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The Courage to Be introduced issues of theology and culture to a general readership. The book examines ontic, moral, and spiritual anxieties across history and in modernity. The author defines courage as the self-affirmation of one's being in spite of a threat of nonbeing. He relates courage to anxiety, anxiety being the threat of non-being and the courage to be what we use to combat that threat. Tillich outlines three types of anxiety and thus three ways to display the courage to be. Tillich writes that the ultimate source of the courage to be is the "God above God," which transcends the theistic idea of God and is the content of absolute faith (defined as "the accepting of the acceptance without somebody or something that accepts").
An expansive, yet succinct, analysis of the Philosophy of Religion – from metaphysics through theology. Organized into two sections, the text first examines truths concerning what is possible and what is necessary. These chapters lay the foundation for the book’s second part – the search for a metaphysical framework that permits the possibility of an ultimate explanation that is correct and complete. A cutting-edge scholarly work which engages with the traditional metaphysician’s quest for a true ultimate explanation of the most general features of the world we inhabit Develops an original view concerning the epistemology and metaphysics of modality, or truths concerning what is possible or necessary Applies this framework to a re-examination of the cosmological argument for theism Defends a novel version of the Leibnizian cosmological argument
Buy on sale at for $15.95 If you are interested in transcendental Enlightenment (in Sahaja Samadhi, Satori, or Nirvana), in Awakening to Nondual Self of Wisdom and Compassion (in the co-enacted worldspace of Nondual Spirit-as-Sprit Consciousness Realization) then you'll be interested in this book entitled Uncreated Timeless Self of Radiant Emptiness - Onliness Consciousness and Commentaries by Martin Treon, Ph. D. Available at for $15.95. This new book, which includes and integrates pre-modern, modern, and post-modern insights, is not about any particular established religious tradition or sect, is not about a "new age" superstition-based idea or trend, and is not about an ego-based "self awareness" or "self-improvement" program. Rather, it deals with transformational Realization of that transcendent Self that You always, already are, which is All and None, Each and Every, Here and Now. Order it online at or ($15.95 at this site),,,,,,,,,, ($19.99), or email: [email protected], or call Xlibris at 1-888-795-4274. This book is written for individuals interested in transformational transcendent spiritual development, insight and understanding. Part II of this book also includes 64 Tao of Onliness I Ching commentaries, one for each of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. These are intended for use by individuals for Tao of Onliness I Ching consultation. Following are excerpts from this book that characterize its content and perspective: "From Onliness perspective, I Ching consultation is an early-stage form of quiet and solitary meditation-contemplation. Enacted in this way, it can be a means of viewing and better understanding your own intuitive Awareness and Experience. There is nothing ́magical ́ about it; it is not a ́fortune-teller ́ game (i.e., I Ching can not tell you what will happen in the future, but sometimes suggests what potentially, under certain circumstances, could or may happen at some future time). Approached in a peaceful, non-attached, unbiased and open state of mind, I Ching consultation can help you to see into the deeper nature of your own Consciousness." "Tao of Onliness conception is primarily rooted in Mahayana Buddhism (especially Zen Buddhism) and Taoism, with substantial contribution to its formulation and structure based on consultation of the I Ching. However, Onliness also attempts to honor and include expressions of the mystical and transcendental Wisdom and Compassion from all of the widely recognized major spiritual-religious traditions of the world." "Onliness Consciousness concerns the Self of no-self, this Being that is all beings. . . There is here no claim that Onliness theory and perspective is in any sense absolute, ultimate, eternal or universal in any pre-given sense. The co-constructed worldspace realm-waves of consciousness discussed in Onliness are developmental and evolutionary in nature, not pre-created, pre-given, pre-designed or pre-ordained. Rather, Onliness claims that the