past, inform your present, and guide your future. Synchronicity - your key to making magic in your own life! In The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, you'll see why there really is no such thing as coincidence - and how your life can be the better for it. Synchronicity is the universal language of transformation - and its secrets reveal how you can live a life rich in fulfillment and meaning and wonder. With this enlightening guide, you'll learn to read the signs all around you and transform your world - one amazing synchronicity at a time!
Nice guys always finish last, and Coby Epstein is sick and tired of being last. After his boyfriend dumps him, Coby vows to take it slow and not jump into another relationship, no matter what his ninety-five-year-old great aunt says. When Coby sees his ex has moved on, he goes on a series of disastrous first dates and swears off men, determined to be alone. His best friend disagrees and finds the “perfect man” for him online and arranges a date. The only problem? Coby has no idea what she’s done. Since childhood, Eli Kaplan has been his father’s greatest disappointment, a fact he’s reminded of at every opportunity. For years, he’s struggled with the knowledge that dating women doesn’t work for him. A late-night confession to his brother changes everything and Eli realizes, maybe, just maybe, he can come out, find himself, and find love. Eli takes the plunge and creates a profile on a dating website, not knowing what to expect. One night he chats with an intriguing man, and despite his nervousness, they arrange to meet for coffee. No big deal. They’ll probably never see each other again. On the day of their first date, nothing could surprise Coby and Eli more than to discover that they live in the same apartment building, on the same floor. In a city of eight million people, coincidences don’t get crazier than that. But as the two men begin to weave their lives together with cautious optimism and hope for a future, they find an even greater thread holding their families together—one born from the ashes of a final solution that couldn’t destroy their ancestors’ courage, leaving scars that remain almost a century later. Past lives torn apart can be pieced together by a future no one could have ever imagined, where love is more than fate or coincidence. It’s meant to be.
This book is about the influence of coincidence and serendipity on genealogical research, the chance combination of events over which the researcher has no control but which nevertheless guides him to a fortuitous discovery.
"Tells the story of Guy, Emily, & Eric, whose job is creating coincidences and initiating various events in other people's lives ... They are responsible for organizing random encounters between lovers-to-be, creating moments of inspiration that help people make life changing decisions or 'building' coincidences that cause important scientific discoveries. But when Guy gets a new special mission, that mission, along with a mysterious killer who appears in town and other hidden forces that he is not aware of, are going to change everything"--