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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Tourismus - Sonstiges, Note: 1,3, International School of Management, Standort München, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1.VORBEMERKUNG 2. DEFINITIONEN 3. DER VERKEHRSFLUGHAFEN 3.1 Funktionen eines Flughafens 3.2 Attraktivitätskriterien eines Flughafens 4. WIRTSCHAFTSFAKTOR FLUGHAFEN 4.1 Wirtschaftliche Eckdaten 4.1.1 Die Quellen der Erlöse 4.1.2 Die Kostenfaktoren 4.2 Primärflughäfen in Deutschland 4.2.1 Flughafen München 4.2.2 Flughafen Frankfurt 4.3 Die wirtschaftliche Relevanz für Region und Land 4.3.1 Direkte Effekte 4.3.2 Indirekte Effekte 4.3.3 Induzierte Effekte 4.3.4 Katalytische Effekte 5. AUSBLICK Das Image von Flughäfen war schon mal besser. Als sie nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Voraussetzung für die Luftbrücke der Amerikaner nach Berlin waren, waren sie Symbol für das Überleben und den unbeugsamen Willen einer Stadt, sich nicht von einem übermächtigen Gegner in die Knie zwingen zu lassen. Dann waren sie das Tor „zur großen weiten Welt“, das nur für wenige Privilegierte offenstand. Das deutsche Tor zur Welt und Dreh und Angelpunkt des internationalen Transfers war zu jener Zeit Frankfurt, genauer der Rhein – Main - Flughafen. 400.000 Passagiere wurden dort 1952 abgefertigt und mit einer, aus heutiger Sicht eher überschaubaren Flotte mit zwei Zwischenstopps über den Atlantik geflogen. Im Laufe der folgenden Jahrzehnte und im Zuge eines kontinuierlichen Wirtschaftswachstums gewann ein neuer Begriff immer mehr an Bedeutung: Mobilität. Zu Wasser, zu Land – und vor allem in der Luft. Fliegen wurde erschwinglich, Luftfracht wurde zum geflügelten Wort, Treibstoff schien unbegrenzt vorhanden zu sein und der notwendige Aus – oder Neubau von Flughäfen stand außer Frage. 2011 wurden allein im Rhein-Main-Flughafen 56,4 Millionen Passagiere abgefertigt, von den anderen Airports Deutschlands gar nicht zu reden. Aber die Zeiten haben sich gewandelt: Mehr als en halbes Jahrhundert nach der ersten Euphorie hat sich das Bild in der Öffentlichkeit vom Flughafen als „etwas Besonderem“ geändert. Ökologische Aspekte werden zunehmend wichtig und heftige Kämpfe und neue Startbahnen sind an der Tagesordnung. Es gibt kaum ein Thema, das zum einen so polarisiert und zum anderen ökonomisch für die Region eine solch Bedeutung hat. Der Münchener Franz-Josef-Strauß -Flughafen ist dafür das jüngste Beispiel. Der Bau einer neuen Startbahn war einen Bürgerentscheid wert und dass dieser abschlägig beschieden wurde, bedeutet nicht, dass in der Sache das letzte Wort gesprochen ist...
This tour d'horizon book reviews airport regulation and competition in different regions of the world and contrasts different policy perspectives. Organized in four parts, the first three examine, in turn, Australasia, North America, and Europe, while the last section looks at the institutional reforms that have taken place in these regions. The book covers the regulation of airports, and competition in different regions, as well as privatization policy, the interaction between airports and airlines, and regional economic impacts. It also examines the linkages between governance structures and forms of regulation. The book's global sweep embraces all the large aviation markets, bringing together the ideas and challenges of academic economists, airlines, airport managers, consultants and government regulators. As well as looking at different methods, degrees and paradigms of regulation it also spells out the stress-points, in a way that makes essential reading for airport operators, airline operations staff, as well as academic economists concerned with transport studies. It also offers interesting reading and important lessons for those concerned with regulation of the utility industries such as, telecommunications, water and power generation and distribution - where infrastructure can be subject to natural monopoly characteristics and where firms competing in downstream markets are dependent on the investment and operational strategies of the upstream infrastructure operator.
This title was first published in 2001. This is a study of liberalization in the aviation industry, especially bilateral agreements. It looks at intra-country impacts of air service agreements, and quantifies the impact on the northern German region. The authors assess the potential impact of air transport liberalization for the German economy and travelers and how its outcomes would impact Hamburg Airport and the Hamburg economy. The study focuses on: a comprehensive review of institutional and regulatory environment affecting international air travel; the economic implications of changing the rules governing international travel; and the policy and airport strategy considerations that arise because of these changes.
Background p. 4 -- Summary p. 5 -- Airports as national and regional economic motors p. 11 -- Airports vital to regional accessibility and social development p. 25 -- The direct and measurable impact of airport activities p. 30 -- Airports driving tourism development p. 41 -- Air transport in a modern society p. 46 -- The implications of limiting airport capacity p. 51 -- Conclusions p. 56 -- Appendices.