co-created and co-enacted unfolding of these realm-waves of Spirit ́s transcendent Self-remembering Consciousness emerge and evolve over vast periods of time, gradually establishing themselves as patterned realm-wave stages (worldspaces of consciousness); pathways or "trails" so to speak." "In Onliness, the underlying central message is the same one that was expressed 2,500 years ago by Shakyamuni Buddha upon his Realization of Enlightenment under the Bodhi tree: ́Marvelous! Marvelous! All beings are already fully enlightened! It is only because of their delusion that they don ́t realize this. ́ (Mitchell, 1991). It is a message that is essentially the same as has been variously expressed by many other Sages from different mystical spiritual traditions up to the present day. It is the message of Self-as
Le traite intitule L'Allogene (litteralement d'une autre race, etranger) est une apocalypse qui raconte la montee dans l'au-dela d'un personnage denomme Allogene et les revelations qu'il y recoit de la part d'etres divins. Ce traite appartient a un courant qui a du se developper apres 220 de notre ere (puisqu'il est inconnu d'Irenee et d'Hippolyte), probablement en Occident. Vers 300, Porphyre, dans sa Vie de Plotin, declare que le philosophe s'en prit a certains gnostiques qui produisaient des apocalypses de Zoroastre, de Zostrien, de Nicothee, d'Allogene, de Messos et d'autres figures du meme genre (16). La plupart des specialistes pensent que les traites Allogene et Zostrien retrouves a Nag Hammadi (NH XI, 3 et VIII, 1) doivent etre identifies aux revelations mentionnees par Porphyre. L'Allogene appartient a un ensemble d'ecrits, designes sous l'appellation de traites platonisants sethiens, qui comprend outre les deux traites connus de Porphyre, les Trois Steles de Seth (NH VII, 5) et Marsanes (NH X). Ces quatre traites partagent une metaphysique et une ontologie caracteristiques de Plotin et des neoplatoniciens tardifs, ainsi que de certaines sources medioplatoniciennes. Les particularites linguistiques et les nombreuses difficultes que presente le texte copte de L'Allogene indiquent qu'il s'agit tres certainement d'un ouvrage originellement compose en grec et dont le vocabulaire metaphysique d'une grande technicite a du representer un defi de taille pour ses traducteurs coptes. L'original grec a vraisemblablement ete compose quelque part en Mediterranee orientale, peut-etre a Alexandrie, vers 240, pour ensuite aboutir a Rome au milieu du IIe siecle, ou il fut lu et refute dans l'ecole de Plotin. C'est dire son importance pour l'histoire du gnosticisme et pour celle du platonisme. Le present volume offre une introduction au traite, un texte copte nouvellement etabli, une traduction francaise et un index verborum.
In a new approach to philosophical anthropology, Bruno Latour offers answers to questions raised in We Have Never Been Modern: If not modern, what have we been, and what values should we inherit? An Inquiry into Modes of Existence offers a new basis for diplomatic encounters with other societies at a time of ecological crisis.
A new, definitive translation of Heidegger's most important work.
Metaphysics: The Fundamentals presents readers with a systematic, comprehensive introductory overview of modern analytic metaphysics. Presents an accessible, up-to-date and broad-ranging survey of one of the most dynamic and often daunting sub-fields in contemporary philosophy Introduces readers to the seminal works of contemporary and historic philosophers, including Descartes, Leibniz, Russell, David Lewis, Alvin Plantinga, Kit Fine, Peter van Inwagen, John Hawthorne and many others Explores key questions while identifying important assumptions, axioms, and methodological principles Addresses topics in ontology, modality, causality, and universals; as well as issues surrounding material composition, persistence, space, and time
WITH A BRAND NEW LOOK! ON FEBRUARY 22, 1980, KHORSHED AND RUMI BHAVNAGRI’S WORLD WAS SHATTERED. ONE MONTH LATER, A NEW ONE OPENED. Khorshed and Rumi Bhavnagri lost their sons, Vispi and Ratoo, in a tragic car crash. With both their sons gone, the couple felt they would not survive for long. They had lost all faith in God until a miraculous message from the Spirit World gave them hope and sent them on an incredible journey.
Being Inclined is the first book in English about the work of Felix Ravaisson, France's most influential philosopher in the second half of the nineteenth century. Sinclair offers a study of Ravaisson's masterpiece Of Habit (1838) in its intellectual context, and demonstrates its continued importance for contemporary thought.