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Sensory Guidance of Movement Chairman: Mitchell Glickstein, 1998 In the past few years there has been an increasing recognition of the multiplicity of sensory and motor areas of the cerebral cortex. However, still relatively little is known about the way in which sensory areas are functionally linked to motor areas. On the basis of current anatomical evidence, there are three major pathways involved in this linking. One of these routes is by way of cortico-cortical links, beginning in the primary sensory areas of the cortex, and connecting via a series of synaptic relays to motor or premotor areas. There are also two massive subcortical routes. One of these involves the basal ganglia, the other the cerebellum. This book focuses on current research on the structure and functions of these three pathways and their role in the sensory guidance of movement. Motor psychophysicists have made progress in characterizing the nature of movements such as reaching and grasping, and how such movements are modified by incoming sensory information. Anatomical studies have revealed important new information about the ways in which sensory information is relayed to the basal ganglia and cerebellum. There is now a volume of scanning evidence about the activity of brain areas in humans and recordings from individual neurons in animals during sensory guided movement. This book summarizes much of this recent knowledge and provides a forum for suggesting new avenues for further study. The topics covered also have important implications for understanding the role of these pathways in human disease.
Sensory Guidance of Movement Chairman: Mitchell Glickstein, 1998 In the past few years there has been an increasing recognition of the multiplicity of sensory and motor areas of the cerebral cortex. However, still relatively little is known about the way in which sensory areas are functionally linked to motor areas. On the basis of current anatomical evidence, there are three major pathways involved in this linking. One of these routes is by way of cortico-cortical links, beginning in the primary sensory areas of the cortex, and connecting via a series of synaptic relays to motor or premotor areas. There are also two massive subcortical routes. One of these involves the basal ganglia, the other the cerebellum. This book focuses on current research on the structure and functions of these three pathways and their role in the sensory guidance of movement. Motor psychophysicists have made progress in characterizing the nature of movements such as reaching and grasping, and how such movements are modified by incoming sensory information. Anatomical studies have revealed important new information about the ways in which sensory information is relayed to the basal ganglia and cerebellum. There is now a volume of scanning evidence about the activity of brain areas in humans and recordings from individual neurons in animals during sensory guided movement. This book summarizes much of this recent knowledge and provides a forum for suggesting new avenues for further study. The topics covered also have important implications for understanding the role of these pathways in human disease.
Volume 5 of Cerebral Cortex completes the sequence of three volumes on the individual functional areas of the cerebral cortex by covering the somatosensory and motor areas. However, the chapters on these areas lead naturally to a series of others on patterns of connectivity in the cortex, intracortical and subcortical, so that the volume as a whole achieves a much broader viewpoint. The individual chapters on the sensory-motor areas reflect the considerable diversity of interest within the field, for each of the authors has given his or her chapter a different emphasis, reflecting in part topical interest and in part the body of data resulting from work in a particular species. In considering the functional organization of the somatosensory cortex, Robert Dykes and Andre Ruest have chosen to concentrate on the nature of the mapping process and its significance. Harold Burton, in his chapter on the somatosensory fields buried in the sylvian fissure, shows how critical is an understanding of this mapping process in the functional subdivision of the cortex. A frequently overlooked subdivision of the cortex, the vestibular region, is given the emphasis it deserves in a chapter by John Fredrickson and Allan Rubin. The further functional subdivisions that occur within the first somatosensory area are given an anatom ical basis in the review by Edward Jones of connectivity in the primate sensory motor cortex.