Seminar paper from the year 2013 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,0, University of Applied Sciences Wildau (Institute of Technology), language: English, abstract: The air transport industry is despite all challenges a continuously growing sector. The World Bank publishes registered airlines departures every year: In 2012 3.3 times more planes departed than in 1975 and still 1.4 times more than in the year 2000. It is out of question that this rapid increase of aircraft movements of today more than 30 million per year (table 1) had and will have effects on the surrounding areas of airports. ICAO even predicts the number to rise up to 50 million by the year 2030 with many new airport facilities needed. In Germany the "Frankfurt Startbahn West 18" construction in the 1980's was one of the most negative experiences with protests against airport extensions. Up to 120,000 people were demonstrating for more than 10 years. Two police men were shot and seven injured on one demonstration in 1987 after the runway was already operating for three years. This tragic event but also the ongoing protests around the world show the need of improving airport expansion strategies and interaction with the society. This paper will therefore illustrate the positive and negative impacts of airport operations on the society. Further, using the example of Frankfurt Airport, the social responsibility of an airport will be described and possible solutions and opportunities to reduce conflicts will be brought up. Thereby sustainability of airports includes fields like economic profitability, operational safety, environmental responses to air operation impacts and the regional society. Social responsibility can be defined as "the obligation of an organization's management towards the welfare and interests of the society in which it operates."
Scientific Study from the year 2015 in the subject Business economics - Economic Policy, grade: 1.3, University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main (Fachbereich Wirtschaft & Recht), language: English, abstract: State aid is an eligible instrument to support the local industrial and commercial development. While prohibited on the one hand, exemptions exist, which allow within tight constraints the support by the states. With the new guidelines on state aid, competition within the airport industry is less influenced by the governments and market disruption reduced. The regional airports, being supported by the state to a high extent, are challenged to reshape their business models in order to remain sustainable for the future. The pressure is high as the many regional airports within Germany are challenging themselves as well as larger and also smaller airports at the same time. Selected approaches with sustainable character are shown in this paper along with a brief overview on the situation of the regional airports within Germany along with the new guidelines.
Today airports are increasingly becoming full transport junctions. The location of their networks provides strategic benefits, which makes them possible to attract a wide range of economic activities, therefore to operate as new development poles. Nowadays it is widely accepted that the airports of Europe have considerable economic and social impacts on the surrounding regions. These impacts reach much deeper than the direct impacts an airport has on the environment of its operation, since the availability of air services are advantageous both for the regional business interests and for the consumers. Air transport means a fundamental infrastructural background, which facilitates the economic growth of the regions; furthermore, the global accessibility is one of the key factors of being successful in terms of the settlement of business activities and for every region in Europe. The primary aim of the study is the theoretical review of the impacts of airports on economy. In addition, the study makes an attempt to review and analyse the international benchmark examples developed for the analysis of the economic impacts of airports. Based on the international literature, the methods and procedures are identified which are theoretically suitable for the economic impact study of airports. Afterwards, the procedures are selected of which the methodological clarity is suitable to found the empirical study of the impacts of an optional airport on the local economy.
Seminar paper from the year 2014 in the subject Business economics - Supply, Production, Logistics, grade: 1,3, University of Applied Sciences Wildau, course: Aviation Management Master, language: English, abstract: The air transport industry is despite all challenges a continuously growing sector. The World Bank publishes registered airlines departures every year: In 2012 3.3 times more planes departed than in 1975 and still 1.4 times more than in the year 2000. It is out of question that this rapid increase of aircraft movements of today more than 30 million per year had and will have effects on the surrounding areas of airports. ICAO even predicts the number to rise up to 50 million by the year 2030 with many new airport facilities needed. In Germany the "Frankfurt Startbahn West 18" construction in the 1980's was one of the most negative experiences with two shot protesters.This tragic event but also the ongoing protests around the world show the need of improving airport expansion strategies and interaction with the society. This paper will therefore illustrate the positive and negative impacts of airport operations on the society. Further, using the example of Frankfurt Airport and its pro and contra initiatives, the social responsibility of an airport will be described and possible solutions and opportunities to reduce conflicts will be brought up. Thereby sustainability of airports includes fields like economic profitability, operational safety, environmental responses to air operation impacts and the regional society.Social responsibility can be defined as "the obligation of an organization's management towards the welfare and interests of the society in which it operates."
Thesis (M.A.) from the year 2009 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,3, Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences, language: English, abstract: Therefore the FIRST chapter in this paper is going to have a look at the developments of the international airline industry in Europe. Here we are going to have a look at the historical development. It is going to be described in detail how the deregulation and liberalization in Europe happened, and what changes have been put in place. The liberalization packages are going to be described in detail, and the outcomes of the liberalisation and deregulation are going to be stated. In chapter THREE, the LCC’s are going to be introduced. Here we are going to have a quick introduction on what ‘NO-Frill’ means in the context of air travel. Further the development of LCC’s in Europe is going to be shown. After that there is going to be a focus on the development of LCC’s in Germany. Here the airlines which operate in Germany are going to be stated, and how they have developed over the years. Chapter FOUR is going to focus on the marketing strategy of LCC’s in Europe, and how they operate. This chapter focuses on how they operate, how they choose their network and fleet. Also important is to find out what their target market is, and how they manage their sales and pricing strategy. This chapter gives a detailed explanation on how such airlines function. After having had a look at the LCC’s strategy, Chapter FIVE focuses on the effects such airlines have on secondary airports. Also this chapter describes what regional effects such an airport has on its surrounding. In Chapter SIX the Airport Frankfurt Hahn stands in the centre of discussion. This chapter describes the several development stages of Frankfurt Hahn in terms of terminal or runway extension, and passenger development. Also this chapter analyses the catchment area of Frankfurt Hahn, and its infrastructure. After having introduced the Airport Frankfurt Hahn in detail, Chapter SEVEN focuses on the regional effects of the airport. Here the development of the industry based at Frankfurt Hahn is going to be in the centre of discussion, and how they impact the development of employment. Also the region around the airport is going to be introduced, and how they are favoured positively by the airport. Finally in the chapter the impact on the tourism industry of the area is going to be discussed. Chapter EIGHT will show the results of Chapter SEVEN in numbers. Chapter NINE will combine all the findings, and will show the conclusions of the paper.