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Abstract: The ability to catch a ball involves a complex interplay between the premotor and motor cortices. The premotor cortex (PMC) generates a plan for the movement, taking into account the estimated trajectory and speed of the ball, while the primary motor cortex (M1) executes the movements required to intercept it. This intricate coordination between different cortical regions is crucial to successfully catch the ball. Similarly, when we walk on an uneven surface, the premotor areas are constantly monitoring our surroundings and generating a plan for the next step, while the primary motor cortex adjusts the respective muscles to maintain balance and avoid falling. This integration of sensory information and motor output is critical to the ability to navigate the environment around animals, and highlights the fundamental role of premotor and motor interaction in motor behavior. The brain is a complex network of neural circuits where information is processed and transformed to generate behavior. The development of the neocortex in mammals marked a significant milestone in brain evolution, as it plays a crucial role in mediating complex behaviors such as decision-making, sensation, and movement control (Harris and Shepherd, 2015). Understanding the organization of neural circuits and how they shape behavior is crucial for comprehending brain function. Neurons receive inputs from multiple sources and integrate them to produce outputs that are transmitted to other neurons or effector organs. The connectivity between neurons plays a crucial part in the flow of information within the neural circuit and ultimately the behavior of the animal (Kiritani et al., 2012). Here I looked into the communication between PMC and M1 in rats with the aim of looking at the interaction between motor areas in goal-directed behavior (Alyahyay et al., 2023). The work in this thesis provides mechanistic insights into the interactions between the cortical areas controlling the forelimb in rats, namely the rostral forelimb area (RFA) and the caudal forelimb area (CFA). Specifically, I provide evidence for a differential impact of RFA on CFA depending on the task period and the targeted CFA layers. RFA contained at least two spatially intermingled subpopulations - one related to movement preparation and one to movement execution. Both subpopulations project to CFA. Here I investigated the impact of these two subpopulations on the activity of the local circuit in CFA as well as on the behavior in different contexts. When rats were not involved in a task, RFA input was mainly excitatory in the deep CFA viii layers, while the superficial layers remained unaffected. This can be interpreted as a non-selective activation of the deep CFA neurons enabling a variety of spontaneous movements. In a preparation-movement task, the RFA had an opposite impact during the preparation period on the superficial and deep layers: while the superficial CFA layers were excited by RFA input, the deeper layers were mostly inhibited, minimizing movements and enabling continued holding of a lever. During the movement period, the inhibitory effect on neurons in the deep CFA layers was counterbalanced by excitation, thus enabling selective conduction of movements. With an electron microcopy (EM) approach, I demonstrated that inhibitory and excitatory CFA neurons are directly targeted by RFA, thus providing a mechanism for the control of CFA activity by RFA
The Common Marmoset in Captivity and Biomedical Research is the first text dedicated exclusively to this species,filling an urgent need for an encyclopedic compilation of the existing information. Sponsored by the AmericanCollege of Laboratory Animal Medicine as part of its authoritative Blue Book series, the book covers the biology,management, diseases, and clinical and research applications of this important species. The common marmoset(Callithrix jacchus) has come of age in the scientific community as a behaviorally complex, cognitively advanced,small, prolific, and easily maintained nonhuman primate with many of the advantages of larger animals, such asmacaques, but without the attendant physical and zoonotic risks. Marmosets are currently being used in diverse areas of inquiry, including vision and auditory research, infectious disease, cognitive neuroscience, behavior, reproductive biology, toxicology and drug development, and aging. Themarmoset genome has been sequenced and there is currently an intensive effort to apply gene editing technologies to the species. The creation of transgenic marmosets will provide researchers with a small nonhuman primatemodel to study a number of poorly understood disorders, like autism. Presents a complete view of the marmoset, covering their biology and management, diseases and clinical applications, and research applications Includes contributions from renowned and international authors and editors Provides the first authoritative and comprehensive treatment of marmosets in biomedical research as part of the ACLAM Series
Comprises the proceedings of a symposium held at the Ciba Foundation, London, February 1987. Addresses main issues and new techniques in the study of motor areas of the cerebral cortex in humans and animals. Reviews the historical development of the study of cortical structure and function, examines anatomical connections of motor areas, and surveys physiological studies of cortical areas in conscious primates. Also considers the effects of cortical lesions, and discusses clinical and experimental results on disorders of motor control.